
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Picture Of a 22 Year Old Trump Supporter of 2021

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

One of the 22 year olds of our country is basking in anti-Semitism, spreading Racism and promotes white supremacy.  In fact, there may be more than one, but I'm highlighting this one.  He's hosting a fundraiser that a Senator is attending.  He's not a dummy as we might think.  He has few ethics.  He speaks with strangers about killing  state legislators. 


                                             Storming our capital 
 The 22 year old Donald Trump supporter  was among the far-right individuals and groups who participated in the rallies that led up to 2021 storming of the United States Capitol. His DLive channel was subsequently suspended permanently for "inciting violent and illegal activities." He was also among a group of far-right activists and groups who received large donations in bitcoin from a French donor on December 8. He received 13.5 bitcoin (approximately $250,000), which was by far the largest share. The donor also posted an apparent suicide note, according to Blockchain analysis group Chainalysis, although the donor's status has not been confirmed. The FBI is launching an investigation as to whether any of this money went toward the financing of illegal acts, such as the storming of the US Capitol.


On January 4, 2021, two days before the storming of the U.S. Capitol, the 22 year old  discussed killing state legislators who were unwilling to overturn the results of the 2020 election, saying "What can you and I do to a state legislator — besides kill them? We should not do that. I'm not advising that, but I mean, what else can you do, right?"  At a pro-Trump protest in Washington, D.C. in December 2020, He led a crowd to chant "Destroy the GOP", and encouraged them to sit-out the United States Senate special runoff election in Georgia. In February 2021, a video of His speech was played during the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump by House delegate Stacey Plaskett.


On January 6, 2021, prior to the storming of the U.S. Capitol, HE spoke to a crowd of supporters at Freedom Plaza, stating, "It is us and our ancestors that created everything good that you see in this country. All these people that have taken over our country—we do not need them... It is the American people, and our leader, Donald Trump, against everybody else in this country and this world... Our Founding Fathers would get in the streets, and they would take this country back by force if necessary. And that is what we must be prepared to do." 


 I'm appalled as I had been a Trump supporter because of the real support Trump  gave to Israel, a nice change-finally.  This turn of American events is shocking.


In August 2017, the 22 year old  left Boston University after attending the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. He applied for transfer admission to Auburn University in fall 2017, but he did not confirm his enrollment on time. He is Catholic, and of Hispanic and Italian descent.  He had been president of his high school student council.  What happened?  He had possibilities that are off-track, following a belief that needed to be tackled with more reading, more of a background to current events and history.  He needed more of an education.  He's a clever college drop-out that's as naive as they come.  


I see him as young, naive, immature, anti-Semite steamed up with his white power that is all too similar to Nazi beliefs  and dangerous to the country he says he loves.                                                               


He sees himself as  an American  nationalist and paleoconservative,  who has also expressed his  anti-semitic views.  (A paleoconservative is a person who advocates old or traditional forms of conservatism; an extremely right-wing conservative.


And I see a US Senator, buttering up to this kid by attending his fundraiser, a renowned antisemite and white supremacist who promotes Holocaust denial. The 22 year old also has beliefs consisting of conspiracy theories alleging that the January 6 Capitol siege and the Unite the Right white power rally in Charlottesville were both left-wing false-flag operations. He was communicating with far-right “Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander in the lead-up to the insurrection. Isn't this a cop-out as to what he said earlier that he was a participant?   Oh, maybe he just realized that there are consequences.  

This is deeply disturbing,  which was noticable to NEWSWEEK !


