
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Need To Check Journalists' Backgrounds When Reading About Israel or USA Presidents

Nadene Goldfoot                     What did these two men have in common?                                                                                         
Mussolini and Hitler, fascists

Calling Trump such a name is calling our government from
George Washington till now- stupid.  We have checks and balances
against such a president.  Go back to your high school history
class.  Even I remember this lesson.  Right now as I defend
Trump, a segment of the Democrat Party is plotting to overthrow
him.  They are counting on impeachment. 

Only two U.S. Presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives. The first was Andrew Johnson, in 1868, for dismissing Edwin M. Stanton as secretary of war and the second was Bill Clinton, in 1998 for charges of lying under oath in regards to sexual relations with a White House intern. Both presidents were acquitted in trials that were held by the Senate because the two-thirds majority votes needed to convict them, were not reached. This meant both presidents remained in office and served the remainder of their terms.

The irony of this is that this desire to impeach Trump started when he won the election over Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill. 
With all the sports that Democrats must watch, they haven't learned about
or practice themselves, good sportsmanship.  Where's that, "Good try"
and a shake of hands?  Not in Politics, evidently.     
A Washington Post article about Israel was damning two days ago, and the Journalist is a PhD Jewish fellow old enough to be a grandfather.  Why is he like this, I asked myself.  Anti-Semitism is growing and is something we have fought forever.  I discovered that this man left the Republican party in 2016 due to what he described Donald Trump as, in his opinion, a fascist and he turned around and endorsed Hillary Clinton!  

Wikipedia's  article about him caught my eye. "XXXX was born in AthensGreece. His father, historian XXXX, who is Sterling Professor of Classics and History at Yale University and a specialist in the history of the Peloponnesian War, is of Lithuanian Jewish descent.  "  I understand from this language that he is not professing his Jewishness, so maybe his mother is not Jewish and he hasn't been raised as a Jew. At any rate, it did not bother to say he was Jewish as well.  

Webster dictionary definition: often capitalized a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality— J. W. AldridgeWe consider Mussolini of Italy and Hitler of Germany as the leading Fascists, not an American president who has never been involved in politics or government to be considered as such.                                                            
Obama speaking in Cairo, Egypt, apologizing for USA behavior
Up front at his request are Muslim Brotherhood men, who hate
Israel and Jews.  They were outlawed in Egypt but Obama insisted
they be there.  I'm afraid his speech didn't cause them to change
their attitude at all.  On his last day in office, Obama turned against

Israel and did not back them in the UN.  With that he showed his
true feelings.  

Why do I think Trump tries to raise this country's admiration for their own?  Our previous president, Obama, was always apologizing for the country's mistakes.  His opinion of this country was based on different experiences as a Black man with Muslim relatives.  One of the first things he did when in office was to go to Egypt and apologize for the USA. Was that because the USA has always been a big brother to Israel?   So Trump, being in the hotel business from building to running them, would have heard far more comments from people than I have about this since some of his family are also Jewish.  He seems to be determined to instill pride in the American citizen of their young country.  
USA and Israeli soldiers -friendly

We do have a history of good along with the bad of the periods we have gone through.  Whatever caused us to win the 2nd World War?  Pride in our country that caused everyone to put more effort into winning.  We have pride in our Wars of 1776 and 1812 as well. How about WWI?  If we hadn't joined the Allies, would they have won without us?  I don't think so.   We do have a remarkable history!  
Donald Trump on left; family
Trump attended an academy that developed such pride in a bright but ornery boy whose father hoped he would gain some better skills and attitude and that he certainly did.  It was just what the doctor had ordered.  The difference I see in the two presidents is that Obama was not for Israel and Trump has reason to be for Israel.  Obama was not a businessman and Trump is. 

 Obama is a smooth talker and Trump isn't.  They could not be more different if they tried.  Obama is a guarded speaker and Trump puts his foot in his mouth and loves to express himself anyway with tweets.  Obama put actions off and off until either they get done or are tabled.  Trump, being a businessman, works like the slave driver.  He is up early, goes to bed late and gets things done as soon as possible and seems to check them all off a list of THINGS TO GET DONE.  He's what we call a "workaholic."  But being a fascist?  Is being prideful about your country and teaching about it make a person a fascist?  That's going too far, especially when people were feeling the opposite about it.  

