
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Possible Messiahs To Appear 2021

Nadene Goldfoot
Aaron, brother of Moses
b:abt 1400 BCE

Our Messiah has to have the resume that fits all the requirements for one.  The first thing is to be a Cohen; descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses who was the priest.  From Aaron come men with J1 (Y haplotype), and most possibly a J-M267.  A J1 also includes many Muslims as well, not surprisingly, for Abram himself was the father of Ishmael who is traditionally father of the Arab people.  Our Messiah may or may not carry the surname of Cohen, however.  One needs a special DNA test.  For example, one of my family members has a different surname, but knew from his father that they were Cohens.  They served in the synagogue as Cohens, and late in life after taking a DNA test, found out that he was indeed a Cohen as the test proved.  
Benjamin Netanyahu in 1967, at age 18

Benjamin Netanyahu was born in Tel Aviv 21st of October 1949-raised in Jerusalem and Philadelphia area
His mother was  Tzila (Cilia) Segal (1912–2000) who had been born in Petah Tikva in the Ottoman Empire's Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and a Warsaw-born father, Prof. Benzion Netanyahu (1910–2012).  He discovered via a DNA test that he is, in part, of Sephardi Jewish ancestry. "We are from a Lithuanian family who were descendants of the Vilna Gaon, and have Spanish roots." He was initially raised and educated in Jerusalem. He had changed his surname from Mileikowsky. His father was a rabbi. So Netanyahu is the
grandson of a rabbi and has both Sephardi and Ashkenazi genes, plus is
related to the very famous Gaon of Vilna.  It was his brother, Ido, who took

the test.  They've known their heritage since about 2016. 
Rabbi Nathan Milikovsky Netanyahu
Update: Rabbi Nathan Milikovsky (1879-1935) a noted activist in Khovevei Tzion, the pre-political Zionist movement, was the paternal grandfather of Benyamin Netanyahu.  Nathan was born in the small Lithuanian village of Krevo to Tzvi Milikovsky, who claimed descent from the Gaon of Vilna, as in recorded by Tidhar: 186.  Benyamin's father has discussed this with author Chaim Freedman recalling  hearing his father state this and was a descendant.  Tzvi and his wife settled in Eretz Yisrael, but their tombstone inscriptions in Jerusalem did not assist in proving this with the Hebrew inscription.  

PM Benyamin Netanyahu in 2018, at 69
Another requirement is to be a leader who has done many things for his people.  Netanyahu comes to my mind first.  Benjamin Netanyahu is an Israeli politician serving as Prime Minister of Israel since 2009, and previously from 1996 to 1999. Netanyahu is also the Chairman of the Likud – National Liberal Movement.  He is the best speaker I have ever heard with the right tone, beat, quality of voice, vocabulary, timing, and has the most pertinent things to say on a subject.  He speaks English with a vocabulary better than most Americans as well as Hebrew fluently. 

 He's been Prime Minister of Israel since 31st March, 2009 and is the first Sabra to become a Prime Minister.   Since December 2016, Netanyahu has been under investigation for corruption by Israeli police and prosecutors. On 21 November 2019, he was indicted on charges of breach of trust, bribery and fraud. Due to the indictment, Netanyahu is legally required to relinquish all of his ministry posts other than the prime minister position. He must spend time in the courtroom as well as at the Knesset while fighting COVID 19 which has hit so hard in Israel.  Rioters are outside his home demonstrating about all this.  "The Black Flags, one of the three main groups demonstrating against Netanyahu, signed a permit which would allow protesters to march through the city center at 10:00 p.m." This is not an easy time for him, nor has he ever been in an easy position.  
Netanyahu and Obama
Netanyahu saw in Obama's 1st term as president in 2009 problems as the US president called for "daylight" between the USA and Israel and he pledged to isolate Israel diplomatically. This continues with the Democrats and Biden, as Biden has said he will undo everything that Trump has done for Israel.  Fact check shows Obama replying in 2009: " "Look at the past eight years," Obama said, according to the Post. "During those eight years, there was no space between us and Israel, and what did we get from that? When there is no daylight, Israel just sits on the sidelines, and that erodes our credibility with the Arab states."  Obama seemingly didn't change.  On his last day in office he would not aid Israel by voting for her in the UN.

