
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Trump Blaming American Jews If He Loses Election

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

Why am I not surprised with Trump blaming us Jews if he doesn't win?  We've been the butt with Syrian and other Middle Eastern nations for their bad weather and anything else that they see being controlled by Jews-which is everything.  Trump, after becoming president in 2021, did 3 outstanding things in Israel's favor that previous president had not done.  Because of that, we now have:  

"Trump Heights (Hebrewרמת טראמפ Ramat Trump[ʁaˈmat ˈtʁamp]) is a planned Israeli village or town in the Israel's  Golan Heights named after and in honour of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States. The Hebrew word ramat (רָמַת) means "heights" or "highlands"It is commonly used in place names in the mountain areas of Israel, such as Ramath-lehi, Ramath-or, Ramothnegeb, Ramathor, Ramoth-gilead, and Ramathmizpeh. There are also several towns named simply Ramah. 

On 14 December 1981, Israel passed the Golan Heights Law, that extended Israeli "laws, jurisdiction and administration" to the Golan Heights. Although the law effectively annexed the territory to Israel, it did not explicitly spell out a formal annexation. The Golan Heights Law was declared "null and void and without international legal effect" by United Nations Security Council Resolution 497, which also demanded that Israel rescind its decision.

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the United States supported territorial changes. The UN representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.

Israeli towns in the Golan Heights are widely regarded as illegal under international law; however, the Israeli government disputes this. (Well, International Law) as it stands usually has people who are anti Israel, anyway.  

Anything built by Jews for Israel is termed by the outside world as a "settlement," an English term.  A collection of the most widely accepted units of measuring a settlement's size is as follows:  Isolated Dwelling < Hamlet < Village < Small Town < Large Town < City.

It will be under the jurisdiction of Golan Regional Council. It is the first community in Israel and Israeli and Israeli villages named after a sitting American president since Kfar Truman.  Kfar means "village."


       Jews are found in many races today, but mostly 
           from Eastern European countries, and secondly from
        Latin American-Spanish countries.  

What Trump has not realized is that Jews make up only about 2% of the American population.  Even if we all voted for Harris, it would not be that significant, though the race seems to be close right now. 

In fact, Jews make up only about 0.02% of the world population.  We only have about 14 million Jews worldwide.  We're not all of one mind with the exception of our basic belief in our religion.  When it comes to politics, it runs the gambit for various reasons.  This estimate is based on the number of people who identify as Jewish in national censuses and surveys. However, the actual number could be higher or lower depending on how the definition of Jewish is applied.Explanation: This estimate is based on data from the Pew Research Center, which states that around 14 million people identify as Jewish globally, representing a very small percentage of the total world population, which is 7.951 billion as of 2022.  

                                Harris is Vice President for 4 years Under Biden.  He's not running again, but she is, taking his place.  

I heard on CNN this morning that Harris is not "fond" of Netanyahu but would back Israel in a crunch.  It is Netanyahu who Israelis have turned to when in a crunch, though.  He's American educated, speaks with more logic than both Trump and Harris in my opinion-and with  a terrific vocabulary and pronunciation  as well!  

                                                 Presidency of Donald Trump
                                                          January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021 

Trump did 3 good things for Israel when he was president 8 years ago.  He moved the  American Embassy  to Jerusalem;  He recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.   He and his son-in-law, Jerad Kushner,  helped to create the Abraham Accords, who said, "We pursue a vision of peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East and around the world.   President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel carries profound consequences for U.S. policy, relations with the Arab world, the international community, and the pursuit of Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Rather than use the prospect of these gestures as an incentive for Netanyahu to adopt a comprehensive peace plan in the region, Trump simply made them. Similarly, in recent months, when the U.S. brokered normalization accords of the Abraham Accords  between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and, most recently, Morocco, Trump allowed Israel to reap the rewards of diplomatic relations with these Arab countries in exchange for shelving Netanyahu’s extremist plan for annexing part of the occupied West Bank

For years, Israel had carried on back-channel diplomacy with these countries, but their relations had not been formalized because of the countries’ insistence on advancing Palestinian statehood. Now, officially, Israel has vowed to shelve its annexation plan. Unofficially, the Trump Administration agreed to once-unthinkable measures that made the normalization accords lucrative for these Arab countries. 

For the U.A.E., most notably, there was a proposed arms deal worth twenty-three billion dollars, which includes the sale of fifty stealth F-35 fighter jets. 

“Netanyahu got everything he wanted from Trump,” Amit Segal, the chief political analyst for Israel’s Channel 12, told me. 

Trump’s alignment with Netanyahu has been so total that, ahead of the U.S. election, 63% of Israelis supported Trump, and only 17% supported Joe Biden, according to a November poll by the Israel Democracy Institute. If Israel were a U.S. state, it would be the “reddest state in the Union,” a column in the left-leaning newspaper Haaretz noted.

In my opinion, if Trump had lost his 2nd term election gracefully like so many of our presidents had done, he would be all the better person, and could rest on his laurels,  but he acted like a spoiled child.  He hasn't changed,  only gotten worse. 

The January 6th episode of not stopping his followers from attacking the Capitol Building was a downer.  "On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., was attacked by a mob of supporters of then–U.S. President Donald Trump in an attempted self-coup d'état two months after his defeat in the 2020 presidential election."

Showing that he believed in a rumor that Haitians were stealing and eating people's cats and dogs was a downer.  

All the lies he has told proven by research to be such is a downer.  

Resource:  Update: on % of Jews from original resource error.,in%20the%202020%20presidential%20election.'s,United%20States%20with%205.7%20million.,Consulate%20General%20of%20the%20United

and I remember writing this one in 2021:

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