Monday, May 27, 2024

Israel's Fighting A Non-Existent Country Known For It's NO NO No's That Others Praise

 Nadene Goldfoot                                         

                                                        Palestinian Rage Against Israel

                                                 Lebanon's Hezbollah Terrorists

What do you think of countries who praise a state that has committed the most vile of atrocities on Israel

and commends it by rewarding them statehood status among others?  

Since 1967, Hamas has had the opportunity to become a state of worth and admiration by Israel, but they belched up their three No's;  no to recognizing Israel as a legitimate state that was born again in 1948,  No to peace with her, no to any plans of sharing the land.  Instead, they've intended to wipe Israel off the face of the earth;  people included.

They came to Palestine, a land named by the ancient Romans who took the Philistines-worst enemy of Israel-as people to honor and follow and also called themselves the Palestinians-a name companion of the Philistines-along with the Jews living there who were also called Palestinians.  

They came looking for jobs, hoping  to  be hired by the Jews who were building, like creating Tel Aviv.

Arab Palestinians and Jews do not share the same culture.  Jews are praising life and looking forward to living long lives. L' Chaim (to life) is our wish.   Palestinian Arabs look forward to a different religion where 73 virgins reward men dying in battle. As the battles have grown between them, we see people protecting Hamas soldiers with the bodies of live citizens who are in mosques, schools, etc.  

Can such a people live next door to each other?

Now it's my turn to say NO! No! No!

It's been tried with Gaza.  Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians and what did they do with it?  Shoot Israelis from the land.

The rest of the world behave like sheep without a brain to think with.  There never been a statehood/country/state called Palestine.  There has only been the land of Israel renamed by the Romans as Palestine.  The last people owning the land was the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).  They lost it in the gamble of fighting on the side of Germany in World War I to England and the other Allies.  This group of people calling themselves judges of world behavior have no common sense, no thought of right or wrong in battle;  only appeasing the Arabs because of their potential wares they control like oil.  d

There has never been a country named Palestine;  only land previously called Israel.  

All other countries usually fought against another established country.

  No shortage of Arab countries in this world..  Arab Palestinians came from other Arab lands.  

Hitting Tel Aviv called for teaching terrorists a lesson.  

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