Robert Kagan, journalist, went too far in his 4 page spread article, 'Israel and Decline of the Liberal Order, "  which came out in the Washington Post just before Israel's elections of today-Tuesday.   Is he one of the many of Americans trying to sway Israelis to be against Netanyahu?  He inferred that there was a Palestine as a state before Israel was accepted by the UN in 1947 as a state, or even not acknowledging Israel's history of 3,000 and more years of having been there first.  He's certainly not making points with people like me with that outlook.  He's nit-picky with Israel about  working hard to change their enemies' attitudes about Israel and Jews,  and to be accepted in this middle-eastern neighborhood like making friends with Saudi Arabia.  Israel has so many reasons for this as the Saudis also have their reasons.  Is Israel to be damned if they do and damned if they don't?  He called Israel illiberal, meaning what?  Non liberals?  I wonder if he's ever been there. 

"Kagan overlooks key assistance that Israel provided to the U.S. during and since the Cold War, erroneously portraying Israel as a security burden on the U.S."  If there's a way to twist a fact, he tried.  

What you see is a mosque, a church, and the kotel (wall) which
is what is left of the 2nd Temple for the Jews
Jerusalem, Israel has many mosques and churches which
are throughout Israel.  

 Israel, such a tiny state, has every religion under the sun existing there in harmony with each other.  It's the Muslim youth who have been running around stabbing Jews who are the problem, not necessarily the religion.  It's who is running the religion, so to speak.  As a country, they are allowed.  It's not like Russia, where if one tried to learn about Judaism, they'd be thrown in prison.  It's not like England, who discriminated against Catholicism and only allowed Church of England to practice.  It's not like Church of England, who scared away the Pilgrims in the 1600s who fled to Holland to practice their ideas of religion, and Trump is not like the Henry VIII of England who discarded Catholicism in order to marry again and created the Church of England.  (evidently kings didn't have checks and balances).
Back in the olden days of typewriters instead of computers for writing
Antisemitic writers and their ugly comments about Israel exist and those writers who can take a situation and make ugly comments about the USA as well, even if it's as simple writing about a donation, as donating money for a good cause-somebody can write something vicious, making the giver wanting to commit suicide for doing so.  I believe it was a phase from Reed College in Portland, Oregon who taught their students to ask themselves, What's the source of your material?  They should have also included, what's in it for the writer?  Why is this his opinion?  What makes Robert Kagan write against Israel?  Josephus wasn't that bad about Israel, and he was writing for Roman eyes.  I know there are lots of Jews who are like this.  I call them self-hating Jews.  Trump is just finding this out.  We may be overly self-critical as we have so many critics, it's hard to find a friend!                                                   

Iran's former president, Ahmadinejad,  riding the rocket
aimed at Israel
2012 at UN:Netanyahu explains being 90% ready

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew his “red line” for Iran’s nuclear program on Thursday despite a U.S. refusal to set an ultimatum, saying Tehran will be on the brink of a nuclear weapon in less than a year.
Like listening to the prophets, most people ignored this warning.  We knew
that the goal of Iran was to wipe out Israel, though.

“US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton berated Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the powerful presentation of his case for confronting Iran with red lines instead of hitherto failed diplomacy and sanctions in his speech to the UN General Assembly Thursday, Sept. 27. This is reported by DEBKAfile’s Washington sources....Our sources report that Clinton made it clear that President Barack Obama would not tolerate the Israeli prime minister having a say in his Iran agenda. He remained committed to diplomacy regardless of Netanyahu’s warning that it was getting ‘late, very late’ to stop a nuclear Iran.”

The Fajr-5 is primarily used by the Iranian Army Ground Force to attack large, fixed, high-value targets, like airfields and military bases.[ In addition, the system is also used by anti-Israel militant and terrorist groups to target Israeli population centers. Finally, the system has a niche role in use by the IRGC-N as an unguided anti-ship rocket system for the Persian Gulf.
       Of course, Trump has changed Obama's Iran policy.  

Israelis themselves have written that they are not perfect and can take some negative comments, but not biased ones.  Come on.  Why expect so much more out of Israel than they do out of any other country?  That's been going on since it's birth in 1948 with the UN.  Double standards is how Israel has been treated with.  Could it be because they are a Jewish country and Jews have been the scapegoats of the world since Roman days?  


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