
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Qualifications Not Met For a State of Palestine

Nadene Goldfoot                                               
Jewish Israeli Men 
The has never been a state of Palestine.  Such a state has been in the works and has just produced the many terrorists either calling themselves the PA (Palestine Authority-a work over of Yasser Arafat's PLO, and its division of Hamas, the worst of the terrorists who have been given Gaza to live.  Yet, the countries of the world have deemed it proper that regardless of expectations for a new state, they should be given statehood.  
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.
Back in the days of Mark Twain, a group of people including him, took a pleasure  cruise, the trip of a lifetime which included Palestine.  He wrote about it in detail in his book, "The Innocents Abroad."
Innocents perhaps as their expectations might not have been met-in fact he may have come face to face with disappointment.  It was advertised as AN EXCURSION TO THE HOLY LAND, EGYPT, THE CRIMEA, GREECE, AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS OF INTEREST.  He left from Brooklyn, New York about June 1,  1867.  They traveled by steamer that was able to hold 150 cabin passengers but planned on leaving at 3/4 capacity.  The ship was provided with all necessities including a library and musical instruments with a doctor on board.  

The steamer finally got to Joppa, Jerusalem, the River Jordan, the Sea of Tiberias, Nazareth, Bethany, Bethlehem and other points of interest in the Holy land where people could leave ship and visit..  Those who wanted a different route could make the journey from Beirut through the country and pass through Damascus, Galilee, Capernaum, Samaria and by the River Jordan and Sea of Tiberias, then rejoin the steamer.  

He eagerly awaited seeing an Arab.  In boyhood he longed to be an Arab of the desert and have a beautiful mare and call her Selim or Benjamin or Mohammed  and feed her with his own hands and let her come into the tent, etc, etc.  Then reality set in.  He said that those of his acquaintance have no love for their horses, no sentiment of pity for them, no knowledge of how to treat them or care for them.  The saddle blanket is never removed from their horses, gets full of dirt and hair and becomes soaked with sweat.  It breeds sores.  These Pirates never think of washing a horse's back.  they do not shelter the horses in the tents, either.  His sentimental thinking he felt was wasted upon the Selims of romance.   (p. 202-203 of his book).  

When entering the Galilee, and they visited there because it held the birthplace of their Savior, they saw "the country was infested with fierce Bedouins, whose sole happiness in life was to cut and stab and mangle and murder unoffending Christians.  Allah be with us"!, he wrote.  

He saw unpeopled deserts, rusty mounds of barrenness, the ruins of Capernaum, this stupid village of Tiberias slumbering under its 6 funereal plumes of palms, and so forth with some of his  best and most creative writing not found in TOM SAWYER.  

Palestine in 1867 was a dead and desolate landscape.  The Jews there, kept to themselves out of sight while the land was trodden over by roaming Bedouins, on horse or camel as if it were a hamburger spot on a trip from Oregon to Florida, not a place to live in.  It was desert and swamp with many mosquitoes and weeds.  The land was waiting for the Homies to return, the Jews who would bring it water and fertilizer and make it bloom again.  1880 was the moment of return, a response to too many pogroms in Russia that caused these people who had been praying for 2,000 years to be led back in a return.  Life outside their land had been impossible.                                 
Joan Peters
b: 1938 Chicago, d: January 5, 2015
Married to William A Caro and Stanley Kaplan

Joan Peters, later Caro, was the author of the best-selling, controversial, 1984 book From Time Immemorial, in which she argued that Palestinians are largely not indigenous to modern Israel and therefore do not have a claim to its territory. 
Naysayers about the book's findings were
Noam Chomsky and buddy Norman Finkelstein.  

This is how I still see Americans viewing the Palestinian Arabs, in a romantic way, but not in a real way.  For those that can read, all their history is in Joan Peter's book, FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL where she explains from actual papers showing they came in following the Russian Jewish immigration of the 1st Aliyah in 1880 and onward to Palestine.  There were a few who tried farming and owned land they couldn't do a thing with, so sold out to the immigrant Russian Jews who paid extremely  high prices for it but to whom this ugly land meant something.  Americans have a guilty conscience over their own Native Americans (Indians) and have made a comparison finding them the same, but it's like comparing apples to oranges.  They do not have the same history at all!  
King Saul's death
and David is the next king

Who does compare better are the returning Jews who were quite native to this soil, having lived here as a nation since King Saul in the 11th century BCE.   before 1000 BCE.  He was the 1st King of Israel, son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin.  Yes, we were tribal, too, like the Indians.  We also lived in tents.   There were 12 tribes, all from the 12 sons of Jacob.  That's over 3,000 years ago!                                               
Yitzak-Meir Levin
b: 1893-d: 1971

He was born in Góra Kalwaria on January 30, 1893 in Góra Kalwaria , Poland . He studies in a yeshiva and becomes Rabbi . In 1924, he became a member of Agoudat Israel , he is the representative of the Warsaw region and in 1929 he is Polish representative for the world. In 1937, he became a member of the presidency of the organization. From 1937 to 1939 he was a member of the Diet of the Republic of Poland .

