
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Likud Facts With Netanyahu

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

Netanyahu (right) with Sorin Hershko, a soldier wounded and permanently paralyzed in Operation Entebbe, , with this visit in 2 July 1986:  Operation Entebbe, also known as Operation Jonathan, was an Israeli hostage rescue mission. It took place in July 1976 in Entebbe, Uganda. An Air France airplane was hijacked on 27 June 1976 by German and Palestinian terrorists wanted the release of prisoners held in Israel and four other countries.

Part of the Arab–Israeli conflict and the Cold War

Israeli commandos with a Mercedes-Benz 600 resembling the one owned by Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, used by Sayeret Matkal IDF to deceive Ugandan troops during the raid where Bibi's brother, Jonathan-the leader,  was the one killed
Date3–4 July 1976
Location0°02′43″N 32°27′13″E
ResultIsraeli victory
  • 102 of 106 hostages rescued
  • ~25% of Uganda's military aircraft destroyed

                                           A 17-year-old Netanyahu, right, sits with a friend at the entrance to his family home in Jerusalem in 1967. Netanyahu spent his teenage years in the United States, going to high school in Philadelphia. His future is becoming an IDF soldier in the hardest Israeli unit of all, and Prime Minister of Israel several times over.                                                     

LIKUD stands for -going back to-:Herut (Herut (Hebrew: חֵרוּת, lit. 'Freedom') was the major conservative nationalist political party in Israel from 1948 until its formal merger into Likud in 1988. It was an adherent of Revisionist Zionism(Developed by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, this ideology advocated a "revision" of the "practical Zionism" of David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann which was focused on the settling of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) by independent individuals. Differing from other types of Zionism, Revisionists insisted upon the Jewish right to sovereignty over the whole of Eretz Yisrael, which they equated to Mandatory Palestine and Transjordan. It was the chief ideological competitor to the dominant socialist Labor Zionism.It remained the senior partner in the new grouping, which was given the name Likud, meaning "Consolidation", as it represented the consolidation of the Israeli right, which has a different connotation than the American "right."  For us Portlanders, Israel's right became Oregon's left.  It worked as a coalition under Herut's leadership until 1988, when the member parties merged into a single party under the Likud name.  If you know the Jewish history, Judea/Samaria was our land first settled by Joshua and the 600,000 , a state with Kings Saul and David and Solomon, etc.  Leave it to the British to cut up their holy land  !  They knew not was really holy to our representatives ! 

 1st INTIFADA:  A horrible period:  1987-1993: 

Israel was initiated and accepted as a nation by the UN, etc, in 1948.  "Likud, right-wing Israeli political party,  was founded in September 1973 to challenge the Israel Labour Party, which had governed the country since its independence in 1948, and first came to power in 1977, with Menachem Begin as prime minister. For decades thereafter, Likud alternated in government with left-wing coalitions, forming coalitions with minor parties, especially those with an ultra-religious or a nationalist ideology. Because of the country’s political fragmentation and unique security needs, Likud and its competitors have sometimes entered into so-called “unity governments” with one another.  

                                 photo of Bibi in 2023, 9th Prime Minister of Israel; from 31 March 2009 to 13 June 2021; total of 16 years

Benjamin "BibiNetanyahu (born 21 October 1949) is an Israeli politician, serving as the prime minister of Israel since 2022, having previously held the office in 1996–1999 and 2009–2021. He is chair of the Likud party. Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister in Israel's history, having served a total of over 16 years.

Born to secular Jewish parents, Netanyahu was raised in West Jerusalem and the United States. He returned to Israel in 1967 to join the Israel Defense Forces and served in the Sayeret Matkal special forces as a captain before being honorably discharged. After graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Netanyahu worked for the Boston Consulting Group and moved back to Israel in 1978 to found the Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute. Between 1984–1988 Netanyahu was Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. Netanyahu rose to prominence after election as chair of Likud in 1993, becoming leader of the opposition.

