
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Ninety Degree Turn of the Democrat Party

Nadene Goldfoot

Does anyone remember the following Democratic Senators ?  
                                b: February 4, 1942 in Connecticut       

                                       Known as Joe Lieberman
 Joseph Isador Lieberman was senator from 1989 to 2013, so you should
remember him.  He was also a vice president nominee.  "In 1994, Lieberman made history by winning by the largest landslide ever in a Connecticut Senate race, drawing 67 percent of the vote and beating his opponent by more than 350,000 votes. Like Bill Clinton and Dick Gephardt, Lieberman served as chair of the Democratic Leadership Council from 1995–2001. In 1998, Lieberman was the first prominent Democrat to publicly challenge Clinton for the judgment exercised in his affair with Monica Lewinsky.However, he voted against removing Clinton from office by impeachment."  He's also the first Jewish candidate for vice president, and happens to be of the modern Orthodox persuasion.                                      
Today, many Democrats are for impeaching President Trump and for what?  What has he done to deserve such animosity but win the race against Hillary Clinton who Democrats thought was a shoe-in?  He's modern enough to communicate with tweeting.  That's not reason for impeachment.  

                                    b: September 8, 1938 in Georgia
                                         Known as Sam Nunn
Samuel Augustus Nunn Jr. was an Eagle Scout.  "Overall, Nunn was a moderate-to-conservative Democrat who often broke with his party on a host of social and economic issues. He opposed the budget bill of 1993, which included provisions to raise taxes in order to reduce the budget deficit. He neither supported nor opposed Hillary Clinton's attempt to establish universal health care, though he spoke out very strongly against the proposed insurance mandate."
b: May 31, 1912 in Washington, d: September 1, 1983

Henry M. (Scoop) Jackson, who was Senator from 1953 to 1983,
remembered for his National Environmental Policy Act, higher military spending,
against Russia, civil rights, etc. etc.  

b: March 16, 1927 in Oklahoma, d: March 26 2003
Washington DC 

Daniel Patrick Moynihan who was in politics from the 50s to the 70s?  He is remembered for his "War on Poverty."  

They were as different as can be in their issues in running the Democrat Party from today's 23 want-to-be presidential candidates .  Today's positions support the following issues;

1  Illegal immigrants receiving  expanding government-run insurance healthcare
2.  Border system changed to be open with Mexico and Canada, entering freely
3. College tuition dropped;  to be free like grade, junior high and high school 
4. Student debt forgiveness, of course

5. Reparations to Blacks for slavery  
      ....personal comment:
 One could think of the Civil War as making reparations that President Abraham Lincoln took, a horrid war where we lost more. "The Civil War was America's bloodiest and most divisive conflict, pitting the Union Army against the Confederate States of America. The war resulted in the deaths of more than 620,000 people, with millions more injured and the South left in ruins."  This occurred in days when the world had been accepting slavery as a way of economic life.   It took a bloody war to stop the process.   

6. Income redistribution increased
7. Monthly incomes guaranteed.  

Some even were promoting the idea that the holding facilities for these Mexican illegal immigrants were just like past Nazi concentration camps.  That went too far for Larry Penner of Great Neck, NY and myself as well as it should have for other American Jews.  The present USA government is not
planning on killing these immigrants as the Nazis were doing.  6 million Jews, some of which were our ancestors, certainly didn't voluntarily enter those Nazi concentration camps, either.  They didn't offer to dress themselves in rags, be starved to death, perform voluntary slave labor, and agree to be gassed to death in crematoriums.   

The Mexican immigrants illegally forcing themselves upon our borders know they were coming in illegally and most likely were fed a lot of directions on how to do it from some source;  maybe the Russians.  What better way to cause havoc on this country than a Russian invasion?  Or maybe it's China causing them to enter like the Genghis Khan invaders so long ago?  The violent and murderous gangs of Mexico who deal in drugs certainly will profit from the Mexicans leaving;  they can take over their villages and plant more poppies.  

