
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Netanyahu, Kerry and Iran:-About the Nuclear Iran Deal

Nadene Goldfoot
Netanyahu told his audience at the UN on October 1, 2015 about their deal with Iran, "If it becomes more dangerous in the years to come, the most important constraints will still be automatically lifted by 10 and by year 15." That meant nuclear bombs from Iran would be freed by 2025.  We are now only 6 years away, actually almost 5 years  from that point.  They would be lifted even more by 2030.  People with newborns will start worrying about compulsory Army registrations for their 16 year old sons in the USA.  It's already a fact in Israel.

You want to save the planet?  Don't you think A bombs are a big problem for land, sea, air and populations?  Look what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki!  USA has done 1032 tests, USSR 727, UK 88, France 217, China 47, India 3, Pakistan 2, North Korea 6.  
Ayatolla Khamenei of Iran, the Supreme ruler

Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei makes a speech after leading the Eid al-Fitr Prayer at Grand Prayer Grounds (Mossalla) in Tehran, Iran on June 5, 2019. Khamenei announced on Tuesday that "there will be no talks with the U.S. at any level" — remarks apparently meant to end all speculation about a possible U.S.-Iran meeting between the two countries' presidents at the U.N. later this month.
 He continued.  This deal doesn't make peace more likely.  By fueling Iran's aggression with billions of dollars in sanctions relief, it makes war more likely.  Just look at what Iran has done in the last six months alone, since the framework agreement was announced in Lausanne.  
1. Iran boosted its supply of devastating weapons to Syria.
2. Iran sent more soldiers of its Revolutionary Guard into Syria.

3. Iran sent thousands of Afghani and Pakistani Shi'ite fighters to Syria.
4. Iran did all this to prop up Assad's brutal regime.
5. Iran also shipped tons of weapons and ammunitions to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, including another shipment just two days ago.
6. Iran threatened to topple Jordan.
7. Iran's proxy, Hezbollah, smuggled into Lebanon SA-22 missiles to down our planes, and Yakhont cruise missiles to sink our ships.  
8. Iran supplied Hezbollah with precision-guided surface-to surface missiles and attack drones so it can accurately hit any target in Israel.
9. Iran aided Hamas and Islamic Jihad in building armed drones in Gaza.  
10. Iran also made clear its plans to open two new terror fronts against Israel, promising to arm Palestinians in the West Bank (PA) and sending its Revolutionary Guard generals to the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, from which its operatives recently fired rockets on northern Israel.  (That's war.)
Former President Ahmadinejad on missile to Israel
He reminds me so much of Haman, the Persian advisor to the king
who plotted and started to carry out a world-wide slaughter of
Jews because Mordecai, Queen Esther's uncle,  didn't bow to him. 
Haman died in c 465 BCE, hung by the king along with his 7 sons.    
Netanyahu explained, "Every few weeks, Iran and Hezbollah seat up new terror cells in cities throughout the world.  Unleashed and unmuzzled, Iran wil go on the prowl, devouring more and more prey.  In the wake of the nuclear deal, Iran is spending billions of dollars on weapons and satellites.  You think Iran is doing that to advance peace?  

Recent clashes between Israel and Hezbollah on the Lebanese border have caused much speculation of a looming military confrontation between Israel, Hezbollah and Iran, which backs the militant group. The exchange of fire in early September 2019  followed the crashing of two reportedly Israeli drones in Beirut in late August. A spate of other drone strikes across the region in recent weeks, some against Iranian-backed militia in Iraq and Syria, have also been blamed on Israel.
He knew that some well-intentioned people sincerely believe that this deal is the best way to block Iran's path to the bomb.  The best of intentions don't prevent the worst outcomes.                       

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, Democrat,  admitted Wednesday, September 12, 2018,  that he’s met with top Iranian officials in hopes of salvaging the scrapped nuclear deal — as he slammed the Trump administration for trying to further “isolate” Iran.  "Before Trump’s decision in May to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal — which had lifted some economic sanctions on Iran so long as Iran discontinued its pursuit of nuclear weapons — Kerry worked behind the scenes to preserve the pact, according to a May 4 report by the Boston Globe detailing the quiet lobbying efforts as described by anonymous sources." Don't you wonder who was behind his act?  

"So as to announce some kind of agreement, the Obama administration released Iranian financial assets frozen since the 1970s when Iran held our embassy personnel hostage. A payment of $1.7 billion in non-US currency was made to sweeten the deal. Four hundred million dollars in various currencies was then delivered on pallets the same day our naval personnel who were being held hostages were released by Iran (Los Angeles Times, Sept 7, 2016). In spite of Kerry admitting earlier that some of this money could be used for terrorism, the Obama administration, desperate for a deal with Iran, any deal, went ahead anyway giving the mullahs millions of dollars (CNN, January 21, 2016)."

Remember when Netanyahu had flown 5,700 miles over from Israel to the UN in New York to speak about Iran gaining uranium and using it to attack Israel and the USA, the big and little Satans?  

It was in August when Khamenei once again made his genoceidal intentions clear before Iran's top clerical body, the Assembly of Experts.  He pledged, "There will be no Israel in 25 years.."
70 years after the murder of 6,000,000 Jews, Iran's rulers promise to destroy Israel and murder the people.  Do you wonder why Netanyahu made such effort to speak to this world body?  What did our Democrats do when he spoke to our Senate?  They refused to attend.  One of our highest Democrats, when Netanyahu was announced then to speak in the UN, got up and left-and why?  To go out to lunch.  

Let me be clear.  Iran is very aggressive in the Middle East and in terror around the world.  It is also building intercontinental ballistic missiles whose sole purpose is to carry nuclear warheads.  Iran already had missiles that could reach Israel in 2015.   So these intercontinental ballistic missiles that Iran is building are meant for the USA, Europe, for raining down mass destruction...anytime, anywhere.  

When I moved to Israel in September 1980, Iran and Saudi Arabia were starting their own war.  "Iran-Iraq War, (1980–88), prolonged military conflict between Iran and Iraq during the 1980s. Open warfare began on September 22, 1980, when Iraqi armed forces invaded western Iran along the countries’ joint border, though Iraq claimed that the war had begun earlier that month, on September 4, when Iran shelled a number of border posts. Fighting was ended by a 1988 cease-fire, though the resumption of normal diplomatic relations and the withdrawal of troops did not take place until the signing of a formal peace agreement on August 16, 1990."  It had lasted so long that little children were being used as soldiers.  

Netanyahu's message to the rulers of Iran:

Your plan to destroy Israel will fail.  Israel will not permit any force on earth to threaten its future.  

Today Iran is just as bad.  They were caught sneaking M302 rocket/ missiles to Gaza from Iran by ship.  This was made known through German intelligence.  

Resource: Netanyahu's Speech aaaato UN October 1, 2015

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