
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Arab Theft Of Israeli State Lands

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

There was an Oslo II Accord deal made, and Judea and Samaria (West Bank)  were divided up into areas A,B, and C.  The C part was for Israelis to live.  Arabs have been stealing this land and building illegally on it.  The shaded part is area C, mostly on the eastern side.  

The distinct areas were given different statuses, according to their governance pending a final status accord: 

Area A is exclusively administered by the Palestinian National Authority

Area B is administered by both the Palestinian Authority and Israel; and

 Area C, which contains the Israeli settlements, is administered by Israel.

 Areas A and B were chosen in such a way as to just contain Palestinians, by drawing lines around Palestinian population centers at the time the Agreement was signed; all areas surrounding Areas A and B were defined as Area C.                                                                                  

Today, a vigil was held by the members of the Sovereignty Movement at Gush Etsion intersection in support of the marchers all over Judea and Samaria.  They called to put a stop to the Arab theft and take over of Israeli state lands.  Among the participants at the vigil were Ariella Coller, wife of the former Canadian minister of Justice, and Jeff Daube, long-time Land of Israel activist.                           

Salam Fayyad, born in 1952,  is a Jordanian-Palestinian politician and former Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority and Finance Minister. He was Finance Minister from June 2002 to November 2005 and from March 2007 to May 2012. Fayyad was Prime Minister between June 2007 and June 2013.

Prime Minister Salam Fayyad of the Palestinians is the mastermind behind the large-scale European government-funded building across Area C in Judea and Samaria—land that is under Israeli control according to the Oslo Accords.


Major General Nitzan Alon (Hebrewניצן אלון‎; born 1964) is a general in the Israel Defense Forces. In December 2011, he was named GOC Central Command and became Head of Central Command in early 2012. He became a commissioned officer after completing the 12-week-long school IDF Officer Candidate School. Alon went on further and graduated from the École de l'infanterie, a French military academy for further training for commissioned military officers. He then attended the École Militaire Interarmes or EMIA, a military school of the French Army intended to form and train military staff including Senior officers who have risen from the ranks.

In 2016, Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon said Iran is still considered the biggest threat to Israel, but that the Jewish state will participate in the global coalition to fight Islamic State.

The Judea and Samaria Area is administered by the Israel Defense Forces Central Command, and military law is applied. Administrative decisions are subject to the Command's chief. The incumbent chief of Central Command is Aluf Nitzan Alon.  He and two others are labelled as the new hardline Doves.  

Major Gen. Nitzn Alon, head of the army's Central Command, has appointed an officer to investigate how the Civil Administration in the West Bank gave lands worth millions of shekels to the Samaria Development Company, despite his explicit order not to do so.  The 2,400 dunams, which are slated to become an industrial park, are just across the Green Line from Rosh Ha'ayin.  The combination of its location in the West Bank, which enables companies to employ cheap Palestinian labor, and its proximity to other places, makes it a desirable piece of property.   

Who's funding these illegal Palestinian settlements in area C, anyway?  There have been 10,000 cases.  It has been revealed that to create a de facto Palestinian state without negotiation or even diplomatic consultation with the Israelis, European countries have pumped hundreds of millions of euros annually into illegal building.According to Israeli activist watchdog groups such as Regavim, during the last five years, illegal Palestinian settlements and infrastructure have sprawled across more than 9,000 dunams (nine square kilometers) in more than 250 Area C locations, supported by more than 600 kilometers of illegally constructed access roads and more than 112,000 meters of retaining walls and terracing. This massive works project is being conducted in broad daylight, often heralded by tall announcement placards and press releases.  I'd say that this amounts to chutzpa m'od! 

Area C, also called Judea and Samaria, comprises roughly 60 percent of the West Bank. The majority of Area C residents are Israelis—an estimated 325,000 alongside some 300,000 Arabs. Under the Oslo Accords, only the Israeli Civil Administration can authorize new construction in the zone for Israeli Jews and for Arabs alike. 

The Civil Administration is practically a "counterpart" of the Interior Ministry of Israel, and operates with its nine Israeli – District Coordination Offices (DCO), operating in the West Bank. The Civil Administration is responsible for all administrative aspects of the local population within Area C of the West Bank, and is responsible for coordinating with the Palestinian Authority, which has full administrative authority in Area A, and limited authority in Area B, as per the Oslo Accords. After 2002, with Operation Defensive Shield, the agreement in the Oslo Accords disallowing Israeli military operations in Area A was effectively abolished by the latter. The only part of the West Bank which the IDF does not enter is the Palestinian Presidential compound, the Mukataa inside Ramallah. As a working rule, the Palestinian security forces are left to operate by day, and Israeli raids take place in this area during the night.   Among other things, it is responsible for the entrance permits from the West Bank to Israel, travel permits within the West Bank, and work permits (for Palestinians seeking to enter from the West Bank to Israel in order to work). 

It also decides on matters concerning the approval of new and already built housing units in settlements. The Civil Administration that operates as part of the COGAT unit receives its budget from the Israeli government.  COGAT is responsible for implementing the Israeli government's policy in the Area C of the West Bank and vis-à-vis the Gaza Strip. In addition, COGAT constitutes the civilian authority for residential zoning and infrastructure and is responsible for addressing the needs of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The Unit constitutes a focal point of knowledge that combines human quality and advanced technology. It coordinates the activities of government departments, I.D.F and security forces vis-à-vis the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.  "Israel will continue doing everything in its power to defend its citizens and to avoid harming the residents of Gaza who are being held hostage by Hamas", the Head of the Civil Department of COGAT, Colonel Elad Goren noted.

I know what's going on. The European countries are creating a Palestine now without the support of Israel. After being rained upon by 4,300 rockets this time for 11 days, a Palestine is not looked upon with favor by many Israelis, including the new coalition. In fact, they have never shown to anyone that they would be a good normal neighbor. Egypt and Jordan have managed, though. The Palestinians have not.  Jeff Daube's words    Nadia Matar's words

1 comment:

  1. "I know what's going on. The European countries are creating a Palestine now without the support of Israel. After being rained upon by 4,300 rockets this time for 11 days, a Palestine is not looked upon with favor by many Israelis, including the new coalition. In fact, they have never shown to anyone that they would be a good normal neighbor. Egypt and Jordan have managed, though. The Palestinians have not."

    exactly! i know what's going on too, nadene...aided and abetted by europe, like i told you i don't trust them -- the un -- the liberal progressive socialist globalists (some here in america too of course) so those like solana and soros (& many others) who force issues to the forefront by funding opposition (create the narrative and fund, fuel, and foster it with tons of negative media--we have heard them take the microphone at the un etc and slander and accuse israel non-stop) as soros and the eu do or giving them political cover--what solana did and still does though "retired"--by sitting in board rooms of international think tanks and dreams up ways to build up the palestinians (give them a sense of entitlement though it is not their country, not their homeland) at the expense of the israeli's. is amazing how these create scenarios and inflame them so they can turn around and offer the "solutions" -- solutions my eye! meddlers and back stabbers using useful idiots like the plo to gain power over sovereign nations. it is happening in the usa too. they want one world governance and these elites are gaining an upper hand in myriad ways, all under the guise of "peace and safety" (security). they actually want the middle east in flames *in cahoots with iran (iran deal as one aspect) so they can leverage things* and use this to gain control they are determined to have. a globalist mantra is "crisis = opportunity"..if you don't have a handy natural crisis, create one! is a method of their madness, nadene.

    this is not in the least how a true neighbor behaves.
    this is what parasites do to a host...
