
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Debunking Lies The Public Swallows About Israel Part II

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                                                                

Lie: 6. The Arabs have historically gone to war to regain their territories and assist the refugees.

Truth:  There were no occupied territories in 1948, 1956, and 1967, but still the Arabs made war;  there was no Palestinian refugee issue in 1948, but still the Arabs attacked.         

Lie:7.  The Palestine Liberation Organization is the sole representative of the Palestinian people, now represented by Mahmoud Abbas of the PA since 2004.

Truth:  The PLO was a loose confederation of terrorist organizations unified mainly by a desire to destroy Israel.  All of the terrorist groups depend upon various Arab states for economic and diplomatic support.  The PLO was based primarily in Lebanon and Syria, where less than 15%of Palestinians lived. It had never held general elections until Obama came along and insisted in January 2005, and then Hamas, a terror group, was elected.  PLO lacked the characteristics of a legitimate national liberation group.  It did not operate from within Israel, and its constituent groups attack civilian targets exclusively. Hamas is against the PLO with ideology of Muslim Brotherhood Islamists that Egypt had outlawed.  "Their solution for the Palestinian question is through Jihad (Holy War).  It's in the Hamas charter.    

Most PA officials belonged to the PLO or Hamas, the radical Islamist.  The former Hamas leader, Khaled Maashal, who stepped down in 2017,  lived in Damascus, Syria. Hamas and Hezbollah signed an agreement in 2004 to increase attacks on Israel.  

The Palestinians are divided between the West Bank covert terroristic leadership of Mahmoud Abbas (b:1935) , and the Gaza Hamas leadership, Ismail Haniya, Hamas chief since 2017, who was re-elected for a four-year term following an unopposed internal election by party members.  of overt terrorism. Gaza's group is still the outgrowth of the PLO, still shooting rockets into Israel almost every day. 


Lie:8.  Israel has prevented a peaceful  settlement by refusing to negotiate with the PLO/PA/Hamas and recognize a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza.

Truth: The PLO had made it clear from its official documents that it did not and would not recognize or live with a Jewish state in Israel.  The 1968 Palestine National Covenant, the PLO's constitution, asserts in Article 19 that "the partitioning of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of Israel are fundamentally null and void." Article 20 claims all of Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank and Jordan:  Article 15 calls for the Arabs "to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine.l"  The Covenant makes it clear that the PLO wants an ARAB  state in which the Jews will be a minority.  Article 6 states that only "Jews who were living permanently in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinians." and thus allowed to stay.  

When confronted with the possibility of negotiating with Israel in 1974, the PLO (through the Palestine National Council) promulgated the 10 Point Program.  The program states that it will accept a West Bank/Gaza state only as a "fighting authority" that would not permit "recognition, conciliation, secure borders" with Israel. 


Lie: 9.  Zionism is a racist, exclusivist philosophy.

Truth:  Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people..  It is a modern manifestation of an 1,800 year-old dream:  to rebuild the Jewish state of Israel after the destruction of the 2nd Temple and expulsion of the Jews.  The lessons of history have demonstrated the need to ensure Jewish security through a national home.  Zionism recognized that Jewishness is defined by a shared religion, culture, and history.  Jews of all colors and more than 100 countries are represented in Israel's population.

Many Christians, such as the Evangelicals,  also have supported the goals and ideals of Zionism.  Israel's open and democratic character, and its scrupulous insurance of religious and political rights of Christians and Moslems rebut the charge of exclusivism.


Lie: 10.  Israel forcibly annexed Arab Jerusalem, restricted Christian and Moslem religious freedom there, and undermines homes and building with excavations.   

Truth:  The UN decided in 1947 that Jerusalem should be an international city, a corpus separutum.  Although none of the Arab states recognized this decision, Israel did,(OY Gevalt!) despite the fact that Jerusalem had had a Jewish majority population since 1876.  Jordan conquered the Old City in the 1948 fighting.  During its 19-year stewardship, Jordan demolished 34 of 35 synagogues, barred all Jews and Israeli Moslems from praying at their sacred shrines in Jerusalem, and quarried tombstones from the Jewish Mount of Olives cemetery to pave Jordanian army latrines.  

On the  2nd day of the  1967 war, Jordan ignored repeated pleas from Israel and began shelling Israel from Jerusalem.  Israel reunited the city.  Since that time, the rights of the diverse Christian and Moslem sects have been upheld by Israeli law.  

However, On 28 May, 2020, Netanyahu said he was committed to annexing parts of the West Bank in July once a joint Israeli-US team completes mapping the exact territory based on the conceptual map released by US President Donald Trump's administration.  The West Bank has been divided into 3 areas from Oslo;  and Israel has area C exclusively, though Arabs have not obeyed this ruling.  

This annexation has been dropped now that Netanyahu is out and Naftali Bennett is in who said, " he will continue ‘natural growth’ of settlements and vows Jerusalem will only ever be Israel’s capital".  Israel won’t annex territory or establish Palestinian state on my watch. 

 I just counted 20 major mosques in IsraelAlthough UNESCO has criticized Israeli excavations in Jerusalem, those charges were disproved by the May 1974 investigation of Prof. Rayond Lemmaire, UNESCO Director-General's representative.   Excavations have been done illegally by the Arabs.  Israel wants and allows archaeologists to excavate as it is a city with history, and proof of history is a way of vetting facts.  It must be an archaologist's dream to work in Israel.  Please watch THE NAKED ARCHAOLOGIST ON YOUR TV--YOUTUBE.  


Jewish digest December 1975,p.3, Condensed from NEAR EAST REPORT, published from Washington letter on American policy in the Near East.

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