
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Debunking Lies The Public Swallows About Israel Part III

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

Lie: 11.  Israel has set the pace of the Middle East arms race.

Truth:  Egypt received the IL-28 bomber from the USSR in 1955;  Israel did not purchase French Sud Vautour tactical bombers until 1958.  Egypt received the MIG-17 fighter in 1957;  Israel an equivalent in 1959.  Egypt had SA-2 surface-to air-missiles in 1960;  Israel got the U.S.-built Hawk, its first American weapon, in 1962.  (Israel received no military grants from the US until 1974.  In comparison, according to AID, US military grants to Arab states totaled $369.3 million from 1946 to 1973).  0:$393.3 Soviet first-line battle tanks, fighter-bombers, and anti-tank missiles have gone to Egypt and Syria before appearing in Warsaw Pact armories:  Israel has rarely received the latest US military equipment up to 1973. 

Update: WASHINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) - President Joe Biden's administration approved the potential sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel, and congressional sources said on Monday that U.S. lawmakers were not expected to object to the deal despite violence between Israel and Palestinian militants.                                   

Lie: 12. The United States has favored Israel over the Arab states in dispensing economic assistance.  

Truth:  According to the May 1974 report of AID in the period 1946-1973, US economic grants to Arab League states totaled $2.48 billion:  economic grants to Israel were $471.3 million.  US economic loans to Arab League states during this same period were $1.56 billion, compared with $2.21 billion for Israel. Israel has paid for most of its economic assistance in cash, and is still repaying loans and credits as of December 1975.  

As of September 21, 2021, WASHINGTON, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday removed $1 billion in military funding for Israel from legislation to fund the U.S. government after objections from liberals in the House of Representatives, but party leaders pledged to bring the matter up again later this week.                                         

Lie: 13.  US support for Israel endangers our oil supplies.

Truth:  Since 1973, US dependency on Arab oil has diminished.  In 1973, Arab oil producers supplied over 29% of the nation's imported oil or approximately 5% of the enation's energy requirements.  Statistics for 1974 indicate that because of alternate sources of energy and a drop in demand, Arab oil producers were supplying less than 3% of US imported oil, or only 2% of the total energy requirements.  In addition, since the 1973 embargo, the US stockpile preparedness has grown by approximately 40%. 

The international oil cartel includes non-Arab states that are far from the Middle East struggle and are impelled by economic, not political concerns.   More likely, data from EY’s 2016 Global Fraud Survey shows that, in the oil, gas and mining industry, 43% of employees would engage in fraud to meet financial targets and 35% would engage in fraud to help a business survive a downturn.  Here it is, October 2021 and USA has turned away from coal and oil and checking into wind and solar powers.  Oil is being replaced along with the horse and buggy.  


Lie: 14.  Israel is obligated to withdraw to lines existing before 1967.  

Truth:  the 1949-1967 lines were armistice lines, NOT BORDERS RECOGNIZDD BY ARAB STATES!  In May 1967, Egypt's President Nasser moved 5 divisions to the Negev border and blocked the Straits of Tiran, Israel's southern waterway-a clear act of war under international law.  In RESPONDING to this act during the 6 DAY WAR, Israel took Sinai, the Golan Heights (where Syria had massed 3 divisions and (from which Syria had bombarded Israeli settlements for 19 YEARS), and the West Bank (from which guerrilla raids were launched after 1949. 

Since that time, the Arab states have refused to negotiate directly with Israel, refused to recognize Israel's right to exist, and refused to normalize relations.  Israel has repeatedly stated her willingness to return territories under those conditions.  (3 NOs from Khartoum).  

UN Resolution 242 of 1967--and Resolution 338 of 1973, which calls for its immediate implementation--summons all parties to enter into direct negotiations and requires "termination of all claims or states of belligerence and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of every state in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force....." 

 Israel has held that she must not surrender land vital to her security UNTIL  there is evidence of meaningful Arab accommodation, compromise, and conciliation, as stipulated by the UN Resolutions.  Israel is not USA's culprit.  



Jewish Digest, December 1975, Condensed from NEAR EAST REPORT, a Washington letter on American policy in the Near East.

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