
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Palestine? Arabs Refused Offer in 1947

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

                             US Embassy in Jerusalem   There is one, and the rule is only one per city; not 2, especially in such a tiny country as Israel.  If Arabs can't abide to enter the one in Jerusalem because Jews are in there as well, they could have one in Ramallah, their center, but not 2 in Jerusalem.  Jerusalem is not divided anymore.  It's one unified city, like it used to be when David created it for his capital.                                                                     

Why is the United States still beating the drums for a 2-State solution when Israel is not interested at this time, and obviously the Palestinians aren't.   They had refused the offer in 1947. They had never had a state before.  That wasn't their goal.  Their goal was to stop the Jews from settling in Palestine.  They didn't like the Ottoman Empire rule either.  They wanted high taxes of the landowners.                                     

          Husseini made the trip to Germany seeking Nazi assistance.  He even had an audience with Hitler.  

November 1947. On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations voted with a 2/3 majority to partition western Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state.  The Arabs rejected it.  The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini stated: “I declare a holy war, my Moslem brothers”. “Murder them all!”

Everyone knows that the Palestinian leaders scoffed at the offer in 1947 but the Jewish leaders took what was left of the original promise that had turned into a microscopic piece of land after the English deliberations, figuring something was better than nothing.  It was heartbreaking, like winning horse-race only to hear that robbers had run off with the pot before you got to the window.  


The Ottoman Empire were the last rulers of the former Israel Empire that had diminished down to the 12th tribe, Judah.  The Romans, after occupying it, took it over and renamed it Palaestina, and then were followed up by more foreign rulers;  the Arabs from 636 to 1972; Seljuks from 1072 to 1099; Crusaders from 1099 to 1291, Mamluks from 1291 to 1516, and then the Ottomans from 1516 to 1917.  1917 was the ending of WWI, when the Allies won against the Axis. 

The Ottomans had teamed up with Germany, the main aggressor of the war, which was a bad move on their part as they lost all their holdings this way. That hadn't stopped the popularity of any Nazi literature, though.  It's continued to be very popular.  

Out of the decisions made by the allies, they all held mandates on the land the Axis had lost, and they decided to make sure something like that terrible war would never happen again, so what they did was cut large pieces of the land into small pieces, so they would never gain power again.

Great Britain held the mandate over Palestine.  This was a 30 year rule from 1918 to 1948.  The British renamed the Land, Palestine.  Originally, the British Mandate over Palestine extended to both sides of the river, Jordan.  In 1922, Britain partitioned the Mandated territory into Palestine (west of the Jordan) and Transjordan (east of the Jordan).  They gave it to Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia who was looking for land to rule.  

England had been a country who didn't like Jews.  In fact, they had expulsed all the Jews living in England in 1290 and hadn't allowed any back in until 1655.  That's 365 years that England had gone without any Jews.  Oh, there were a few exceptions made here and there, I have heard, doctors needed to save some rich Englishman's life. 


Individuals of the Jewish religion were expelled from Spain at the end of the fifteenth century as a result of the Decree of the Alhambra, also known as Edict or Decree of Granada. This decree was issued the March 31, 1492 by the Catholic kings of Spain, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, under the pressure of the Inquisition, with which it is decreed the expulsion of the Jewish communities from the Spanish kingdoms and their possessions with an expiration date of 31 July of that same year. Calcographic coloured print, Spain approx. 1792. PHOTO BY FOTOTECA GILARDI/GETTY IMAGES
         British jews IN 1914.  

None of the countries in 1914 liked  Jews. The reason was religion. They weren't Christians. Spain had forcibly converted Jews to Catholicism from 1146 to 1391.   Most all had expulsed Jews and of course, Spain had held the Spanish Inquisition 1492, but had experienced massacring 12,000 Jews in 1355, as if Haman were there getting his way, only it was executed by a mob in Toledo, Spain. Freedom-loving France had annihilated a Jewish community in 1420.  Really, no country was safe for Jews to live in.  People may have worshipped Jesus, but could not abide his relatives.                               

Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam in 1600s.  Amsterdam had become a haven for Jews of the Spanish Inquisition.  Families such as the Hen and Gracians, related to each other,  were prominent Spanish families descended from Judah ben Barzilai.  Members lived chiefly in Barcelona from the 13th through 16th century.  Most used the name, Hen.  They were both related to Nasi and Trabot. In 1593, Marrano Jews arrived in Amsterdam after having been refused admission to Middelburg and Haarlem. These Jews of Converso descent were important merchants, and persons of great ability. The Hays and their Wood relatives were Dutch Jews that emigrated to America in early 18th century.  

That's why Jews, from Roman days on wound up in Germany, then France and her neighbors, had moved into eastern Europe of Poland and Lithuania.  Some kings actually wanted them for their language and math and trading skills.  But then Christianity made its way following the Jews with its demands, and pogroms occurred against the Jews there. Jews did stick out from surrounding neighbors being they were a literate and skilled group.  They didn't get as sick as others when plagues swept through due to their Laws of kashrut and cleanliness.  That made the Others angry and suspicious. 

