
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hamas Targets Civilians; Israel Targets Terrorists

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

    Hamas Terrorists in army attire

                             Moshe Dayan entering Jerusalem, 1967. after 20 years of being denied, later was Defense Minister of Israel.  He was Israel's commander of the Jerusalem front in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces during the 1956 Suez Crisis,   

There's a lot of ignorance in the world about the Middle East and the history of the Palestinians and the history of Israel.  For some reason, people are cheering for whoever is the weak one and wants to stamp out the one seemingly the strongest, and are dumping on Israel.  Because Israel so far has had less deaths, this is like a pox held over their heads.  

The reason that Israel has less deaths after thousands of rockets have attacked their country is that life is of utter importance to Israelis.  Their motto is, TO LIFE !  They have protected as best as they can their population with bomb shelters and the Iron Dome and warning sirens.  

The Terrorists stash their weapons in populated areas without protection like mosques, schools, homes, etc.  They hide behind their children and wives.  They do this on purpose, knowing full well that Jews do not want to kill their civilians.  

Hamas terrorists who rule Gaza through popular vote .  William Koenig, a Catholic priest in his book, Eye to Eye, comments that the policy of the USA has been to ask the Israelis, and then demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them.  He wrote this way before the latest attack on Jerusalem Day 2021, 5 days ago.  

In all cases of past wars since Israel's Independence Day in 1948, Israel has had to fight 4 wars-the 48-49, 56, 67 and 73 with Egypt and Syria and often others that joined in besides the terrorists.  In all these cases, it was Israel who was attacked and they were not the aggressor.  The wars were won against impossible odds.  Why? They train and train.  They are great warriors who know what Golda Meir said, being a people with nowhere to run to except the Sea.  You can figure a level playing field with them to be 2 to 1.  Knowing this, shouldn't terrorists think twice before tangling with them?  Isn't that a part of normal intelligence?  Look at the past histories.  This is what I say has been a war planned for some time since weapons have accumulated in the terrorist house.  They were ready, able and willing to tangle with Israel.

What pressure has been placed on Israel's shoulders.  There were 39 Scud missiles, MISSILES, that landed on Israeli soil during the Gulf War.  What is a missile?  In military terminology, a missile, also known as a guided missile or guided rocket, is a guided airborne ranged weapon capable of self-propelled flight usually by a jet engine or rocket motor. Missiles have four system components: targeting/guidance system, flight system, engine and warhead..

The Gulf War was a war January 17, 1991 – February 28, 1991;  (waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq ) in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait arising from oil pricing and production disputes.  The USA president had the chutzpa to ask Israel not to respond to this war.  In other words, not to retaliate with a shot of their own.   In order to have the Arab nations on board, the USA asked Israel not to participate in the war.  Israel showed tremendous restraint and did not.  Now we have asked them to stand back and not do anything over these last several attacks.  Priest Koenig said this in his book copyrighted in 2008.  

The USA and others have criticized Israel.  They have been criticized in our media.  Local people in television and radio often criticize Israel.  Koenig would not like hearing the SQUAD today who has been feverishly criticizing about Israel that I heard about this morning.  They criticize not knowing the true facts and no doubt not wanting to know.  People need to be better informed by media that is not already slanted with this new approach of only cheer on the weak, regardless of what or how they act.

It was a sad day when Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat when the official policy of the government of Israel began to be, "LET US APPEASE THE TERRORISTS.  LET US BEGIN TO TRADE THE LAND FOR PEACE." This was the Labor Party, and since then want a man who will put their safety first, which has been Netanyahu's Party, Likud.  Today, their politics have internal problems and the elections have upset many, possibly causing a weakening in Mossad's awareness or whatever, I'm guessing.  This War, prevented for the past 7 years, has erupted anyway.

To Koenig and myself, we wonder about all the countries who never fought a war regarding civilians.  They said, "War is Hell" and went at it, defending themselves against aggressors, which usually was Germany in both World War I and World War Ii.  It has been Israel alone who has tried always to never harm civilians, only the ones doing the shootings.  Then they have to hear, now, now, be sure to not hit more than you were hit, or Restrain yourselves.  This is not a game.  This is life or death, the continuation of Israel.  In the Middle East, it takes strength to make believers out of people.  It was the Jews who produced the Golden Rule of not doing to others what you don't want to happen to you.  That's a  rule guiding the whole Torah!!  

What's wrong is not understanding the heart and mores, the ethics of Jews that are doubly practiced in Israel.  The religion is all about ethics of how to treat people and to treat them like you want to be treated.  “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” said Golda Meir.  “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. 

― Golda Meir, A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography
Eye to eye  by William Koenig

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