
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Palestine Authority Still Paying to Kill Jews

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                   

 An Israeli prison pamphlet from 2007 says that 70 percent of Palestinian security prisoners were “sentenced for offenses that involve blood on their hands,” meaning they killed Israelis.

   Convicted murderers - 78 of them already released from prison by Israel as part of the negotiating process with the Palestinians - are receiving grants of up to $50,000 and monthly stipends of up to nearly $4,000. 


 I have a message for President Abbas. Stop paying terrorists! Because what message does this send to Palestinian children? It says murder Jews and get rich!”
— Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, March 6, 2018


                Megyn Kelly, being a little snippy.  Is it because it was Netanyahu who said it and he's now out?  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Palestinians pay $350 million a year to terrorists. But that's a very fuzzy number. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

That was her concern.  A fuzzy number.  He rounded it out, Meg.  Sometimes people do that.  Your concern should have been that they were paid murderers. 

Itai Bar-Dov, a spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, said the government considers all payments to prisoners to be for acts of terrorism. “The PA only pays those who have been convicted in an Israeli court for causing or attempting to cause harm against Israelis,” he said. He acknowledged, however, that the martyr payments are more complex. “There are also payments to families of Palestinians who were killed (shuhada),” he said. “In this case, we don’t deem everyone to be terrorists, and that of course depends on the circumstances of their death.

Somebody who has killed is in prison.  It doesn't matter if the victim was in the West Bank or Israel proper, murder is murder and a Jew is a Jew.  The murderer would be in prison even if he murdered another Palestinian.  The fact is that the PA  is rewarding their people to kill Jews.  This is a religious war.   

The Palestinians thus say the prison payments are an effort to rebalance a deeply unfair system under occupation, with the military court considered a conveyor belt for convictions.  To many Palestinians, all of Israel is land under occupation.  They're swayed by such ideas from what UNRA puts out, keeping about 4 generations of the original Palestinians as refugees until now the refugee problem is way out of proportion.  

Israeli military courts have been trying Palestinians in the Territories since Israel's birth began.  In these courts, the judges and prosecutors are always Israeli soldiers in uniform. The Palestinians are always either suspects or defendants, and are almost always convicted for violating orders issued by the state of Israel.  By now, it's common knowledge that to do such a crime will be heard in the military court.  

 Israel is a registered legal state and living in it is not being under any occupation.  The truth is that the Palestinians consider all of Israel being occupied land.  These murderers are in prison because they broke the law, the most important law of all, taking a life.  Palestinians have ruined the name of "Palestinian" by attacking Jewish citizens at any time of day or night in any unexpected manner, purely out of hatred.  It is a rebellion and they are suffering the consequences of their actions, only their families are not, at least not monetarily.  They are being rewarded.  

I can just see it now.  "Son, I'm a little short of grocery money this week.  Go out and kill a few Jews, and then I'll get a check from the PA.  Hurry now, do you have your knife in your pocket?"  "Don't worry, the prison guards will feed you.  You'll get to see your friends there."  Maybe it isn't this bad, but mothers are being conditioned by their leaders to want martyrs in their families.  It's all the bally-hoo they get, pictures all around the town, etc.                                                                 

Sec. of State  Antony John Blinken is an American government official and diplomat serving as the 71st United States secretary of state since January 26, 2021. He previously served as deputy national security advisor from 2013 to 2015 and deputy secretary of state from 2015 to 2017 under President Barack Obama.

The State Department, in its human rights report, noted that Israeli forces in 2016 killed 91 Palestinians, “some of whom were attempting or allegedly attempting to attack Israelis.” But violence by settlers against Palestinians “rarely led to indictments.” 

That's because the settlers were defending themselves.  No one is indicted when they are being attacked.  They are the victims!  

Since 2000, Israel has also made it more difficult for Palestinians to pursue lawsuits and receive compensation from Israel for injuries or death.  Finally, Israel got wise to this shakedown.  

Blinken said, "Before talking about the report, I want to just take a minute to discuss what is happening in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.  We’re deeply concerned about what we’re seeing there.  Images that came out overnight are harrowing and the loss of any civilian life is a tragedy.


       Hady Amr, born in Beirut, Lebanon, In May 2021, he was sent to the Middle East to help in trying to defuse tensions between Israel and Palestine.

  I’ve asked Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hady Amr to go to the region immediately to meet with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.  He will bring to bear his decades of experience and, in particular, he will urge on my behalf and on behalf of President Biden a de-escalation of violence.  We are very focused on this.

The United States remains committed to a two-state solution.  This violence takes us further away from that goal.  We fully support Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself.  We’ve condemned and I condemn again the rocket attacks in the strongest possible terms.  We believe Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live with safety and security and we’ll continue to engage with Israelis, Palestinians, and other regional partners to urge de-escalation and to bring calm."


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