
Monday, September 16, 2019

The Jews of Portugal

Nadene Goldfoot
  Rome attacked here.  "The Roman invasion in the 3rd century BC lasted several centuries, and developed the Roman provinces of Lusitania in the south and Gallaecia in the north."

"In 711 an invasion by the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate, comprising Berbers from North Africa and Arabs from the Middle East plus other Muslims from all around the Islamic world, conquered the Visigoth Kingdom and founded the Islamic state of Al Andalus. The Umayyads reigned supreme and advanced through Iberia and France until the Battle of Tours (732) but endured across Iberia until the fall of the Kingdom of Granada (Spain) in 1492."

Portugal was recognized by the Pope, and then The Treaty of Windsor (1386) created an alliance between Portugal and England that remains in effect to this day.  Note that Jews were expelled from England from 1290 to 1655.  Jews were expelled from France in 1306, and even before the Spanish Inquisition's orders of expelling Jews in 1492, in 1355 there were 12,00 Jews massacred by the mob in Toledo, Spain.  

The story is well known about the Jews of Spain in 1492 being told to leave or convert to Christianity, and those that would not moved to Portugal.  What is not realized is that there were              

Jews already living in Portugal before the 13th century.  Jews had settled in the Portugal area while it was still under Arab rule, and when the Christian state was formed, there were communities in Lisbon, Beja, and Santarm.  We hadn't known about this until the 13th century.  How we learned about them was when there were riots in Lisbon in 1373 against Jews.  This happened in Portugal because it was also happening in Spain where there were waves of massacres engulfing Spain in 1391.  Luckily, Portugal did not copy that frenzy of death and destruction then.
The Jewish community was closely handled by Alfonso III (1248-79).  He had an elaborate code with the chief rabbi (Arrabi Mor) at its head.  

When Spain expulsed Jews from Spain in 1492 (when Columbus sailed the ocean blue) many Jews were allowed to enter Portugal but not for free.  They had to pay a poll tax, but many were then detained in the country and sold as slaves.  

Manuel I  (European Portuguese: [mɐnuˈɛɫ]; 31 May 1469 – 13 December 1521), the Fortunate (Port. o Afortunado), King of Portugal, was the son of Ferdinand, Duke of Viseu, by his wife, the Infanta Beatrice of Portugal. His name is associated with a period of Portuguese history distinguished by significant achievements both in political affairs and in the arts. In spite of Portugal's small size and population in comparison to the great European land powers of France, Italy and even Spain, the classical Portuguese Armada was the largest in the world at the time. During Manuel's reign Portugal was able to acquire an overseas empire of vast proportions, the first in world history to reach global dimensions. The landmark symbol of the period was the Portuguese discovery of Brazil and South America in April 1500.

Manoel I  ordered the expulsion of the Jews from his dominion in October 1496 in order to secure the hand of the Spanish Infanta.  Later, he changed his mind and had almost the entire Jewish community converted by force in 1497.  This is how they created a large body of MARRANOS (Anusim) in Portugal.  Marrano was a disparaging term used to describe those practicing Judaism secretly after undergoing baptism in order to remain in the country.  There are still such people living in Portugal, ancestors of Jews of 1497, who still have strong Jewish sympathies and remain numerous in northern Portugal.  A movement to rescue them started in 1925.  By 1938, a synagogue was built as their religious center in Oporto.  A large group was found in Belmonte. Today they call themselves ANUSIM- or those forced to convert , a Hebrew name.    Some have returned to Judaism.  Apart from the Marranos, the Jewish population of Portugal in 1990 was 300 families, mostly living in Lisbon.  

Philip II of Spain, through his mother Isabella of Portugal, also a grandson of Manuel I, claimed the Portuguese throne and did not recognize António as king of Portugal. The king appointed Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba, as captain general of his army.  The duke was 73 years old and ill at the time,   but Fernando mustered his forces, estimated at 20,000 men,  in Badajoz, and in June 1580 crossed the Spanish-Portuguese border and moved towards Lisbon, the capital.  

The Spanish Inquisition was introduced officially to Portugal by the 16th century.  Now, those who refused to do so had to flee to escape and they formed the PORTUGUESE SYNAGOGUES in London, Amsterdam, New York, the 16th and 17th centuries.  

At the close of the 18th century, Jews from Gibraltar and North Africa established themselves in Lisbon through freedom of worship and were permitted only after the Revolution of 1910.  

Ashkenazi immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe have arrived in recent years fleeing either before or after WWII.  There was also a small Jewish community for a time at Faro.  

There is a Walking Tour in Lisbon which  goes across two millenniums and ends in the 20th century, with the passage through Lisbon of 200.000 refugees on their way to America, many with visas issued by Aristides Sousa Mendes, thus managing to escape Nazi persecution.
Portugal was the first reserve for the Spanish Jews that only lasted for about 5 years for them.  Then life was made up of going from place to place, trying to find somewhere to live peacefully as Jews.  Today they have erased this pathetic name tagged onto them and go by a Hebrew name;  the Anusim.  

Resource: The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia-Book
facts about Israel, published by Division of Information, ministry for Foreign affairs, Jerusalem/for expulsion facts.

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