
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Is Zionism Nationalistic? Is Trump a "White Nationalist?"

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Nadene Goldfoot                               

In the 1100s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered about 350 in the world.  They had gone through a bottleneck.  These were the descendants of the Jews who survived the Jerusalem massacre of hundreds of thousands of Jews starved and slaughtered and taken as slaves by the Romans in 70 CE at the fall of the 2nd Temple.  Just read Josephus's description of it.  It was a horrid time.  

Those that were taken as slaves were first in Italy, then managed to get to France and Germany where RASHI was born in Troyes, France but studied in Germany.  From Crusaders going through Europe and slaughtering Jews on the way to the Holy Land to rescue their holdings from the encroaching Muslims till WWII and seeing 6 million of our people slaughtered by Hitler, we have finally survived long enough to see a miracle;  the establishment of Israel on May 14, 1948, our reserve for our Jewish people; Israel.  Our people and our religion has survived.

To get here with a need to maintain our way of life and thought, Zionism was born.  You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.  It's the movement to secure the Jewish return to the Land of Israel, a new term coined in 1893 by Nathan Birnbaum, an expression as old as that yearning of Babylonian Jews who wanted to return to Jerusalem after being kidnapped by Nebuchadnezzar from 597 BCE.                                                     
We have Israel which now has 6 million Jewish population, the very number we lost in the Holocaust.  It started in 1948 with the same number arriving with Moses from the Exodus in about 1445 BCE, 600,000.  20% of the population of 9,062,000 as of  July 2019  are Muslims who have full rights and serve in the government.  Yet this is a Jewish country and must remain so so as not to repeat history toward our minority religion.  All our surrounding neighbors live in Muslim countries.  They are mostly very negative towards us and have been at war with us.  They have not rescinded the sworn vow made in 1967 to never accept us.  We need to be Zionists and nationaltists about ourselves.  It's a matter of survival. If you're not proud of your accomplishments, how can you ever get people to defend you?  
Trump's Jewish side of the family 
Now President Trump of the USA is being attacked with the term, "a white nationalist."  He's called a nationalist because he has brought back pride in our country in a big  way.  He feels he needs to do this because pride was gone, and socialism was invading the thoughts of the people big-time.  Socialism is the step just below communism, which has been our big no no-the mirror image of our industrious nation.  He was brought up with pride; and even attended a military academy.  

"Trump attended The Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills, Queens until he was 13 years old. Then, after causing some trouble at The Kew-Forest School, his parents transferred him to the New York Military Academy. Trump excelled in academics and sports while at NYMA. He earned many academic honors, was a member of the varsity football team in 1962, the varsity soccer team in 1963, and the varsity baseball team from 1962-1964. He was also the Cadet Captin-S4 (Cadet Battalion Logistics Officer) and lead his school in the Memorial Day parade down Fifth Avenue in 1964.." Though he never went into the army, the army sort of went into him from his youthful cadet training."  

Trump is being attacked by those who think he's part of the KKK or whatever such people belong to because when on TV he took about 30 seconds to answer a question about a man who was a leader of such.  To me, as I sat watching this scene as it was happening,  the 1st thought he had was-garnering votes, and at that time all he thought of was collecting votes.  He has a daughter and son in law and grandchildren from this union who are Jewish, and he loves his daughter and family very much.  Do you really think he's going to go along with such white trash as the KKK?  Is that why there are many Blacks who work at supporting him?  This false supposition is replayed as gospel over and over on TV.  It's like saying about Jews that they have horns.  Where's the proof!  

And yet there are many good Jews and Christian Democrats who go right on calling him such terms and thinking so ill of him because that is all they hear on the TV news programs they watch, and G-d forbid if they ever dared to watch Fox News who doesn't.  One out of many.  

Jews have gone through such hatreds all their existence.  We're the scapegoats of the world.  People call us human blood eaters who put it in our matzos, accusing us of being murderers, hating us for not accepting Jesus as G-d's son, and hating us for it, something even Jesus wouldn't order to do.  People don't think rationally when it comes to coming against a brick wall.  