He moved to Mandatory Palestine in 1940 and helped Polish victims of the Holocaust to immigrate to Palestine.
In 1948, he was among the signatories of the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel .
He was a member of the first David Ben Gurion government in 1948. He left the government in 1952 as a result of the incorporation of women into the army .  This may be Meir Levin, the author's father.  It's typical of what he wrote about, the Jews who came back to Palestine.  
Meyer Levin was born in 1905, died in 1981:
US novelist, retold Hasidic legends and wrote stories of Israel;
Lived in Israel: Prolific writer includes Compulsion, The Old Bunch, Citizens, Eva, Gore and Igor and his autobiography, In Search. 

Meyer Levin wrote a historic-based novel, THE SETTLERS, in 1972 about the Jews who first settled in Palestine in 1880 and follows them through history to WWI.  It's one of the best I've ever read.  He writes about the hardships of the first Jewish pioneers and the spasmodic tyranny of the Turkish overlords, etc.  These pioneers had it just as rough as our American pioneers.  

There were Jews in Palestine who had never left.  Their ancestors had remained, hidden more likely, as the Romans had a ban on Jews returning after they had dragged them out as slaves and took them to Rome.  They were to be killed if found.  It was not a safe proposition to try to return throughout the ages.  Many had tried and failed along the way.  

The UN set down conditions for the Palestinian Arabs to follow in order to gain statehood, and they have never been met.  (Any act undertaken to establish a Palestinian state will be insufficient to confer membership in the community of nations, even in the presence of a significant display of support for a state of Palestine. This will largely be due to the Palestinians’ inability to satisfy the Security Council that, once a state, it will abide by the principles of the United Nations Charter.  One of those conditions was to behave peacefully.  Even today, Israel has had to enter their bomb shelters as rockets rained down.  It has started up again after a short pause while they burned their fields and forests with burning kites.  How can they be allowed statehood when they act like the Nazis entering Poland?  The United States has consistently supported a two-state solution and encouraged the establishment of a Palestinian state, but only after negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians sufficiently indicate that Israel’s security would not be jeopardized by a neighboring state of Palestine.

The Knesset of Israel has 120 members.  About 21 of them have taken the brave step of writing our USA Congress to reconsider their position on Palestinian Statehood, which they continue from other Presidents to back.  They feel a legal statehood recognition from the USA is even worse that today's BDS movement, a movement to end Israel economically.  Recognition and all the pluses it includes with statehood would severely damage the national security of both Israel and the United States.  It's been bad enough for Israel that since its inception it has had to defend themselves against the attacks of these Arabs who care less about life like they treated their horses than taking over Israel.  

Like the dog who chases the bone, they wouldn't know what to do with it if, G-d forbid, they ever did TAKE Israel.  It would turn back into the weeds and swamps and desert that Jews found it in.  They haven't managed to take care of their people as the PA or Hamas well at all, spending all their given money on ammunition against Israel, not their people's needs. 
Kartoum Conference in 1967 and 3 NOs
No to Peace with Israel

Congress was very clever.  They just passed legislation taking a strong stance against the BDS movement that has been going on for years, now.  But, it also included language re-affirming America's commitment to a 2-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians.  I say, when peace-minded Arabs in Gaza can take over from Hamas and rule, then we can think about it.  When the PA (Palestine Authority) is actually peace-minded and all for making peace with Israel, wiping out the 1967 commitment they made in an African conference in Kartoum  with other Muslim Arabs, then we can think about it.  Until then, our people will pray and prepare to defend themselves.        

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that if the Arabs put down their weapons today there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons, there would be no more Israel.                                

Golda Meir was an Israeli teacher, kibbutznik, stateswoman, politician and the fourth Prime Minister of Israel

 As Gold Meir stated:  We will only have peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us:

There's no such thing as a PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.  It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country.  They didn't exist. 

We Jews have a secret weapon against our struggle with the Arabs.  We have nowhere else to go.  

 We have been forced to choose between what is more dangerous and what is less dangerous for us. At times we have all been tempted to give in to various pressures and to accept proposals that might guarantee us a little quiet for a few months, or maybe even for a few years, but that could only lead us eventually into even greater peril. 

Caesar  used a similar tactic on the Jews by giving them a lot and then expecting them to return the favors by assimilating and changing their religion.  Martin Luther (1483-1546) used the same methods on Jews, turning against them violently when they didn't comply.  First he had spoken favorably of the Jews and said they had been treated badly by the Catholic Church hoping Jews would accept his brand of Christianity.  He turned using  extreme virulence, applauding everything that could be done to persecute and humiliate them.  His anti-Jewish attitude helped to inspire later German anti-Semitism.  Sticking on that tag of a 2-state  solution was such a tag.  It's there to satisfy the American Democrats.  Notice, since the Clinton-Arafat confabs of the Oslo processes, it isn't working.  

We do not rejoice in victories. (Palestinians do).  Killing Jews is time for celebration with them.  They pass out candies to the children on these occasions.    We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown, when strawberries bloom in Israel.  

Resource: The Jewish Press, Friday, August 16, 2019, page 42, MKs to congress: Palestinian statehood far more dangerous then BDS.
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia  on international statehood

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