
Thursday, July 30, 2020

PART 4: Findings of Bible Code and Moshiach in 5781 with Corroboration From Other Rabbis-Prophecy for 2021

Nadene Goldfoot                                         
Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson 
In this blog, Rabbi Glazerson has found the Bible Code
telling of the coming of the Moshiach which hasn't happened yet but is to
arrive next year, 2021, perhaps around Yom Kippur. Other rabbis
are also predicting this but through the Torah without a Bible Code.
They have their own methods of understanding.  Some were sure the Moshiach would arrive last
year.  Rabbi Badani explains:  THIS IS EXACTLY THE GEMATRIA OF ‘ובביאת משיח’ (AND IN THE COMING OF MOSHIACH.)” 

Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson is involved in teaching in a Kollel, and lecturing at various institutions, like Neve Yerushalayim, Ma'ayonot Yerushalayim, and Kol B'Rama. He is instrumental in paving a new way toward the instillment of Jewish values. 

He heard other rabbis talking about prophecies spoken about by other rabbis of the Moshiach's arrival due in 5781 which is our coming year of 2021.  This is pretty earth-shaking news.  To think that we are now living in what has always been the future to us, "when the Moshiach comes..."  It's now?  Since Rabbi Glazerson has The Bible Code in his computer, he turned to it to find answers to corroborate what he was hearing about.  

"The words “BERLAND E’ are on the far left of the screen, next to the two mentions of MESSIAH’ – presumably references to Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David. Then, ‘YEARS OF REDEMPTION’ appears next to the date 5781 – as Rabbi Berland said six years ago, as the date which will conclude our current period of the ‘birthpangs’ leading up to the Geula beginning in earnest.
Next, the table states: “THE TRUTH IN 5776” – which is when Rabbi Berland first spoke of this process of geula, and explained:  that we had 6 years from 2015 to 2021 to prepare for this by the process called Teshuva, or making redemption as a people.  This year is one that many are even thinking about what could be happening or is happening and would have to process their minds to accept such a thought.  The countdown was given 6 years and now we are told it will happen next year; like we have been saying for 2,000 years, NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM.   
I see BERLAND E on the left corner which is the name of Rabbi Eliezer Berland who has been telling people that the Moshiach would come in 5781, using Daniel, most likely as this seems to be the place where prophecies are found and Daniel is often referred.   SON OF JESSE refers to King David, son of Jesse, and the Moshiach is to be a descendant of him. 
Over on the right of the screen, the table then talks about a third ‘Messiah’ – possibly in reference to a false messiah that will prevent the Jewish people from connecting to the real Moshiach ben Yosef / Moshiach ben David – before concluding with the word ‘teshuva’ – repentance.  Is this the 2nd time I see a smaller printed "David son of Jesse"?  If so, here is the question about translating what we see to what "G-d" meant to be understood. It could be that different rabbis would understand this anomaly in different ways.  Not bideeuk-not exactly the same.  I, not being a rabbi, thought at first this meant the son of the moshiach or grandson.                           

"Rabbi Eliezer Berland predicted the messiah for last year in April, and is an Israeli Orthodox Jewish rabbi affiliated with the Breslov Hasidic movement in Israel. He is "rosh yeshiva" of Yeshivat Shuvu Bonim in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The movement is seen by some as a sect.Beland is a rabbi of controversy.   He was accused of rape and admitted to it. On May 20, after months of collecting evidence and testimony, the special Beis din issued their final conclusive ruling. The Beis Din described the content of the testimonies that they had heard as “untoward acts” and “very serious behaviors,” and they concluded that, “It is clear that according to the opinion of our holy teachings, anyone who violates the three cardinal sins and their derivatives, someone who values his soul must stay away from him [the violator] and one is obligated to act in this way.” 

"The ruling also contained a paragraph warning that this is a serious issue since defenders of Berland have excused his behavior, even publishing books, claiming it is permitted for a Tzaddik to perform a sins. The ruling continued, "These matters are to considered complete heresy in the fundamentals of our religion. We must uproot and remove this heresy from within us." 

This is not a good issue on his resume.  He is repenting.  I might add that Breslov is one of the most extreme Orthodox Hasidic groups that there are.  They are the strictest.  It's ironic that a rabbi from the most serious of all Jews and has committed a grave sin should be the one to proclaim without any aids such as the Bible Code that the Moshiach is arriving in 2021.  That's why I say that truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction!   
A super blue blood moon rises over an apartment block during a lunar eclipse in Ankara, Turkey, January 31, 2018.                    photo credit: UMIT BEKTAS / REUTERS)

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish was mentioned as another forerunner of  saying when the Moshiach was either coming or who he was.  Fish is another blogger, " and had suggested that the then upcoming "supermoon" was a warning sign to Jews in the USA as it was not visible in Israel. 

 He also said that the USA presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump may be Messiahs!  "On his blog, the rabbi suggests that Trump is the Messiah for the nation of Edom [Christians] whereas former president Barack Obama was a messiah to the nation of Ishmael [Muslims].  Well, that explains it, but I have a feeling that the majority of Christians and Muslims would also be shocked.  Nothing has ever been said about 3 Messiahs, even in the Bible Code.  

