
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Are the Ayatollas Descendants of Haman?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                     

                          Shah of Iran inspecting Iranian troops-1970s.  

With the introduction of the Ayatolahs after the Shah of Persia was exiled, the hatred of Jews began in Iran.  "The Shah left Iran in exile on 16 January 1979, as the last Persian monarch, leaving his duties to a regency council and Shapour Bakhtiar, who was an opposition-based prime minister.   Ayatollah Khomeini was invited back to Iran by the government, and returned to Tehran to a greeting by several thousand Iranians."   The shah and Israel had been getting along, fine.  The Iranian Revolution or Islamic Revolution was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and the replacement of his government with an Islamic republic under the rule of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leader of one of the factions in the revolt. The revolution was supported by various leftist and Islamist organizations and student movements.

"The years of the Pahlavi dynasty, however — especially the reign of Muhammad Reza Shah (1941-1979) — are often considered a “Golden Age” for Iranian Jewry. The Iranian Jewish community thrived economically under the Shah’s reform plan, the “White Revolution” (1964-1979). The White Revolution’s rapid modernization provided exceptional opportunities for the Jewish community in Iran."

The Pahlavi dynasty is an Iranian royal dynasty of Mazanderani ethnicity. The Pahlavi dynasty originated in Iran's Mazandaran province. In 1878, Reza Shah Pahlavi was born at the village of Alasht in Savadkuh County, Mazandaran Province. His parents were Abbas Ali Khan and Noushafarin Ayromlou. His mother was a Muslim immigrant from Georgia (then part of the Russian Empire), whose family had emigrated to mainland Qajar Iran after Iran was forced to cede all of its territories in the Caucasus following the Russo-Persian Wars several decades prior to Reza Shah's birth. His father was a Mazandarani, commissioned in the 7th Savadkuh Regiment, and served in the Anglo-Persian War in 1856. But looking at his long tree, it started with Khans.  In my experience, all Khans have been Pashtuns, remnants of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, now found as Pashtuns of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.  And why not throw in Persia as well?  This calls for DNA testing.  Then again, there are the descendants of Ghengis Khan, and they seem to have invaded Persia from the looks of the 7 sons of Haman's picture. John Andrew Boyle describes how, in the early thirteenth century, the Mongol hordes devastated Turkestan and Persia, where the grandson of Genghis Khan founded a dynasty.

"Anti-Semitism, however, remains. In 1999, 13 Jews from Shiraz and Isfahan were arrested on charges of spying for Israel, and they were convicted in 2000. By February 2003 all of them had been released, but the arrests planted fear in the heart of the Jewish community, bringing its loyalty under question."  Since then, when asked, Jews tell news commentators that all is fine.  Is that why my cousin's husband fled Iran when a teen-ager with others on camels to escape?  He managed to get out with the help of Jewish help in the USA and after a good education, is now a doctor.  Why did all those Jewish mothers allow their sons to risk their lives in escaping this marvelous country?  Hmmm.  

 Our history with Persia, for that's what Iran had been called for thousands of years until the Shah upgraded the name to Iran, is best known with Queen Esther and her husband, the King Ahasueros  around 538 BCE and the wicked Haman who wanted to kill all the Jews; sort of the 1st Hitler.  It's our Purim story. Esther saved the lives of all the Jews in the known world at that time.                                                        

Persian picture of Haman and his 7 sons hung for their evilness. 

 Haman and his sons were hanged for his plot to kill all the Jews, and that was the end of that wickedness, then.   

This was the period of  the Babylonian Empire's Cyrus after Babylonia had conquered Judah and took Jews to Babylonia.  The book of Esther reads that Jews were living throughout the 127 provinces of the Persian Empire and depicts them as a big population in which many important positions had been filled by them at the capital.   After some 80 years, the Jews had been  released from their bondage and allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their Temple.  In fact, it was held that Cyrus was the grandson of Esther and the King of Persia and that's why he was so kind to the Jews.  "In fact the Jewish exiles regarded Cyrus as a Divine agent."  He was certainly not like Nebuchadnezzer had been in 721 BCE when he took the 10 Northern tribes away and they had never returned.  The land Cyrus was now holding was the very same that Nebuchadnezzer had had.   

My mother loved the story of the Shah.  He was very much in love with his wife, but she had been barren and he needed a son.  He had to marry another, and it seemed to break both their hearts.  They had my mother's endearing love and support.  He was a good man in her eyes. His fate was like soap opera.  

Then, On 19 November 1977Sadat of Egypt became the first Arab leader to visit Israel officially when he met with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and spoke before the Knesset in Jerusalem about his views on how to achieve a comprehensive peace to the Arab–Israeli conflict, which included the full implementation of UN ...

The Shah left Iran for exile on 17 January 1979. ... Soon thereafter, the Iranian monarchy was formally abolished, and Iran was declared an Islamic republic led by Ruhollah Khomeini. The Shah died in exile in Egypt, whose president, Anwar Sadat, had granted him asylum..  Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt, was assassinated 6 October 1981. during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Operation Badr, during which the Egyptian Army had crossed the Suez Canal and taken back a small part of the Sinai Peninsula from Israel at the beginning of the Yom Kippur War.

