
Friday, August 2, 2019

A Look Into Egypt's Anti-Semitic TV Shows-Using 10th Century Beliefs

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
Hard to believe, but Egypt has an actual anti-Semitic TV show going on that is using the ancient belief system of the Christian Europeans about Jews.  Evidently they haven't advanced in their thinking along with the centuries.  
Their Dr. Fouad M. AbdelWahed, an Egyptian professor of Hebrew at King Saud University,  broadcasted that that some Jews eat matzah on Passover that contain human blood .  This was said in an episode of "Blue Line," an anti-Semitic TV show.  The only update on what he said was that in earlier centuries anti-Semites included it was blood of Christian children that Jews used.  However, he said that certain Jews eat matzos with donated blood, a language professor now babbling false accusations of ancient Christians.   

He added that " and that the practice, which he said is today limited to “extremist” haredi Jews, was once widespread among Jews. Abdel Wahed also said that the consumption of this matzah has negative effects on one’s health. (heh, heh, Wahed, that's why we also eat charoses during Passover.  It's a mixture of apples, nuts and honey mixed with a tablespoon of red kosher wine.  It's very healthy and is the fiber we need when eating matzos.  )  

The show aired on Channel 2 TV (Egypt).  As an aside, the name of this show is so much like one out of England, The Thin Blue Line, which looks like a humorous program. One can even watch this one in the USA.   It is not humorous to accuse Jews of putting blood in their matzos!  Can't Egyptian anti-Semites think of anything original?                                          

We can buy these round matzas, hand made, called Shmeera matzas,
and there is absolutely no blood in them at all.
No matzo has ever had blood in it, nor any other foods eaten by Jews.  
Such a villainous libelous Christian accusation started in medieval Europe who still believe that Jews caused Jesus to be crucified, ignoring that this was a Roman execution method used on thousands and thousands of young Jewish men of that period.  In their fury during Easter, which coincides with Passover, the Jewish holiday of Jews being saved from their 400 year servitude in Egypt by Moses and are preparing to leave Egypt, they accuse yearly that Jews must have Christian blood in their matzos, the flat bread made hastily by the Jews leaving Egypt.  

Such an accusation started with the writing of General Josephus, the Jewish Roman prisoner who kept his life by pleasing the Romans with his writing of their history.  "In the polemic of Josephus against the Alexandrian grammarian Apion ("Contra Ap.," ed. Niese, ii. 8, § 95), the latter is charged with having accused the Jews of annually fattening a Greek in the Temple, killing him, offering his body as a sacrifice, eating of his internal organs, and swearing an oath of enmity against all Greeks (according to the ancient Latin translation."

The first case in which Jews were actually accused of having killed a Christian child for ritual purposes was that of St. William of Norwich in 1144 According to present information, the blood accusation against the Jews dates from the middle of the thirteenth century. The first literary reference to it is made about this time in the following passage from the writing, "Bonum Universale de Apibus," ii. 29, § 23, by Thomas of Cantimpré (a monastery near Cambray): "It is quite certain that the Jews of every province annually decide by lot which congregation or city is to send Christian blood to the other congregations." 

What is so infuriating to Jews is that if anyone had half a mind, they would realize or know that Jews do not eat or drink blood.  In Deuteronomy 12:23 it says:  Only be strong not to eat the blood-for the blood, it is the life-and you shall not eat the life with the meat.  The life with the meat, ie,you may not eat meat that was torn from a living animal, either.  
 It's a no-no in their religion to the extent that they do not eat any of the popular cuts of any meat such as T-Bone steaks for fear of getting any blood in their bodies.  They are only allowed certain cuts of meat-away from arteries carrying the blood, the tough cuts.  They salt the meat in water that they are about to eat to remove blood.  This goes for any of the animals they are allowed by Moses to eat, so they are finicky about the animal, the one that must kill the animal as well, and about the blood they must not consume.  Then to think that people would believe they would drain blood from a human to put in their holy matzos is unthinkable!  

During Passover, for 8 days Jews do not eat bread, but matzos instead to remember the flight from Egypt and why they were leaving.  They are careful to eat only Pasadik foods, certified by the laws of Kashrut. and that means giving up some everyday foods as well. Just remember, we do not eat blood, for we believe that blood contains the soul of the human or animal.  

 You won't find many Jews eating raw hamburger -steak tartare, like some of the general public of many countries, because they would be consuming blood.
Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw ground beef or horsemeat. It is usually served with onions, capers, pepper and Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings, often presented to the diner separately, to be added to taste.  Who would eat such food that is revolting to me? 

  Haredi Jews, the ones the professor says eats blood in matzos, are the Jews who would die first before ever doing such a thing.  They are the ones most into following the letter of the law of Moses, and especially in the food area.  These are the ultimate of the orthodox Jew.  In fact, they of all the Jews of the world found it hard to accept the creation of Israel in 1948, thinking that G-d had to do it, not man.  Now many made aliyah and do live in Israel, but not all have joined the IDF yet.  Egypt has a way of picking on the very ones they can find a point of agreement with.                                        
Haredi Jews:
Haredi Judaism (Hebrew: חֲרֵדִי Ḥaredi, ; also spelled Charedi, plural Haredim or Charedim) consists of groups within Orthodox Judaism characterized by a strict adherence to their interpretation of Jewish law and values as opposed to modern values and practices.  Here they are
on a  typical Saturday morning reading from the Torah. They have their
prayer shawls over their head and wear their kippah all the time, something
all Jewish men do in a synagogue, except maybe some reform groups.  

Egypt is allowing outrageous anti-Semitic shows even though they have signed a peace treaty with Israel.  Sadat would never have stood for such a thing to happen, and a Democratic country is stuck in allowing it if they can't find a loophole against such a thing that could start a war.  Are they also bringing in education to explain such outrageous accusations?  What are their lawyers doing about it?  England is being led by an outrageous anti-Semite as well.  Now we know we have 4 in our own House in Washington DC.  Once a mind is warped, it accepts all kinds of stimulation to keep that warpedness.  

Evidently we still have many Middle Easterners who hate Jews- and have never even met one at that!  It's become a way of life, a social cue of belonging to a group, as if man needs something to hate, for if they didn't hate a people, they themselves would have to improve their own ways.  We Jews have been scapegoats for the world to kick around for a mighty long time, and we've come to the Muslims using the Christians' old game.  

The Stone Edition of the Tanach; torah/prophets/writing/24 books of the bible.

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