
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

ISRAEL'S Court Legislation: Proof of Claim Over and Over of Right to Claim Their Land

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

The menorah, (symbol of Judaism since 1st century CE, found on Jewish tombs and monuments of every description, with the Golden menorah taken from the 2nd Temple to Rome, portrayed on the Arch of Titus.)  sits outside the Knesset in Jerusalem, showing the connection of Israel with their Judaism, for that's what the country was created for; to be the haven for persecuted Jews; persecuted because of their Jewish religion.  The Nazis proved that to us over and over; but then so did the Spanish Inquisition, both times, Jews killed simply because of their difference from the others in their belief. That we believe in One G-d, and the following laws given to us by Moses,, seems to have upset others. 

How many times does Israel have to go through fire in their righteous claim to the land of Israel to people after people?  Their legal claim was settled once already in the League of Nations and the United Nations.  It was a claim set up originally thousands of years ago through their religion written in the Torah, the 5 Books of Moses where they were told by G-d in Exodus 23:32, "You shall not seal a covenant with them, or  their gods. 23:33.  They shall not dwell in your land, lest they cause you to sin against Me.  that you will worship their gods, for it will  be a trap for you."  

             Religious, nationalistic, both Jews of the land:  the who and why of Israel

Evidently this was G-d's plan from the beginning;  Judaism could only begin under certain circumstances, with people adhering to it that were alone without any distractions.  They had to simmer and brew to reach the right state of mind and meld with G-d's, as Spock might explain.  G-d had started with Abraham, the grandfather of Moses, but he couldn't connect with  the whole picture living in busy bustling city of Ur, so they had to travel and set up the stage in Canaan, the most unconnected area that would become something like the center of the world.  This would be the home of Judaism.                                                                   

They were told again in Ezekiel 48:14,  They shall not sell any  of it, nor exchange, nor transfer this choicest of land, for it is sacred to Hashem.  

Again in 48:29:  This is the land that you shall allot as an inheritance to the tribes of Israel and these are their divisions--the word of the Lord HASHEM/ELOHIM. (HaShem is used -THE NAME- in place of G-d, which is not to be used too many times..)                                                                     

                     The announcement of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948

The Jewish religion, parent of Christianity and Islam, has been under this obligation from their ONE God ever since the days of Abraham's grandchild, Moses.  They have a religious connection to the Land of Israel, the Land of their Fathers.  What other country in the world has had such a connection?  This isn't just a plain real estate deal like what happened in Eastern Europe where Lithuania was chopped up between Germany, Poland, Russia, etc. throughout the years, passed around like used clothing.  The League of Nations and the United Nations have admitted Israel into the world of countries, and this happened on May 14, 1948, making it official.    The Jews had presented their legal claim and were accepted -most likely without G-d's help in these courts and with these people.  It was accepted by mankind.                                                                        

You can make a face and grimace over religious proof only, but the beauty is that you cannot disprove religion, either.  Regardless if the proof is religious or secular, the Jewish people have plenty of proof that they are home again and intend to stay-and religious grounds of how they have been accepted is enough grounds for them to be accepted and not shot at with intent to kill and destroy them.  There are Muslims out there telling their flock to kill Jews wherever they are, in or out of Israel.  They are the embarrassment to Muslims who view their religion in a completely different light and are making peace pacts with Israel today.                                                        

 Israelis:  a Black Jew, Druze, Christian and Muslim in IDF, respect each other's religions.

What these men have in common is that they represent the minorities of Israel.  The Palestinians do not want to be a part of a country they plan to eradicate, so they have problems of being outsiders.  Not all Muslims in Israel belong to the same group.  This Muslim might be Circassian, or another group, not necessarily Palestinian.  