This was a shock, a bigger one than trying to comprehend the Messiah coming next year!  Especially Obama!  He's thought to have been the worst president for understanding and helping Israel that there has been.  As for Trump, I would think that according to the requirements for the Messiah, he would not be a descendant of King David.  More likely it could be Jared Kushner, his son in law who is an Orthodox Jew and friend of Netanyahu and of Israel, who is actively acting as an agent for Trump in dealing with the Palestinians in a peace arrangement.  But then he isn't an Israeli, and if I were selecting a Moshiach, would look there first since it is Israelis who are praying for the Moshiach the most. 

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, an expert in Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) gave a lesson this week in which he discussed how the Messiah was imminent. Rabbi Fish cited Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) rabbis of this generation, who began foretelling the arrival of the Messiah just a few years ago.

Rabbi Yosef Berger, of King David’s Tomb in Mount Zion, Jerusalem, believes the supernova explosion is evidence an ancient messianic prophecy is coming true. This Israeli rabbi has predicted the arrival of the Messiah, claiming the formation of a new star confirms a biblical prophecy by citing Rabbi from the 12th century that is very famous to this day, Rabbi Moses ben Maimon-AKA Maimonides, AKA the RAMBAM (b: 1135-d: 1204 from Cordova, Spain who made aliyah to Palestine)."'The Rambam brings this verse about a star appearing as proof that the Messiah will come one day,' Berger told the website. 

The following are the criteria for identifying the Moshiach, as written by Maimonides:
If we see a Jewish leader who (a) toils in the study of Torah and is meticulous about the observance of the mitzvot, (b) influences the Jews to follow the ways of the Torah and (c) wages the “battles of G‑d”—such a person is the “presumptive Moshiach.”

If the person succeeded in all these endeavors, and then rebuilds the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and facilitates the ingathering of the Jews to the Land of Israel—then we are certain that he is the Moshiach.
Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi in charge King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, revealed to Breaking Israel News a 600-year-old Jewish source stating that the Third Temple will be prepared by descendants of Edom as a “reparation” for destroying the Second Temple. Additional hints from esoteric sources indicate that US President Donald Trump has already begun this process. “It sounds illogical that the Third Jewish Temple will be built by non-Jews,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. [ 36 more words ]


Harav Yosef Berger Shlit"a, is Morah D'Asrah of Kehilas Kol Torah in Baltimore, MD. His Shiurim present a unique clarity in understanding and presenting the material, as well as an amazing grasp of how Halacha affects the various practical situations most commonly faced by those practicing Halacha. 

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation, made a shocking statement, claiming that the Messiah will precede the upcoming Israeli elections. Several rabbis noted that the writing is on the wall and the signs that the process leading up to the Messiah has already begun…for those who have the eyes to see it. 

Harav Kanievsky has made several statements that indicate he feels the coming of the Messiah is possibly imminent. In 2011, he interpreted Arab Spring uprisings as evidence that the Messiah might be near. In 2015, following the 2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack, he repeatedly referred to the imminent arrival of the Messiah and urged diaspora Jews to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel), reportedly resulting in the arrival of a substantial number of French Jews. In February 2020, shortly before the Israeli legislative elections, it was reported by one rabbi that HaRav Kanievsky had stated that the coming of the messiah was possibly imminent.
 Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky is an Israeli rabbi and posek. He is considered a leading authority in Haredi Jewish society. Currently, he lives in Bnei Brak, and receives thousands of visits every year from Jews seeking religious and Halachik advice. He is the official rabbi and spiritual guide for the non-profit organization Belev Echad, which was founded in Israel on 2011 and is dedicated to assist sick and disabled children and adults. 

Yehuda Shurpin of Chabad (Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is an Orthodox Jewish Hasidic movement. Chabad is one of the world's best-known Hasidic movements, particularly for its outreach activities. It is one of the largest Hasidic groups and Jewish religious organizations in the world)  
tells his viewpoint.  " I became convinced that the data is too complex and ambiguous, and its analysis involves too many judgment calls, to allow reaching meaningful scientific conclusions . ." .
…We come finally to the bottom line: A priori, the thesis of the codes research seems wildly improbable. Though the original work of Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg, and that of Gans, established a prima facie case for the existence of the codes, this case was undermined by the work of the “opponents.” Research conducted under my own supervision failed to confirm the existence of the codes—though it also did not establish their non-existence. So I must return to my a priori estimate, that the codes phenomenon is improbable.”The particular codes that have been discovered through computer analysis can neither be proven nor disproven. The question then remains: is there a traditional Jewish view on the idea of codes existing hidden within the Bible?"
He goes on to say: "So yes, there is encrypted information in the Bible. However, notwithstanding the fact that there are all sorts of hints and codes hidden within the Bible, the actual art of extracting these hints and codes is not to be taken lightly. As the critics point out, with enough ingenuity anyone can find all sorts of predictions within the Bible."
"In conclusion, while it is true that deeper meanings can be found in the Bible using various methods of extrapolation, including certain kinds of codes, it should be kept in mind that just because one has chanced upon a code, it does not mean that that code is of any import. For without authentic knowledge of the deeper secrets of the Bible and its rules of extrapolation, not only are any conclusions reached mere speculation, but they may at times be the opposite of what the Torah is trying to tell us. Therefore, it is best if the process of finding codes within the Bible is left to those who are knowledgeable of these rules and the deeper secrets of the Bible."


1 comment:

  1. no leader of any country today not even trump is the messiah i can promise you that. first there will be a false one that comes. and that is trump as you can see. these things must happen first before true redemption comes.
