
Friday, August 16, 2019

Palestine Authority Initiated Clashes on Temple Mount : Denying Jewish History

Nadene Goldfoot
Maurice Hirsch                                          
Itamar Marcus                                            
The PA initiated clashes  
on the Temple Mount
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

"A guide to the Temple Mount published in 1925 by the Supreme Moslem Council of Mandate Palestine declares that its "identity with Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute." This senior Muslim authority repeated this confirmation of Jewish and Christian traditions in 1950 in a new guide, when Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were then under Jordanian rule. Despite these repeated affirmations by the top Muslim authority of the land, the Palestinian Authority is constantly attempting to rewrite even Muslim tradition, by denying the Jewish nature of the Temple Mount.  Accordingly, it refers to visits by Jews to this holy site as "invasions" and calls on Palestinians and the International community to defend the site and prevent its "Judaization." The PA deceptively refers to the entire Temple Mount as the "Al Aqsa Mosque", even though the actual mosque sits on a relatively small area in the south-western corner of the mount."
Al Aqsa on Temple Mount
After Romans burned down Our 2nd Temple in 70 CE, they
built a Roman Temple on the site.  Since the Muslim Period,
a mosque has stood there.

"On Sunday, Israel marked the 9th day of the Jewish month of Av. According to Jewish tradition, on that day both the first and second Temples were destroyed. The same day marked the start of the Moslem Eid Al-Adha [Feast of the Sacrifice]" 
The Jewish remembrance is called Tisha B'Av.  A number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon's Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.  It is the saddest day to remember in our extended history.  

"While some sources have blamed the Sunday clashes on the Jordanians, Palestinian Media Watch can show that it was the PA who was most instrumental in instigating the clashes and ensuing violence."  The Palestinian Authority manages to back up Hamas, their fighting unit, in more subtle ways other that out and out clashes by supplying the arms to do it and such.  

They actually prevented Jews from entering the Mount on a Jewish holiday.  Clashes happened, of course.  

"Having successfully initiated the violence on the Temple Mount in an attempt to prevent Jews from visiting Judaism's most holy site on the day that commemorates the destruction of both the Temples,(Solomon's 1st and 2nd Temples) on Tish Al-Habbash then attempted to use the violence as an excuse to inflame the sensibilities of all Muslims. "

It had been" on  Sunday, Israel marked the 9th day of the Jewish month of Av. According to Jewish tradition, on that day both the first and second Temples were destroyed. The same day marked the start of the Moslem Eid Al-Adha [Feast of the Sacrifice] "


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