American Jewish Congress Alert


  1. yes, they come in every flavor, nadene.

    but their numbers are very small among true trump supporters who are not at all extreme so to attach them so tightly to trump is to cast a wrong slant in my opinion because trump himself has been very very (very!) for the jewish people and the jewish state as the 90+ % of those who voted for him. you wrote so because that is true.

    those you just posted about are acting on their own accord.

    they really don't represent trump views (or me either) but many believe that now because of the media and because they won't learn to think and discern the difference. the difference is huge.

    also acting on their own accord are the ones who breached the capitol this year, who were, by the way, unarmed. and nadene, think about it...who runs an insurrection without being armed???? not a true insurrectionist! those people acted very uncivil that day..their behavior was stupid and not one bit necessary--didn't represent me---or president trump either---so it mob behavior (stupid and obviously poorly planned except to get media attention), and not terrorists's the kicker--the media wants them cast to the extreme.

    i quite honestly think you are not making near enough distinction between right wing groups, the lump is much more parsed than you are portraying.

    the main stream media does this to the extreme and i hope you are not implying what they imply, because they lump all the right together so much they have people just like me portrayed as terrorists..majorie taylor greene is absolutely for israel, openly so, says so and puts her reputation and name behind supporting israel yet she is lumped with extremists too, just like former president trump is cast as extreme. you know who wants it that way nadene? the globalists!!! they have to have trump and his supporters corralled to pull off the big planned reset to take all nations sovereignty away. bye bye america....bye bye israel. that is their stated goal and the money of billionaires and ultra big government and their lap dog the media of the far left is making it happen.

    the lines are so blurred now. media has done a great job with their extreme broad brush smear to turn americans against each other instead of against the true enemies of america...and most defintely israel too--foreign and domestic.

    so..the slander, libel, the labeling, the branding, if it keeps up.. then far lefty media and progressive left liberals will continue till it really does what mtg warned about, to become what was done in the holocaust, but even bigger, and will include me and you both my dear friend. it will go there if this trend does not stop.

    but ya know what?

    i can die on that hill nadene, standing with what are true american values and true love for the jewish state.

    the left absolutely hates us. and they have the power now. absolutely corrupt!

  2. Margorie Taylor Green is one I also wrote about, a very mixed up person, to put it mildly. I voted for Trump, and backed him because he backed Israel and what he did for her. The episode of attacking the building was terrible, and I listened to his speech before hand. To me, he instigated something-of course not knowing how far they would go, but as president, one has to watch one's words. His were quite strong. He must have known how worked up the audience was. Calling out the election was wrong--that's another thing that I find wrong. To me, he reacted like Hillary did when she lost only she didn't go as far as he did, and he has gone too far. Couldn't he have checked on the voting machines to get proof and then let that come out in the open? So I'm still very disappointed in Trump. Maybe it's the teacher in me; he has acted like a little kid, not a President. He was on such a good role; Israel, the other Arab states making peace with the Abraham Accords, and then he spoiled it all
    with his behavior. My own daughter still backs him. I know there are good people who are, but there are some that are not and they manage to spread things like anti-Semitism with their hysteria.

  3. i agree with a number of things you said, but those people are acting on their own accord and that shouldn't be laid on him (or the whole of conservatives either). that is what i am really stressing. there are consequences for folowing him and the left is afterus for it--biden/harris are breathing down our necks to punish us with radical policies more and more. millions of people including me listened to him and i heard passion, i hear passion... but i did not hear incitement. peacefully and patriotically
    he said go to the capitol not breach it- make vioces heard of their protest. big difference. and the many many 10000's there that day, actually there, not hearing media clips over and over and over of spliced and diced words, those did not hear that either, and what he actually said is protected speech. alan dershowitz and jonathan turley very lettered, well known constitutional lawyers, left leaning lawyers even who did not vote for trump, have said exactly what i have stated too. does not rise to the level of hatred and vehemence that michelle obama and others have said from the left---yet---no one calls them out---why oh why is that? the media is squarely in their camp (for a long time too) so i think the flames were fanned by the media and took it beyond what he said, even implied, but yes, that's my feeling. others can feel differently and do. the video shows people (not armed) being led through the halls led! by capitol officers! blew me away when i saw that!!! but media won't let those videos air widely! can't let people see and judge for themselves.
    the election had many things wrong with it and only now is some of that really getting looked at-(same censorship there too) what should have been looked at already. if so sure they won why is the left trying to prevent the very information that would vindicate their belief that they won fair and square? for the sake of the voters they have the right to know that one way or another but some very big names and big money are pushing the narrative to be against trump and that right there should make one pause. djt has a style to speak i don't care for yet i have also heard him speak very well too. and beyond his words, what he was actually doing for all americans (and israel) every race creed and religion was the very opposite of what horrible bias and injustice is going on now. biden is racist and anti-israel (he tries to say different but what he does proves it. his admn wants to force israel to let go of the golan. read that in world isarel news article. this is horrible for israel. so back to the other--this whole thing is far from over in other words nadene. and israel and others on the world stage lost a true friend in pres trump. biden is a walking horror of evil globalist policies he is puppet for and i do not think america or the world will recover to anything that resembles even slightly what is right, decent, and fair. terrible things are coming..and soon