White Nationalist?  What's wrong with being white?  This country was established by white people in the Mayflower, and has remained as such by immigrants wanting to come.  It was also populated by Blacks and Orientals who were slaves in this county, yes, at a time we didn't have machinery.  It was a 
different age and time where Slavery existed everywhere.  Even Jews were slaves and had slaves at different periods-but had humane laws in our Torah about treating them!  That's something to be proud of.

Nationalist?  Why?  Why be proud of your country and announce it?  It's because Obama made such a deal out of apologizing for our errors as a country in it's dealings.  Remember, he went to Egypt-and had the Muslim Brotherhood in the front row seats favoring them when they were outlawed in Egypt!  If Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood had their way, the Muslim nations surrounding Israel would have had another 1967 War against Israel.  They all swore to do so at the end of the 1967 War.  

Obama "has already apologized for his country to nearly 3 billion people across Europe, the Muslim world, and the Americas.  At the core of his messages is the concept that the U.S. is a flawed nation that must seek redemption by apologizing for its past "sins.  there are many that feel that the Obama Administration's strategy of unconditional engagement with America's enemies combined with a relentless penchant for apology-making was a dangerous recipe for failure. The overall effect of this approach has been to weaken American power on the world stage rather than strengthen it."   So Trump is one of them and has been trying to bring pride back for our country to strengthen it.  

In practice, nationalism can be seen as positive or negative depending on context and individual outlook. Nationalism has been an important driver in independence movements, such as the Greek Revolution, the Irish Revolution, the Zionist movement that created modern Israel, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Conversely, radical nationalism combined with racial hatred was also a key factor in the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany. More recently, nationalism was an important driver of the controversial annexation of Crimea by Russia.

"Nationalism is an ideology and movement characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations, with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference (self-determination), that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity, and that the nation is the only rightful source of political power (popular sovereignty)."

This doesn't fit Trump's position at all.  He's guilty of being proud of the accomplishments of this nation.  He's not in a position as president of being threatened by another country's sovereignty, fighting to maintain governing the USA.  That fits exactly what happened to Judah when the Romans were occupying their country before they burned Jerusalem to the ground; when they were selecting the king and the high priests.  

When I started teaching in 1959 oh so long ago, we were nationalists and I was a white Jewish teacher in public school.  We said the salute to the flag every day at the start of our day.  We sang songs of each part of the service, the Army, Navy, Marines, etc.  We studied our country's history.  Oh, I had occasion to feel the barbs of anti-Semitism many times, just like Michelle must have felt them about being Black.  I still had reason to think this was a pretty great country.  I was so proud of my Jewish relatives who served in the the armed forces for this country and suffered with my mother when my own son was on the line to be called in and grateful when he wasn't.  "National symbols and flagsnational anthemsnational languagesnational myths and other symbols of national identity are highly important in nationalism."  
          It looks like Portland Public Schools provided nationalism to its 
                      students for many years.  How about that?  