Most illegals entering all speak Spanish, but may also be speaking  Zapotec, Nahuati, Arabic, Mixtec, Purepecha, English, Tzeltal, German, French, Chinese, Italian and other dialects spoken depending on the regions they are coming from in Mexico.  Chances are that very few speak English, though.  That's why colleges have a department to teach English to immigrants.  

They've been entering  illegally for some time now, but not on this grand scale of thousands at a crack.  I know, I've been an English teacher in a college and have been confronted, back in the early 90s with the question from one of my students, "What would you do if you could not find work and support your family?"  Most of my students were family oriented, wonderful people in eastern Oregon.  They were making the change from being field workers in the potato and beets industry to being truck drivers and cattle feeders using company computers.  Women were also shifting away from field work and into other positions as well, but not to the depth that men were doing.  That's when they were entering in dribs and drabs.  

Like Egypt with President Morsi who allowed so many immigrants in from Syria in hoping they would be future voters for him, you can be sure that these immigrants would be voters for the Democrats and not Republicans.  It's a way of tipping the scale.  
  Warren-Mass., Booker-NJ., Klobuchar-Minn.   

What were these many Democrat candidates not discussing that they should?

1. The $22 trillion dollar national debt-the whys and hows of reducing it
2. Social Security's Medicare and Medicaid's future and its facing insolvency
3. Defense and NATO allies'need to pay up their fair share for our mutual defense and not be the only ones paying the bill-a stand taken by Trump.
4. China's religious persecution using indoctrination camps for people of unapproved religion and Muslim countries persecution of other religions by such leaders as Qaradawi in Qatar and others with fatwas on Jews.  
5. Life, all life matters in the USA, not just Democrats. All races matter.  We do not give homage to one over the other.  To Life!!!  Is this being taught in homes and in schools?  

There were so many running that they had to hold two" separate debates"-
              I use the word debates loosely.  It not a real debate. 
1st Debate-10 Candidates
20 Candidates of 2nd Debate
"President Donald Trump (R) filed for re-election on January 20, 2017, the day of his inauguration. Sixteen U.S. presidents—approximately one-third—have won two consecutive elections. George H.W. Bush (R) was the last president to lose his re-election campaign in 1992."  President Donald Trump is our 45th president, following the two terms of Barack Hussein Obama II who presided from 2009 to 2016.  This means that less than half of our presidents have served two terms.  

The 23 Democrat candidates are running against President Donald Trump and Bill Weld a former governor of Massachusetts.  

1. Michael Bennet                            
2. Joe Biden, former vice president for President Barack Obama            
3. Bill de Blasio                               
4. Cory Booker                               
5. Steve Bullock
6. Pete Buttigieg
7. Julian Castro
8. John Delaney  
9. Jay Inslee
10. Wayne Messam
11. Seth Moulton
12. Beto O'Rourke
13. Tim Ryan
14. Bernie Sanders
15. Joe Sestak
16. Tom Steyer
17. Andrew Yang                                                 

1. Tulsi Gabbard
2. Kirsten Gillibrand
3. Kamala Harris
4. Amy Klobuchar
5. Elizabeth Warren
6. Marianne Williamson

Democrats today are not being led by the issues and values of these four previous Democratic leaders.  They've changed.  They've weakened following juniors with radical ideas or not standing up to them. They don't even seem to be the proud Americans anymore, doting on past errors instead of working on values that made America.   They haven't taken on Republican values, either.  I don't recognize them anymore. 

 I used to be one of them, leading my students into the flag salute every single day and singing our national anthem and in the 4th grade, teaching our Oregon history as well.  This is the country that by hook or by crook, did take Jews in when they had nowhere else to go, refused for lack of baptismal papers and  because of being Jewish.  Though strings were attached in 1939, some Jews were able to make it out of Europe and find freedom here.   

Resource: Jewish Press, Letter to Editor from Larry Penner, Great Neck, New York,_2020

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