Jews are not the only ones that the Ayatollas hate.  When Ruhollah Khomeini came to power in 1979, he called for homosexuals to be "exterminated", and one of his first political actions was to institute imprisonment, corporal punishment, and the death penalty for any sexual acts outside traditional Islamic heterosexual marriage. In a 1979 interview with The New York Times, a journalist asked Khomeini to justify the state-sanctioned shootings of homosexuals. In reply Khomeini compared them as well as other adulterers to gangrene, thieves, and murderers.

Iran is currently one of the only Sharia jurisdictions to execute gay men. Amnesty International reports that approximately 5,000 gays have been executed in Iran since the revolution, including two gay men executed in 2014, both hanged for engaging in consensual homosexual relations.


       Former president Ahmadinejad of IRAN, off to bomb Israel

Jews get the double-speak from the Ayatollas.  "When Iran speaks of wiping Israel off the map, it doesn’t mean the mass slaughter of the country’s Jews but rather eliminating the Jewish state’s “imposed regime,” Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Friday.

“The disappearance of Israel does not mean the disappearance of the Jewish people, because we have nothing against [Jews],” Khamenei said, speaking alongside senior Iranian officials at the so-called 33rd International Islamic Unity Conference.

“Wiping out Israel means that the Palestinian people, including Muslims, Christians and Jews, should be able to determine their fate and get rid of thugs such as [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu,” Khamenei continued, according to Iranian media.

Ahmadinejad abides by Iran's long-standing policy of refusing to recognize Israel as a legitimate state, and wants the Jewish people who immigrated to Israel to return to their"fatherlands"translated).              

Jews just so happen to feel that Israel is their fatherland and are returning to it in droves like the swallows of Capistrano.  It's the time of Return.  

"Tweets from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calling for the genocide of the Israeli people — claiming in a stunning letter obtained by The Post that the Jew-hate qualified as “comments on current affairs.”

In a May 20 letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Israel’s Minister for Strategic Affairs Orit Farkash-Hacohen called for the company to uphold its own hate speech policy and remove antisemitic tweets from Khamenei calling Israel a “cancerous growth” to be “uprooted and destroyed.”

Gregory Stanton, the founder of Genocide Watch, has labelled Ahmadinejad's remarks on Israel to be Incitement to Genocide, comparing Iran's Regime to Nazi Germany. Stanton added that he believes Iran is undergoing the Seventh Stage (Preparation) of the Ten stages of genocide

Many of his pronouncements over the last eight years will surely linger in memories of Iranians and world citizens alike.  Ahmadinejad frequently talks about how Israel should be eliminated or "wiped off the map."  At a 2006 conference held in Iran in support of Palestinians he said: "The existence of the Zionist regime is tantamount to an imposition of an unending and unrestrained threat so that none of the nations and Islamic countries of the region and beyond can feel secure from its threat."  Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust a myth numerous times, but in 2009, representatives of several nations walked out of the United Nations' General Assembly because of his remarks: "They (the Western powers) launched the myth of the Holocaust. They lied, they put on a show and then they support the Jews." Earlier, in October 2006, NBC's Brian Williams interviewed Ahmadinejad and asked about some of his statements. The Iranian president said he wanted to use a "scientific approach" when analyzing the logistics of the Holocaust.                        

And, just who was Haman to be called the 1st Hitler?  He was the chief minister of King Ahasueros, King of Persia.  He resented the independent attitude of Esther's Uncle Mordecai, though he didn't know of the relationship.  He hated him because he was a Jew in their land and this led him to detest ALL Jews and planned their annihilation.  His scheme was exposed by Esther.  Haman and his sons were hanged by the order of the king.  In memory of their deliverance, the Jews all over observe the festival of Purim.  Haman was descended from Agag, king of Amelek, the cruel people who attacked the Israelites while on  the Exodus as they passed through;  the only ones to act this way. They killed the weak and the weary.  Finally, Joshua defeated them.  They are regarded as the eternal foe.  Their presence was a standing threat to the nation.   The name of Haman has become synonymous with an enemy of the Jews.  

Yet, every generation must learn sooner or later, and we are so trusting and naive.  "But at the same time, Jews were optimistic about the regime change. When Ayatollah Khomeini — a senior Shi’a Muslim cleric and the future Supreme Leader of the country, returned to Iran on the February 1, 1979, 5,000 Jews, led by Iranian Chief Rabbi Yedidia Shofet, were among those welcoming him. Some of them held pictures of Khomeini and signs proclaiming: “Jews and Muslims are brothers.”  Well, we tried:  to no avail.  

DUBAI (Reuters) - "The United Arab Emirates has betrayed the Islamic world and the Palestinians by reaching a deal toward normalizing ties with Israel," Iran’s top authority Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday.  The deal, the first accommodation between an Arab country and Israel in more than 20 years, was forged in part as a result of shared fear of Iran. It has dismayed Palestinian leaders, however, who believe it further erodes their struggle for an independent state.


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

the famous cliff swallows of San Juan Capistrano

1 comment:

  1. "Jews get the double-speak from the Ayatollas. "When Iran speaks of wiping Israel off the map, it doesn’t mean the mass slaughter of the country’s Jews but rather eliminating the Jewish state’s “imposed regime,” Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Friday."

    there is too much evidence to say they are only after eliminating the jewish i don't buy it. if they are DNA of haman it is quite possible they want the jews gone from the face of the earth the way he did, and they have been very proud to say and show their hatred.
