
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Anti-Semitic Conference in Durban, South Africa and What Countries Are Attending

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              


 "The first United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance was held in Durban, South Africa, in September 2001.                            

Nelson Mandela   and Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa's Durban Conference.  
Durban, South Africa was where Nelson Mandela became their 1st president.  The next, and present President during the 1st in 2001 Durban Conference was Thabo Mbeki, born in 1942.  Apartheid had been in practice for almost 25 years till" white minority domination and black majority rule would precipitate a bloody civil war. Instead, in 1994 South Africans replaced president F. W. de Klerk with Nelson Mandela (1994-1999)in a free and fair election that astonished the world."  He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader and philanthropist  He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.


The recently opened Durban Point Magistrate’s Court

Regardless of its noble intentions, 'Durban' as it subsequently became known, quickly descended into an anti-Jewish hate-fest with an anti-Israel political agenda designed to turn Israel into a pariah state, along with attempts to deny antisemitism as a human rights issue.                                                           

Copies of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' - a bogus and conspiratorial Russian text containing the supposed master plan for Jewish global domination were on sale, while outside the conference large antisemitic banners including those lamenting Hitler's failure to solve the "Jewish problem" were on display.

You may have heard in recent days that the UK is the latest country to boycott the Durban IV conference, due to be held in September 2021 in New York. The US, Canada and Australia have also announced that they will not be attending.  

 Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Menashe Erdan, is  an Israeli politician and diplomat. He is currently the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations and the Israeli ambassador to the United States,  and said he plans to hold an alternative event to the Durban Conference that will deal with combatting racism, including anti-semitism.                                                            

     President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, serving the 2nd of a 7 year term

Given the utterly shameful displays of anti-Israel bias and Holocaust inversion broadcast from Dáil Éireann,  the lower house, and principal chamber, of the Oireachtas, which also includes the President of Ireland and Seanad Éireann. It consists of 160 members, known as Teachta Dála. ) last month, Ireland's international reputation really cannot afford to be further sullied by being seen to endorse Durban IV. Enough is enough!"  

On 9 April 2018 Dublin City Council became the first European capital to vote in favour of resolutions endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and calling for the expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador to Ireland. The City Council boycott motion included a specific call to boycott products and services from Hewlett Packard. On 10 April, the Lord Mayor of Dublin Mícheál Mac Donncha travelled to Ramallah to attend a Palestinian Authority conference on the status of Jerusalem, avoiding an Israeli government ban due to confusion arising from the spelling of his name in Irish on his passport. In response, the Israeli government summoned the Irish Ambassador to formally demand an explanation for the boycott motions of Dublin City Council and the Lord Mayor's attendance at the conference."  The UK is not attending the Durban Conference, and Ireland is part of the UK, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do attend and even speak due to their proclivity lately of being anti-Israel.  

It occurred to me that Jews have suffered from Racism through anti-Semitism, being that Semites that are Jews have been treated as a race, for at least the last 2,000 years.                               

That a meeting about putting down racism dared to become the most racist yet towards Jews and Israel, the only Jewish state in the world, created as a Jewish refuge from a racist world,  is positively stomach-churning.  20% of it's population are Muslims.   Jews had been ostracized, and became an endogamous people within Europe.  There are 48 Muslim majority states in the world even without a Palestine. 

When Mandela became prime minister, many Jews immigrated for Israel.  They didn't know and didn't trust how he would treat Jews. "Over the years, the Jewish community had not always seen eye to eye with Mandela.  Many in the community were unhappy with his support for the Palestine Liberation Organization, and particularly his embrace of then-Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

Another concern was that Mandela, in repeatedly referring to Israel as a "colonialist" regime, seemed to be questioning the fundamental legitimacy of the Jewish state.  It was difficult for American Jewish leaders to consider joining in the welcome for this great freedom fighter without having a better understanding of his views toward Israel and the Jewish community. " Though Mandela had died two years before the conference, how he had felt or what he had said about Israel must have remained in some minds in Durban to have put on such an anti-Semitic show in the  conference against 'racism" but okay to advocate anti-Semitism.                                                        

 It also remains a great platform for all the anti-Israelists that abound, being they would be welcomed with open arms.  


Ireland Israel Alliance


  1. thanks for this nadene. the un's conference sure crumbled in a hurry for having such noble intentions so it causes me to wonder just how noble the motives were to begin with....
    bad seeds bring a bad crop, that's not rocket science. i think we are going to see more and worse if this trend does not reverse. has me quite concerned.... :(

  2. Quite right on this. So many don't seem to want to look at the truth, either.
