
Friday, September 20, 2019

Humanity's Gene for Competition: Israel's Election

Nadene Goldfoot
Competition in football, U of Oregon and Oregon State
Mankind has been competing with each other since Cain and Abel.  Kings have killed family members competing for power.  We are still doing it with our wars, and through elections in Democratic societies.  

Israel's April 9, 2019 election is a perfect example.  They stand alone, the smallest country in the world no bigger than the smallest state in the USA, yet they compete, man to man.  The 4 time winner as Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had won again for the 5th time being most popular and bringing on more security for his populace,  had won  and was told to form a governing coalition.  His party, Likud (center right) had 35 seats in the 120 seat Knesset. It's major competitor, the Blue and White Party, also had 35 seats but less votes than Likud.   35 + 35=70 seats.  That's one way to look at the election.
Knesset in Jerusalem
The other way is that overall, the center-right and right-wing parties won 55% of the vote.  The center left and left parties won 36%.  55 + 36=91% votes.  100%-91%=9%.  Nine percent of the votes left went to Arab parties that traditionally have refused to join any governing coalition.  Israel is a Jewish country created as a haven, a safe place to live in a world that hasn't accepted them.  It is the 2nd creation of Israel, land of Kings Saul, David and Solomon  who died in 920 BCE,  till 721 BCE and a creation of our hopes and dreams in that southern part of Israel which became Judah, the name of our Jewish religion which was verified and sanctified by Moses who lived from 1391-1271 BCE.  

Competition had harmed Israel back then with the Northern part of the State and the Southern part which caused the split of this tiny piece of land.  Then the Northern parts were attacked by the Assyrians who took most of them away, never to be seen or heard from again, up until now, that is.

We're finding out that they are turning up as the Pashtun people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, again, competitors with each other, even in their adopted religion, Islam.  

The Arab parties of Israel's 20% Arab population show where many of them stand towards Israel.                           
    There is not one Arab party that accepts Israel's right to exist.  

    Arab parties are so extreme that they cannot be considered for any                                        governing coalition.

1. There were Arab politicians newly elected only yesterday that have written odes to terrorist murderers on Facebook pages.  Is that what drew votes to them, I ask? 
2.  Arab lawmakers were elected that have met with terror kingpins.  That gives power to the terrorists. 
3. Arab lawmakers routinely support the Palestinian war against Israel and express support for Hamas terrorism.    

"The irony is that one of the leaders of an Arab party who actually hates Jews calls Israel a racist and Apartheid state, yet he is a free rich Arab who has a seat in the Knesset while trash talking us everyday, spewing Jew hatred non-stop and has the full right to vote as much as us racist Apartheid inducing right wing & left wing Jews do.."..from a frustrated Jewish Israeli.  
Druze in IDF

There is a Muslim group who are unique, keeping to themselves, who were the
first to insist on being a part of the IDF.  Israel gave Muslims a break by not
expecting them to belong and fight other Muslims.  They are as nationalistic
as any Jew.  I personally met one young lady in Portland, on a tour with another
male Jewish Israeli, and was very impressed with her.  At the time, I just wished
other Jewish Portlanders had half the zeal that she did for Israel.  

It is not racist for Israelis NOT to want Hamas supporters and champions of terrorist murderers in the Israeli government ----or receiving security briefings from the military and intelligence services.  It is rational.
Benyamin Netanyahu
Benny Gantz

The competitor of PM Benyamin Netanyahu is" General Benny Gantz.  Benjamin Gantz (Hebrew: בִּנְיָמִין "בֵּנִי" גַּנְץ; born 9 June 1959) is an Israeli politician. He served as the 20th Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from 2011 to 2015.
In December 2018, he established a new political party named Israel Resilience. The party later allied itself with Telem and Yesh Atid to form Blue and White (HebrewKaḥol Lavan), the colours of the Israeli national flag.
Gantz's Blue and White party platform includes introducing prime ministerial term limits, barring indicted politicians from serving in the Knesset, amending the nation-state law to include Israeli minorities, limiting the power of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel over marriages, investing in early education, expanding health care, and re-entering negotiations with the Palestinian Authority for a peace agreement.He is in agreement with Netanyahu about security.  

Netanyahu is the only person capable of forming a government.  It remains to be 
seen if that will happen, but Gantz cannot form a government, and he is slowly
coming to terms with this unalterable reality.  
Avigdor Liberman

However, Netanyahu was prevented from forming a coalition government by 
Avigdor Liberman.  He the former Defense Minister and head of the small
Israel Beitenu Party.  He refused to join the coalition.  His party won 5 seats
in April and so held the potential majority of 65 seats out of 120.  Now by 
refusal, Netanyahu cannot form a governing majority. 

The 2 men have a 30 year relationship that has known its ups and downs  
Most Israelis believe that Lieberman was motivated by hatred of Netanyahu.  
This is competition.  Liberman says he opposes the ultra-Orthodox parties 
that form the core of the Likud's natural coalition partners.  The general public
and the Israeli commentariat do not believe his claim.  

He's now in the position with power and can block Netanyahu from forming 
a government.  Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox parties were willing to
accept his demands.  Even with this win, Lieberman still refused to make a deal.
That demonstrates that his goal is to destroy Netanyahu politically.  It even
outweighs any rational calculations.  

Outcome to this date:  Netanyahu did not lose.
                                 Gantz did not win. 
                Netanyahu is in position as a winner but cannot build
                                 a majority coalition. 

This deadlock is electoral, not ideological.  Liberman's defection from 
the Right has denied it a governing majority.  The Right is still very much the 
majority in Israel. 

The Jewish lawmakers in the Knesset support applying Israeli law over the
Jordan Valley as Netanyahu suggested.  A large majority (55-44) of Jewish
lawmakers also support applying Israeli to other parts of Judea and Samaria.

There must be a gene in man's genetic make-up that causes the desire for
competition.  It was put there to continue to improve life.  Man would have
remained in caves had there not been a challenge to their living in them.  Some
people are more competitive than others.  Some cannot lose any type of game,
even checkers.  Others could care less.  
President Rivlin

It's not about an individual.  It's about Israel's survival.  President Rivlin is in a 
hard place now.  What will Netanyahu be able to do?  "The president's most important role, in practice, is to help lead the process of forming a government. Israel's electoral system and fractured political landscape make it all but impossible for one party to govern alone, let alone win an outright majority of Knesset seats. After each election, the president consults with party leaders to determine who is most likely to command a majority in the Knesset."

Resource:  Caroline Glick article:

1 comment:

  1. "It took millions of dollars, external influence from powerful American orgs and the democratic party, tons of media lies over a period of more than a year or 2 and what more it took 3 ex-IDF Generals just to match up to 1 guy named Bibi Netanyahu (Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו a fair situation they would never match up. This only shows their weakness. Gantz is nothing but a puppet and an empty shell backed by powerful anti-Right wing donors."
    Comment from frustrated Israeli