  4. i may not care for a personality and the way they speak but deeper than that i look at what they do more than say and america lost her way in what joe biden and the left biggies got away with. i think it will come to blows i really do, what is on the horizon. america was sold a bill of goods a major sleight of hands went down, (soros and solana part of the international crisis group are on boards that have ties to dominion voting systems!!) what does that tell us??) and is taking us all down with it. i cannot shake the feeling that it is just about to turn into something hellish..perhaps even before or near the start of the new year 2022..soon in other words--maybe not quite that soon but soon. we will be living it.
    extremists are on all sides. you and i are smack dab in the middle and who they want to bring down. what did lincoln say about the middle class? "God must love the common man, he made so many of them". we are who trump stood with not far left or right and globalists want slaves -- poor and broken slaves because they are the elites, they know better than the rest of us. just ask them.. so djt trump's behavior did not lose the election for him, for was stolen because it is bigger much bigger than the one man is about taking this country down--the last hope for all those common people-everywhere actually. millions feel exactly like i do and they are of every stripe. the small but far and extreme right doesn't speak for us. and i mark down who traffics with them..we don't do violence! the violent left hates us, we are one the left's hit list.

    the globalists smell blood in the water--just what they have been planning for a long time nadene. time will show us all what i'm talking about. this is not q anon talk--long before--15 years before qanon i have been watching this taking shape. we are in danger zone now. i would love to be wrong, nadene, i really would.
    absolutely...God help us all...

    thanks always for the posts. i don't have to agree word for word..but i know your heart and appreciate how you think and feel. i really do!

    1. Andre, Trump didn't plan the outcome of his speech that enticed so many on the border of sanity people, but it happened. On that fateeful january 6, of this year, a Wednesday, a police officer died, and it was Officer slicknick. There are 50 criminal cases against Trump's extremists who attacked police with metal pipes. In addition to invading the House and Senate chambers, driving members of Congress into hiding, the extremists attacked police "with metal pipes, discharged chemical irritants, and took up other weapons against our officers," U.S. Capitol Police said Thursday. One thing he had done all along was to call people names, and I can't condone that. It made me squirm, the man that was defending Israel. It's not a worthy act. He treated the Democrats like foreigners invading our country, it was so bad, and not all he was saying could be proven as true. Here we have the blue and the red both thinking the other was crazy. For a few more votes, Trump was snuzzling up to horrid people like this one, who was the topic of the article, by the way. My point is that the rules of our country were not being followed by either party and Trump did his part in riling up people enough to cause the attack. The emphasis is that an an anti-Semite, like this one, was part of that group. as it attracted people like this,, and what did Trump's people do about it? Keep them, anti-semites, and that's how they grow. He did nothing to dissuade them.

  5. 1964 nadene!

    and the targets will narrow more and more as this goes on in time--it's coming--to target--particularly the jews and true (not apostate) christians. to those who cannot will not comply it is label, libel, leave them with nothing--and the socialist globalist elites aim

  6. Yes, Reagan was great. He was such a great great speaker, too. That 1964 speech was outstanding.