Quite possibly, if people cannot accept Israel's religious claims, then this whitewashes their own religious claims on the grounds that it is only a religious claim, something without proof but something of belief.  You folks can go right ahead and believe your beliefs, and we  Jews are free to believe ours, which came first, by the way.  The problem is that your religious beliefs acted as powers against ours.                                                                           

Jews of Palmah , the fighters of Haganah in May 1941, defending Jews from attacks.  Jews were already enduring attacks from Arabs so Haganah (defense) was developed by the Jewish population, the Jewish self-defense group.  Here a truck with supplies had been attacked by Palestinians.                     
   Most of Israel's land was like the Negev Desert, described by Mark Twain in his book, The Innocents Abroad who took a pleasure trip starting on November 30, 1835 and wrote about what he saw; weeds galore.  What he wrote about the Arab village he saw, "If ever an oppressed race existed, it is this one we see fettered around us under the inhuman tyranny of the Ottoman  Empire.  I wish Europe would let Russia annihilate Turkey a little-not much, but enough to make it difficult to find the place again without a divining rod or a diving-bell.  The Syrians are very poor, and yet they are ground down by a system of taxation that would drive any other nation frantic...  Last year their taxes were heavy enough, in all conscience- but this year they have been increased by the addition of taxes  that were forgiven them in times of famine in former years.  The people were ignored and so was the land.

When the Jews in 1920 made the deal with the Allies of WWI, the land was in its worst shape possible, but it was holy land-holy to the Jews.  Christians and Muslims may find the Temple Mount meaningful to them because of their later religious people, and Jews have not kept them out of that area, but all the land is holy, and especially the West Bank, to the Jews.  It was land waiting for the Jewish return to be revived from its death.  They have brought it back to life, now in its best shape possible.  Now, of course, more than ever before, the Palestinians want it for themselves.                                                                    

                                    Picturesque  Palestine before 1948

Those Palestinians who had remained in homes and did not run away when they heard their leaders tell them to, are the 20% of Israel's Palestinian population's descendants.  Those leaders wanted them out to give them room to slaughter all the Jews in their attack at that time.  Needless to say, the Jews won and Israel was born again.  Those that left were placed in holding centers by their own leadership  that they have never left but whose descendants now live in either Gaza or Judea and Samaria (West Bank).  

The problem now is that Palestinians have been fed fake news since 1920 that the land is theirs and not the Jews' land.  Nothing of proof shown to them is being accepted.  They take 2nd place prize as being the most stubborn on the face of the earth in their belief system  where we Jews have been 1st in this.  

Here it is, 2021, the future we have been talking about and awaiting for so long, and 4 Arab nations have recently made peace.  I do believe this has shook up Hamas terrorists so much that they think this is the moment to take Israel, once and for all;  but also-once and for all, Israel intends to put a stop to their attacks.  It's gone on for too long; daily attacks, no one could put up with this.                               

This Jewish Homeland was originally taken from Jews by violence in 70 CE, but the Jews have never given up hope of regaining it, and that day in 1948 came after  2,000 years of waiting and praying.  

The Muslim Palestinians do not have such a strong connection to the land.  There are 48 other countries containing a majority population of Muslims, some that even have it in their by-laws such as Saudi Arabia and Iran that they are an Islamic state, that they could happily live and make a living if they find Gaza overcrowded, which it is.  Abraham left Ur.  They could leave Gaza.   Jews are finding this a problem themselves.  Land can only give us so much water and so much food and at that, under peaceful conditions. 


       Jewish groups have been helping Syrian refugees in their plight

There is only one viable outcome.  The Palestinians must give the Jews the right to exist and to have their home.  

1. G-d promised the land to Abraham, father of the 2 people

2. G-d told the Jews that they must live here and guided them to it during the Exodus with specific directions of where the 12 tribes were to live.

3. Jews settled and developed the land.

4. Jews have had to fight defensively for the land.  

5. The International community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people.  

What's the problem?   Why a 9th day of attack hitting Israel with 3,200 rockets so far?  Why don't you see that  many of them have actually fallen into Gaza, killing your own people?  Why the continued hatred since 1967?  


Tanakh, Stone Edition

Eye to Eye by William Koenig, facing the consequences of dividing Israel


1 comment:

  1. another very good article, nadene.
    you're hitting 'em out of the ballpark.

    if people go back and look at origins of things they learn a whole lot. and easier to spot where terrible ideas came from with increasingly deadly results today.
