
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dennis Prager Agrees With My Position About Trump

Nadene Goldfoot                                           
Dennis Prager b: August 2, 1948 in New York
parents: Max and Hilda Prager
Dennis Prager is an Orthodox Jew who spent time worrying about the Soviet Jews.  "In 1969, while he was studying in England, he was recruited by a Jewish group to travel to the Soviet Union to interview Jews about their life there. When he returned the next year, he was in demand as a speaker on repression of Soviet Jews; he earned enough from lectures to travel, and visited around sixty countries. He became the national spokesman for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry."  

 He teaches with his own videos, the PragerU videos.  One such is titled, 
"The Charlottesville Lie"   that proves that Trump never said the Nazis were fine 

I am so happy to report that I have found someone else, this  well-known man who is in agreement with me to be defending our present president, Donald Trump.  I come from a family quite similar to a few others of this historic period; father was Jewish and mother was Protestant.  My mother converted to Judaism and I was raised Jewish in Oregon, but that means that I had relatives of both persuasions and loved them all dearly.  They were all Democrats, so they had that in common.  Most Jews then were because of WWII and Franklin Delano Roosevelt being a Democrat.  They acknowledged Roosevelt as their savior in letting us be admitted into the USA at a perilous time.
1981 in my Safed ground-floor apartment
with bars on the windows to keep out terrorists
Being poor immigrants, this is a government housing
apartment and we paid $8 per month.  We lived
more sparsely than I had imagined we would.
My couch was a government supplied bed. 
Fast forward to 1948 when Israel was finally reestablished after praying for the day after 2,000 years, and I was 13 years old then.  I spent my high school years feeling a little bit of prejudice for being Jewish.  Time marches on and here I am, fully aware and even more so by making aliyah to Israel in 1980  with my Brooklyn-born Floridian Jewish husband and finally really leaving our Conservative-Jewish life and stepping into the Orthodox in Safed, Israel.  We stayed over 5 years, and I learned much there. 

Needless to say, I had become very sensitive to remarks about Israel that were inflammatory.  I had come to the point of even starting my "Israel" blog, the first of 3, and  tried to make my family aware of what was happening there.  This led to my 2nd one, jewishfactsfromportland and finally my 3rd, jewishbubba.  At my more elderly age, I had lots to say and after a life of teaching, wanted to teach people about what was going on.  The facts were involving the stand Republicans and Democrats had been taking, and with Obama a president who had strings attached to the Muslim persuasion of family,  friends, and decisions.   I was really paying attention all the time.  I was in the position to do this, like many were not; too busy with other things.  I was devoted to it and still am.

I would not be surprised if the Jewish population of the USA, which is about 2%, is at least 85% Democrats.  So my position is that of someone in the 2% category being outside of the political agreement of them and have joined the 15% of 2% of the people.   We have followed what the country has been using to attack Trump, who won the election like all other previous presidents have done.  The difference of late was that he was not an insider politician.  He came from the business force of New York as a builder of hotels with an angst against Obama, feeling that he may not even had been a proper citizen of the USA being his mother had been outside the country.  Her husband was not an American citizen.
Donald's parents decided to send him to
an academy, hoping for behavior to improve.
Sounds like he was hard to handle even then.  

He hadn't really looked into it to find that an American citizen living outside the USA and gave birth to a child still has produced another American citizen.  Her citizenship does this for the baby.  Being a well known gadabout in nightclubs and such being one of the very wealthy Americans, he gained a lot of publicity about his stand, even paying someone to find his birth certificate.  So he had established a poor reputation when he stepped into the political arena.  But being in business, he had sharpened skills that most politicians hadn't, though he didn't have those political skills now and was in an arena where he needed them. One of those skills was in keeping his mouth and his fingers still.  We all know what Donald is thinking about things moment by moment  with his twittering.  He's the most open of all our presidents, too open for those who are politicians, as they haven't been.  They have tried to create a facade for themselves that is electable.  
Democrats have been taken by such surprise, that they suffered a depression that manifested itself into such hatred that is quite shocking as they have tried to bump Trump out of office. and continue to try, even after several years of being in office.   In the meantime, ever since the very moment Trump was deemed president, he has been a slave to the job and has produced outstanding work.  Since the audio-visual world has stuck by the Democrats, he was only receiving negative reports, so he has had to toot his own horn about his work, and that too, has been damned by the press who are suffering in a climate of TV news and being faced with losing readers.  

Along comes one of the radio hosts who is on Trump's side, and to my surprise, comes from an Orthodox Jewish home.  Dennis Prager, born August 2, 1948 on my brother's birthday, is also a writer, a far better one than I,  6'4" tall, is in total agreement with me or I with him, and that is most pleasing.  He's one that has been paying attention, not only to Israel but to events in politics.  He's on the radio and TV.  

His background is superior, educated in a New York Yeshiva in Flatbush, Brooklyn and continuing in England.  He even majored in history of the Middle East.  Like me, he originally was a solid Democrat.  We both supported Jimmy Carter in 1976, and I have lived to regret it after reading what he has written since then about Israel, which in a way has turned me against a certain lack of Democratic values.  To me, he was a real disappointment.

What caught my eye today was Dennis Prager's article published in The Jewish Press Friday, August 9, 2019, entitled, AMERICA IS DROWNING IN LIES ABOUT TRUMP and I agree with it all.

Dennis has chutzpa where I am lacking.  He can tell it like it is.  For instance, his first line starts with,
"The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Klu Klux Klansmen."  That is a preposterous assumption!   What happens is that in the press's frantic search for ammunition, they can mis-quote and mis-understand on purpose to lead readers into a position of feelings against this man, and they do it very skillfully.  I have argued with people about this very thing.  In watching a newscast on TV, I see and hear one thing, then read later where it was all misconstrued, thinking, how can they do this?   Dennis felt that this one report was one of the two worst against him.
The Jared Kushner familyJared is currently senior advisor to his father-in-law, Donald Trump, the president of the United States.
The other was that he was a racist.  Both of us feel this is ridiculous.  The man's daughter, whom he loves most dearly, has married a modern Orthodox man and has converted.  Their children are Jewish.  Trump loves them all.  He's not about to put them along with other Jews in jeopardy because of their religion.  He now has a connection to Jewish values.  I just hope that the Jews of the USA haven't forgotten them!  Too many are in the news for terrible reasons lately, a time of growing anti-Semitism again in the USA.  It's happening all over the world again, not just the USA.  It's been happening big time in England, for one example.  
USA Embassy in Jerusalem
The newest Kushner grandson
with his Grandpa Trump

Trump will go down in history being the president who not only said he would move the American embassy to Jerusalem, actually did it against all the static.  Remember that Truman also went against the popular static of not recognizing Israel in 1948!  Obama had promised and didn't follow through.  So did the George W. Bush.  So did Bill Clinton.  This goes back to promises made and broken since 1993 by Bush.  Trump kept his promise in a climate even worse than the previous presidents were in.  


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