Netanyahu realized Israel could not depend on the USA only so set about to strengthen relationships all over the world which he did with China, India, Japan, and Russia who is so important being they are in Syria and are supporting Iranians who want to destroy Israel.  He has been working with the anti-Semitic eastern European countries, South America, Africa and Asia, along with the Arab world.                                                         
Gaon of Vilna
Netanyahu is possibly on my genealogy tree, which is his mother's maiden name.   I have a Segal from Minnesota where she lived.  This is not surprising as we are an endogamous people, and I find I am related to many who also share my interest in our family history and have tested.  
Bibi's Philadelphia, Pennsylvania high school picture.
After graduating from high school in 1967, Netanyahu returned to Israel to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces. He trained as a combat soldier and served for five years in an elite special forces unit of the IDF, Sayeret Matkal. He took part in numerous cross-border assault raids during the 1967–70 War of Attrition, rising to become a team-leader in the unit. He was wounded in combat on multiple occasions. He was involved in many other missions, including the 1968 Israeli raid on Lebanon and the rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972, in which he was shot in the shoulder.

I'm connected through Segal who married a Goldfus, my grandfather's surname in Lithuania.  Benyamin Netanyahu is related from his father's side to the Gaon of Vilna (Elijah ben Solomon Zalman 1720-1797), a very famous Lithuanian rabbi, leader of the Mitnaggedim which were not followers of the new Hasidim Movement.  Such families usually marry into other rabbinical families, and many of them happen to be Cohens.  

Netanyahu has done so much for Israel, but now is facing political factions that are younger and not as captured by his aura as I am, so he is being sued for having accepted favors, etc, a terrible position to be in when thought of as a Messiah.  However, I think the scale of justice would find him quite acceptable.  
Aaron Cohen b: February 28, 1976
Even Special Forces take time for evening prayers
if so inclined

Cohen is a common Jewish surname as there are many descendants of Aaron, first Cohen.  There is an Aaron Cohen who was born  to a Jewish family in Montreal, Quebec. His parents divorced when he was young and the family moved to Miami, where his mother believed she could advance her career as a screenwriter and producer.    She remarried to film producer Abby Mann, moving with Aaron and his sister to Beverly Hills.  Although raised in a non-religious household, he decided to study for his Bar Mitzvah and obtaining his mother's permission, moved to live with his father in Montreal for a year. He then spent the next several years shuttling between California, Canada, and Florida.  For secondary school he attended the Robert Land Academy, a military academy in Canada, and graduated Beverly Hills High School in 1995.

After high school, Cohen left Los Angeles for Israel, working on a kibbutz before enlisting in the Israel Defense Forces. After passing the consolidation, a demanding screening process for elite unit candidates, Cohen was one of the few non-Sabra volunteers accepted. (A Sabra is a person born in Israel)  In the mid-1990s, he became a member of the undercover Duvdevan Unit (Hebrewדובדבן‎; lit. cherry) of the IDF Commando Brigade, performing counter-terror operations targeting suspects among the Palestinian Arab population in the West Bank.  Aaron Cohen also worked for the Mossad in their covert black operations during his time serving in the Israeli Special Forces.  He has stated his belief in Zionism and has said his family has a strong Jewish identity.

Today he is an Israeli-American writer, director, actor, author and former Duvdevan Special Forces soldier specializing in counter-terrorism and best known for his international bestselling memoir Brotherhood of Warriors.

This is an example of who I think could be considered as Moshiah. There are 14 
million Jews and many are Cohens, one of the prerequisites, the other, the Temple
being built that has not happened.    

Elihahu's Branches, The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and his family 
by Chaim Freedman
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

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