
Friday, July 31, 2020


Nadene Goldfoot
Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett
Michael Drosnin wrote 3 books about the Bible Code created by Israeli Rabbi Eliyahu Rips.  In the 3rd book, he relates finding the prediction that Barack Obama would become president and so sent him a  2nd letter on May 28, 2008 telling him about it through his friend, Oprah Winfrey.  Obama won on November 4, 2008.  That was a good 6 months of waiting to find out that it came true.  His first letter to Obama was given to friend Valerie Jarrett on March 2008 but due to events, was unable to do it. Obama then knew of this prediction before it happened for at least 8 months .   
Michael Drosnin
Like most of us, Drosnin was thinking about the upcoming election back before Christmas 20007 and he search for the winner in the Bible Code of his computer.  9 Democrats were in the race then.  Obama was named and all Drosnin knew was that he was a young black man, but he could hardly believe it as he didn't think America was ready for a Black president then.  Drosnin called Rips and told him what he had found.  
  He also told Obama in his letter that there were 3 facts he had found.  
1. He would win and become President.
2. He might be assassinated but that can be a prevented danger.
3. You as President can prevent a certain nuclear terror attack.

The code to Drosnin was very clear.  The matrix predicted OBAMA WILL BE ELECTED and that was crossed by PROPHET but also predicted something else.  HE WAS ASSASSINATED.  
Drosnin went back to the Bible Code to check on the assassination and this time worked with Rips and they found that Obama's victory  and the danger were encoded many times, each time against odds of at least a million to one.  It's intentional, Rips told him.  It would not appear repeatedly by chance.  BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT, ASSASSIN, IN CAPITAL and DEATH appeared this one time his full name came up.  Under his name was the word, death.  
Dr. Eliyahu Rips in Israel, working with 2 computers. 
After this came true, Rips said they should pay attention to the 2nd prediction because they were intertwined.  In to view came up the words TIME OF MURDER that crossed with OBAMA and BLACK PRESIDENT, just as OBAMA WILL BE ELECTED appeared with HE WAS ASSASSINATED.  Almost every time the code said Obama would be elected or be president, it also said he might be killed.  

Another screen shot of the code showed B. OBAMA IS PRESIDENT and was crossed in the same matrix by IN RETURN, HE WAS ASSASSINATED.  Drosnin wrote to Obama and told him that "We, using our free will, determine what actually happens.  Everything the code states is a probability."  He figured that Obama would be saved.  Obama won his party's presidential nomination after defeating Senator Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primaries. With Republican President George W. Bush term-limited, Senator John McCain of Arizona won the Republican nomination in the 2008 Republican primaries. Obama won the general election with 52.9 percent of the popular vote and 365 of the 538 electoral votesHis assassination, if there was to be one, was averted.  It's quite possible one could have happened but he had secret service people protecting him from the time he ran for president onwards.  

The 9/11 September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.  The attacks resulted in 2,977 fatalities, over 25,000 injuries, and substantial long-term health consequences, in addition to at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage.[6][7] 9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively. 

George Walker Bush became president in 2001, replacing Bill Clinton who was president till the end of that year.  Drosnin states that he told George W. Bush a month before 9/11 of the danger and warned him again a month later of an even worse catastrophe possible with "Last time we lost 2 tall buildings and 1,000 people.  Next time we may lose an entire city."  That too, is predicted in the code. (Book 3, page 29).  Bush had also ignored a top secret CIA report he received the same day entitled, "Osama bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S. Mainland." 

He wrote to President Bill Clinton in October 2005, hoping that he, though out of office, could do what Bush in office would not.  Clinton would not intervene, either.  What Drosnin was warning about was the Bible Code warning "AMERICA" encoded with "ATOMIC" and "NUCLEAR" and "TERROR" twice and also with SUICIDE BOMBER." The warning of a nuclear terror attack on America is repeated again and again in the Bible Code.  After 9/11 they believed Drosnin but no one did anything. 

According to leaked diplomatic documents, Al-Qaeda can produce radiological weapons, after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build "dirty bombs".

Fortunately, there is no convincing evidence that any terrorist group has yet gotten the nuclear material or the expertise needed to make a bomb (though we cannot know what capabilities they may have succeeded in keeping secret).

 In 2005 Al Qaeda bombed the London subway, killing 52 people and wounding more than 700. Encoded were the words Subway, train, bombs, July 2005 and in a 2nd matrix was found subway crossed by terror and London.  "Because you went to war" was found in the original words of the Bible right below July 2005.  page 65.  

Dr. Rips, the mathematician who created the Bible Code, used the GULF WAR as an example in explanation as to how the code works.  "We asked the computer to search for Saddam Hussein.  Then we looked for related words to see if they came together in a way that was mathematically significant.  With the Gulf War, we found SCUDS with RUSSIAN MISSILES, and the date the war would begin encoded with the name HUSSEIN.  The words formed a crossword puzzle.  Consistently, the Bible code brings together interlocking words that reveal related information.  Related words cross vertically, horizontally and diagonally.  

In all their experiments, crossword puzzles were found only in the Bible.  They were not found in WAR AND PEACE or any other book, and not in ten million computer-generated test cases. Assassination and nuclear attack were predicted but averted, so they can be seen to happen but prevented by us.  I would conclude that the Bible Codes can be true but prevented if there is time, and only if found by skilled scholars.  The proof is if they come true.  It's a future decision.  

Bible Code III Saving the World by Michael Drosnin
The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin (#1)

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