              A rare steak?  Not for the Jewish palate. it's not kosher, not even this piece of meat. 

 Good grief!  They even had blood libels against Jews when Jews have nothing to do with blood. The Germans made blood sausages and the Jews only ate certain parts of a cow that didn't have arteries in it, and then soaked it to death in salt water to remove any possible blood. Why could they ever consider putting human blood into their matzos.  YUCK!!!  THEY DIDN'T. but their accusers accused them of such nonsense..   

Arabs went to a meeting after losing the Six Day War when they all attacked Israel and they all lost the battle.  The meeting was in Kartoum, Africa where they all swore the famous 3 NO's.  The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."  

The Palestinians have never taken this back, and they haven not tried to make peace.  instead they shoot rockets from Gaza daily.  The PA did recognize Israel for what that's worth, but not Hamas, which has splintered off from the PA.  They are the violent ones. Israel had emptied Gaza completely, giving it over to the Palestinians  in their show of making peace and what did the Palestinians do?  Destroy all the building that would have provided jobs for the Palestinians and start shooting rockets into Israel.  Besides that, they've also dug tunnels from Gaza into Israel to kidnap and kill people.  

A feud between two families spanning nearly two centuries inspired the Hatfield and McCoy dinner show in Pigeon Forge, Tenn (photos by eakkarat rangram / and Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Feud).  Notice, at a family level, they couldn't abide each other for 200 years!  At a state level, the Palestinians and Israelis have been enemies for the past 74 years at least. And these same American leaders expect people in the Middle East to be compliant to their wishes???   

Don't the Representatives and Senators realize that until the Palestinians want to be peaceful if they had the opportunity to have land next door to Israel, it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO PROMOTE IT?  A peaceful motive to work hard to have a state should come first.  Would Hatfield allow the McCoys to buy property right next door to them?  No Way!  

Now the miracle of all miracles is happening in Israel.  They have the Abrahamic Accord going.  This was  started by the least of all expectations to Democrats, by President Trump who was so disliked. He  had allowed his son in law to take the lead and there are 4 countries who have made a peace with Israel through it.  I'm sure that Saudi Arabia will make peace way before the wayward Palestinians ever will.


The Abraham Accords are a series of treaties normalizing diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, facilitated by the U.S. Administration between August and December, 2020. In the span of five short months, these four Arab states joined Egypt and Jordan in making peace with Israel. The agreements were called “The Abraham Accords” in honor of Abraham - the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  That's 6 peaceful states.                                       

The power of one's peer group is powerful.  It took this same power to attack Israel, and now it will take the same power to bring peace.  Only through such a group will the Palestinians decide to live like others in peace, something King Emir Feisal expected to see a long time ago.  


         Israel, Bahrain And UAE Sign Deals Formalizing Ties At White House

Being Arabs, they will expect to see their Palestinians in the position of a statehood.  It will take their communication with them to change their stand, and not Israel's talking with them.  Israel has the right to demand to see the change and to make sure it is an honest one.  Men used to shake hands and that could be trusted.  I expect much more out of a Palestine right next to Israel, and we all expect to never see attacks coming from the Palestinians again.   Isn't there something in the UN charter calling for certain peaceful expectations before a country is accepted into the UN?  They had already rewarded Palestinians with some token of acceptance.  

    Knesset in Jerusalem, Israel's capital since King David 1010 BCE

Jews could go nowhere. Israel is the only Jewish state in the world.  They were finally at home, their only home after a wait of 1,878 years. 


   Arabs came out of Arabia;  here's Saudi Arabia today.  

 The Arabs could have chosen to live in 48 other Muslim majority states.  They chose to be stubborn and want Palestine, which was for most of them, only home since as early as 1882, coming after the Jews had arrived in 1881 on their 1st Aliyah from eastern Europe.    Their leadership got them to stay, to be the pawns in their political chess game, wanting to add this section of land to their Arab holdings. It's only in recent years that they have called themselves Palestinians.  Originally, Greeks had called  the land of the Philistines the name, Palestine.  Then it was called Palestinian Syria.  The Romans called it Palaestina in 135 CE.                                                 

                Sderot, a city under fire, nearest the Gazan border  

However, the Jews had other Jews in Palestine who had never left in 70CE.  They were the ones living in other places outside of Jerusalem and had escaped the Roman net. The two estranged groups managed to meld together, being Judaism was their common bond, and they helped each other.  The results are today's beautiful Israel.  I don['t want to see progress destroyed by outlandish expectations of a 2 state solution.  Hasn't the past 74 years taught the US anything?  It's sure opened the eyes of Israelis.  Take a look at Gaza, they're sitting in Israel's back yard already.  They're the example of a Palestine;  enemies constantly shooting rockets, mortars and missiles at the Jews.  


facts about israel, Published by the division of information, ministry for foreign affairs, Jerusalem

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