
Monday, May 17, 2021

A Lesson in Speed About UFOs and Other Fast Things

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

The McMinnville UFO photographs were taken by a farming couple, Paul and Evelyn Trent near McMinnville, Oregon, United States in May, 1950. The photos were reprinted in Life magazine and in newspapers across the nation, and are often considered to be among the most famous photographs ever taken of a UFO. Most UFO skeptics believe that the photos are a hoax, but many ufologists continue to argue that the photos actually depict a genuine unidentified object in the sky.  Were they moving at hypersonic speed?  Maybe.  

The latest fast speed known about are the UFOs spotted by navy pilots that can go at hypersonic speed.  That is 5 times the speed of sound.  They are able to move 3,800 mph or 1,698.752 meters per second;.  This is why they feel awed and that the USA government is saying they are not from the USA.    Reports have been that they are there and then they just disappear, only to be seen later in another location.  

The 1950s saw a lot of outer space alien movies.  On this list of '50s alien movies, you’ll find classics like, The Day the Earth Stood StillInvasion of the Body SnatchersForbidden Planet and It Came From Outer Space. At the time, many of these films were created in response to the conformity and anxiety of the 1950s. With increasing tension building about the atomic bomb's recent creation, people began looking to the cinema to validate their fears about an impending apocalypse. The Day the Earth Stood Still even featured an alien race urging the American public to destroy their atomic bombs. Alien films, in particular, were very popular due to the recent 1947 incidents that happened in Roswell, New Mexico.  That incident was the report of finding dead aliens in a crashed flying saucer.  

It's been 74 years since we found a crashed UFO supposedly, something that has never been admitted.  It most likely wasn't true, but now with our government admitting to the fact that there are UFOs that we haven't identified, could be true after all.  

The next frontier is hypersonic. The United States is currently developing hypersonic missiles that travel in excess of 6,000 miles per hour. The hypersonic SR-72 is reported to be making great gains in secret. It's all very impressive, but it can be hard to wrap your head around in the abstract, so let's do a little bit of napkin math to really bring it home.  

Hypersonic is, obviously, supersonic on steroids. But while "supersonic" has the clear cut definition of being faster than the speed of sound (Mach 1), hypersonic is a little fuzzier. 


  Getting back to the McMinnville story, 
around 7:30 at night on Thursday, May 11, 1950, Evelyn Trent went out to feed her chickens and rabbits behind the farmhouse where she and her husband Paul lived. The animals, as she tells it, gave no indication of any sort of disturbance. While attending to her chores, Evelyn was astonished to see a large, metallic-looking, disc-shaped object hovering silently in the sky a little to the northeast of their farm. She ran towards the house to fetch her husband Paul, while yelling for him to grab the camera. For a short time the two scrambled around looking for their trusty folding Kodak Roamer. 

The disc, still visible in the sky, was moving slowly to the west. Paul clicked off a snapshot and advanced the film as fast he could. The object began to gather speed and turned toward the northwest, forcing Paul to move rapidly to his right to get a second picture. The whole event happened very quickly, and both photos were taken within 30 seconds.

The interest surrounding the Trent UFO photos led to an annual "UFO Festival" being established in McMinnville; it is now the largest such gathering in the Pacific Northwest, and is the second-largest UFO festival in the nation after the one held in Roswell, New Mexico                            

Oregon and Florida have been reporting the most sightings.  Perhaps it is their blue sky at gives such lovely weather more often than other states along with the warmer weather.  


The speed of sound is: The speed of sound is the distance travelled per unit of time by a sound wave as it propagates through an elastic medium.   At 20 °C, the speed of sound in air is about 343 metres per second, or  or a kilometre in 2.9 s or a mile in 4.7 s.   Typically, sound travels most slowly in gases, faster in liquids, and fastest in solids.  

 According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day then blew their trumpets.  The stamping of their feet in unison would be like a herd of elephants with sound waves running through the ground, and then the trumpets the sound waves would pierce the air.  Together, the walls came tumbling down.  They were made of rocks, and may not have been held together strongly.  It worked.  Sounds to me like Joshua had known something about what sound waves could do.  That's pretty good for a man living  in about 1579 BCE or 3,598 years ago.  Critics think this story is hogwash, but they have never heard nor felt a herd of elephants or bison run across a prairie.  Our native Americans might have believed it as they went hunting all the time.                                                             

The speed of light is:  The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant important in many areas of physics. Its exact value is defined as 299,792,458 metres per second--about 300,000,000  metres per second or 186,411.357,671 miles per second.


                                    Haley's comet
When the comet is far from the sun, it travels at about 2,000 miles per hour or 1,010.3 meters per second.  . As it gets closer to the sun, its speed increases. It may travel at over 100,000 miles per hour! As a comet approaches the sun, its icy body begins to melt, releasing gas and dust.


                        Sputnik launched the Space Age 

Satellites fight gravity by going just fast enough to free-fall around the planet indefinitely, like the International Space Station, with many traveling at speeds of more than 17,500 mph or 7,823.2 meters per secondBut if you want to leave this planet, you have to go faster. This speed is called the escape velocity.  In the context of spaceflight, a satellite is an object that has been intentionally placed into orbit. These objects are called artificial satellites to distinguish them from natural satellites such as Earth's Moon. On 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1.


The SSC Tuatara is currently the world's fastest production car, with an officially recognised top speed of 316.11mph or 141.313814 meters per second. The record run broke the previous mark of 277.9mph set by the Koenigsegg Agera RS in 2017. It has 1,750 HP.    


The Roman chariots were very light and made of material such as leather. The chariot can only go as fast as the horses that pull it go, so it is estimated around 35-40 mph or 17.8816 meters per second  give it or take.                                       

Usain Bolt holds the record for the fastest sprint speed at 27.78 mph or 12.418771 meters per second. He ran this speed during a 100-meter dash at the 2009 World Championships.                                    

  • Cheetahs are the world's fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 mph or About 31.2928 meters per second. In short, cheetahs are built for speed, grace, and hunting.
  • We're not very speedy.  They reported their sighting in May 1950 and here we are, finally saying, yes, there are UFOs out there 69 years later, and we still are at odds as to what they are.  I imagine that they are trying to figure out the same thing; what we are.  


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