
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Is the Two-State Solution A Solution or a Stall for A Take-Over

Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

                   Palestinian rock throwers on Temple Mount-way before Jerusalem Day 2021

Many arm-chair authorities think that there will be peace when there is are 2 states established, with the Palestinians using East Jerusalem as their capital, which is part of the capital of Israel.  I saw some of the rocks they were throwing over Jerusalem Day.  They were huge like big bricks.  

Has anyone noticed that Israeli Arabs are fighting and trying to kill Israelis on the Temple Mount? Do you think this makes Israelis comfortable with Palestine becoming a state in what was part of their allotted land?  It's been dangerous enough as it has been.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said that over 300 Palestinians were wounded during clashes between Palestinians and police near Al-Aqsa Mosque and elsewhere in the Old City Monday morning. According to the Red Crescent, 205 people were hospitalized, and seven were said to be in serious condition. Police said at least 21 officers were wounded.  

Israeli police entered the Temple Mount compound on Monday morning. They said they sought to quell a violent Palestinian riot that included stone-throwing. Palestinians had reportedly stored stones and other weapons in the sanctuary, expecting to attack right-wing religious visitors celebrating Jerusalem Day. But police decided to block Jews from entering the Mount.

The flashpoint area, the holiest place for Jews as the site of the biblical temples and site of the third holiest shrine in Islam, has been at the center of repeated clashes this week, and the broader East Jerusalem area has seen violent nights for the past few weeks. Demonstrators have been protesting over tensions surrounding the Mount as well as the pending eviction of Palestinians from East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, to be replaced by right-wing Israeli nationalists. The Palestinians live in houses built on land that courts have ruled were owned by Jewish religious associations before the establishment of Israel 1948.

In Ramallah, senior officials condemned the “storming of Al-Aqsa” by Israeli police and vowed that they would consider “all options” in response.

Israeli security forces advance amid clashes with Palestinian protesters 
near the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, on May 7, 2021 (Ahmad 
GHARABLI / AFP)  Normally, they are not there.  
To quell the riot and attacks going on, the security forces were called in an 
offense which the Palestinians have twisted into calling it an attack. The 
clashes took place on Jerusalem Day, which celebrates Israel’s unification 
of Jerusalem with the capture of East Jerusalem and the Old City from 
Jordan in the 1967 war, and religious nationalists hold parades and other 
celebrations in the city.

Police entered the Temple Mount compound in the morning after thousands of Palestinians gathered in the compound overnight. According to police, dozens of rioters attacked a police post and started hurling rocks from the Temple Mount toward a road south of the compound, blocking the road but causing no injuries or damage.

That prompted police to enter the Temple Mount area. Officers were attacked and responded with stun grenades, police said.

Young Palestinian men ages 18 and older do not serve in Israel's IDF unless they really want to.  Other Muslim groups do and prefer to do so, being as nationalist as Jews about Israel.  These young Palestinian men cannot fight like the Hamas Palestinians, so now they fight against the Jews of Israel while Hamas is also doing so.  Would this be a matter found in sociology where they want to be a part of a fighting group?  Enjoy the comradery?  There are rewards in Israel as having served in the IDF is good for one's resume.  There is no Palestinian family group encouraging their sons to serve in the IDF;  quite the opposite happens.  It certainly does not happen in Gaza nor the West Bank, I'm afraid.  

The Hamas covenant can be read:  It  advocates "liberation of all of Palestine". The new document also states that the group doesn't seek war with the Jewish people but only against Zionism which it holds responsible for "occupation of Palestine". Mashal also stated that Hamas was ending its association with the Muslim Brotherhood.

We don't have to read the covenant to see how they feel about Israel with the huge attack of over 1500 rockets and missile as of this morning, something that must have been planned for a long time for Jerusalem Day.  

Do they think that such an attack will hurry the process of having their Palestine and all the trimmings that come with statehood now?  Is  might over right the new rule?  Isn't that how the Nazi's logic ran?  

From Melanie Phillips through Victor Sharpe:  As I write here in Jerusalem, sirens have sounded and explosions have been heard. It appears that rockets were fired by Hamas at the city. I am posting this now before finding out what is happening.

Further to my piece here yesterday about the Jerusalem riots, here’s some more information you won’t read in the venomously slanted media coverage which continues to obscure the Palestinian Arabs’ incitement and attacks that sparked these disturbances and which continues falsely to blame Israel instead for its behaviour. In this twisted reporting, much of the British and American media continue to parrot the Palestinians’ narrative which, as always, seeks to obscure their own murderous and bigoted aggression by pretending that their Israeli victims are the aggressors while the Arabs are merely defending themselves....

People of Jerusalem, we want you to cut off the heads of the Jews with knives.  With your hand, cut their artery from here. A knife costs five shekels. Buy a knife, sharpen it, put it here and just cut off (their heads). It costs just five shekels. With those five shekels, you will humiliate the Jewish state. You shall find the strongest in enmity towards the believers to be the Jews and the polytheists. The Jews have spread corruption and have acted with arrogance, and their moment of reckoning has come. The moment of their destruction at your hands has arrived.


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