It's a known fact that Obama's wife, Michelle, was not proud of this country.  Obama didn't even like to wear the American flag pin in his lapel.  So this Black president did not give off an aura of being proud of his country like others have done.  You have to be proud in order to protect and defend a country.  Obama said he'd show his patriotism by expressing his ideas.  He stopped wearing the flag pin in his lapel in the 2008 election period.  "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, D-Ill., said he will no longer wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for “true patriotism” since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
President Donald Trump-born June 14, 1946 in New York
"Donald Trump is known today as one of the leading businessmen in the United States. He is an author, television personality, businessman, and real estate developer. (He was not a politician, but he followed it).  How did Donald Trump rise to such successes? We at EDUinReview would like to take a minute and exam the education background of this multi-billionaire that is now the 2018 President of the United States.."  Of course, I'm also going to say that by the age of 6, his personality was already formed.  I'm an educator. 
Donald Trump, Fred C. Trump, Jr, Robert Trump, Elizabeth Trump, Maryanne Trump Barry,
 That was created by his parents and the way they accepted him in their family to be of 5 children.  That was aided and abetted by his genes that he inherited from both his parents.  There's a lot that goes into making each and every one of us.  All this is molded by our friends and how we feel with them."
Frederick Christ Trump (father), Mary Anne MacLeod (mother)
With the charge that Trump is a White Nationalist, one has to know is:  "There are various definitions of a "nation", however, which leads to different strands of nationalism
Ethnic nationalism defines the nation in terms of shared ethnicity, heritage and culture, 
Civic nationalism defines the nation in terms of shared citizenship, values and institutions, and is linked to constitutional patriotism
The adoption of national identity in terms of historical development has often been a response by influential groups unsatisfied with traditional identities due to mismatch between their defined social order and the experience of that social order by its members, resulting in an anomie (Anomie () is "the condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals". This evolves from conflict of belief systems and causes breakdown of social bonds between an individual and the community (both economic and primary socialization). that nationalists seek to resolve."
It's not important to me which nationalism Trump is so guilty of; what matters is how he sees himself and his relationship to this country.  I see him accomplishing much while the rest of the country grumbles and says he's destroying what was good.  I see the USA embassy in Jerusalem today.  We would have waited another 1,000 years for that to happen under another Democratic or Republican president like we have been doing for the past 70 years.  I see being taken advantage of in the UN finances and in trade finances  coming to an end, having now been challenged.  
1) He got conservative judge Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court.
2) The stock market is at an all-time high.
3) Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.
4) He created more than a million jobs by undoing Obama’s regulations.
5) Mortgage applications for new homes is  at a 7 year high.
6) Unemployment rate is at a 16 year low.
7) Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act.
8) Gutted 800 Obama era regulations thus freeing up companies to hire again and get the economy moving once again.
9) Ended the war on coal and caused a new mine for coal mining to open that will mine clean coal. He also put the miners back to work.
10) Weakened Dodd-Frank regulations.
11) Promotes buying and hiring American.
12) Investments from major businesses such as Foxconn, Ford ,Toyota, Intel amd others will build here now.
13) Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%.

14) Bids for the border wall are underway.
15) He’s fighting back against sanctuary cities.
16) Changed the rules of engagement against ISIS.
17) Drafted a plan to defeat ISIS.
18) Worked to reduce the cost of the F-35 fighter jets.
19) Imposed a five year lobbying plan.
20) Sanctioned Iran over its’ missile program.
21) Responded to Syria’s use of chemical weapons.
22) Reduced tax reform plan.
23) He’s renegotiating NAFTA.
24) He withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership thus keeping jobs here.
25) He pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords thus saving us millions of dollars every year.
26) Created a task force to reduce crime.
27) The DOJ is targeting dangerous gangs like MS-13.
28) Signed independence and economic growth law.
29) Signed an executive order to protect police officers and target drug cartels.
30) Signed an executive order for religious freedom.
31) His administration is working on sending education back to the states.
32) He’s fixing the dept. of Veterans affairs so now vets can choose their own doctors and be covered. This also protects whistle blowers and allows VA to terminate bad employees..
33) Authorized construction of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. The Dakota pipeline is up and running without harming the environment.
34) Created commissions on election fraud and opioid addiction.
35) Food stamp use is the lowest level in seven years.
36) Reduced the White House payroll saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
37) He’s donating his salary to various causes, one to military cemeteries for upkeep.
38) Signed 52 pieces of legislation.
39)  Cut 600 billion from UN peacekeeping mission.
40) Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years.

I know.  Some Democrats will now grumble with this list of  accomplishments saying these were
the things they are against.  Isn't that what happens in every election? 

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1 comment:

  1. "Zionism is the Jewish people's national liberation movement,


    I've been saying and writing this for years."
    from friend and cousin, Victor Sharpe