Netanyahu, the PM in 2022,  returned to lead Likud in 2005 and was leader of the opposition between 2006–2009. After the 2009 legislative election, Netanyahu formed a coalition with other right-wing parties and became prime minister again. He led Likud to victory in the 2013 and 2015 elections.

He served Likud from Feb 1983 to 6 July 1999=16 years, started at age 34

He served Likud from 3 Feb 1993 to 18 June 1996=3 years

First Time PM:  Prime Minister of Israel:  He served Likud from 18 June 1996 to 6 July 1999=3 years "Netanyahu won the 1996 election, becoming the youngest person in the history of the position and the first Israeli prime minister to be born in the State of Israel (Yitzhak Rabin was born in Jerusalem, under the British Mandate of Palestine, prior to the 1948 founding of the Israeli state).

Netanyahu's victory over the pre-election favorite Shimon Peres surprised many. The main catalyst in the downfall of the latter was a wave of suicide bombings shortly before the elections; on 3 and 4 March 1996, Palestinians carried out two suicide bombings, killing 32 Israelis, with Peres seemingly unable to stop the attacks. During the campaign, Netanyahu stressed that progress in the peace process would be based on the Palestinian National Authority fulfilling its obligations–mainly fighting terrorism—and the Likud campaign slogan was, "Netanyahu – making a safe peace". However, although Netanyahu won the election for prime minister, Peres's Israeli Labor Party received more seats in the Knesset elections. Netanyahu had to rely on a coalition with the ultra-Orthodox parties, Shas and UTJ in order to form a government.

He served Likud from 16 Jan 2006 to 31 March 2009=3 years
                                             9 mile width areas

The term Intifada, in context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict refers to major Palestinian uprisings against Israeli control, with the First Intifada occurring between 1987 and 1993 and 

(2) The Second Intifada between 2000 and 2005, both involving numerous attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces.The general triggers for the unrest are speculated to have been centered on the failure of the 2000 Camp David Summit, which was expected to reach a final agreement on the Israeli–Palestinian peace process in July 2000. An uptick in violent incidents started in September 2000, after Israeli politician Ariel Sharon made a provocative visit to the Temple Mount; the visit itself was peaceful, but, as anticipated, sparked protests and riots that Israeli police put down with rubber bullets, live ammunition, and tear gas. Within the first few days of the uprising, the IDF had fired one million rounds of ammunition.  High numbers of casualties were caused among civilians as well as combatants, contrasting with the relatively less violent nature of the First Intifada (1987–1993). The approximate 138 suicide bombings carried out by Palestinian militant factions, became one of the more prominent features of the Intifada and mainly targeted Israeli civilians. Israeli security forces engaged in gunfights, targeted killings, tank attacks, and airstrikes; Palestinians engaged in gunfights, suicide bombings (the first of which occurred in March 2001), stone-throwing, and rocket attacks.

Prime Minister of Israel (2nd Term) from 31 March 2009 to 13 June 2021=12 years:  In 2009, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced support for the establishment of a Palestinian state – a solution not endorsed by prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom she had earlier pledged the United States' cooperation. Upon the arrival of President Obama administration's special envoy, George Mitchell, Netanyahu said that any furtherance of negotiations with the Palestinians would be conditioned on the Palestinians recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.                                         

Netanyahu publicly supported the Trump peace plan for the creation of a Palestinian state.  That was before October 7, 2023.  In 2021, former United States President Donald Trump told Israeli journalist Barak Ravid that his relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu had suffered after the Israeli prime minister had congratulated Joe Biden on winning the 2020 American presidential election. Look at how Trump turned against his own Vice President, Mike Pence,  after January 6, 2021's Capitol attack  as to how he doesn't keep "friendships" for very long.!  Michael Richard Pence (born June 7, 1959) is an American politician and lawyer who served as the 48th vice president of the United States from 2017 to 2021 under President Donald Trump.  F*** him,” Trump said in the interview.

He served Likud from 28 June 2021 to 29 Dec 2022=1+ years 

He has been serving as Prime Minister since 2022.  

when  Prime Ministers were Nafatali Bennett and Yair Lapid:  


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