
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Illogical Marjorie Taylor Greene's Comparison of the Holocaust to Wearing a Covid 19 Mask

 Nadene Goldfoot                                         

On the day she was sworn in as a congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) wears a mask bearing the false message that inspired the Capitol riot three days later. 
(Eric Scott / Pool Photo)  
Marjorie Taylor Greene (born May 27, 1974), also known by her initials MTG, is an American politician, businesswoman, and far-right conspiracy theorist serving as the U.S. representative for Georgia's 14th congressional district. A member of the Republican Party and a staunch supporter of Donald Trump, Greene was elected to Congress in November 2020 and sworn into office on January 3, 2021.   She's the daughter of Robert Taylor,   not the actor.  Her father, Robert D. Taylor, started Taylor Construction in 1969, and it became a leading vinyl siding contractor for multi-family housing,  He has passed away.             

The American Jewish Congress called on Greene to apologize and retract her comments, saying such comparisons demean the Holocaust and contaminate American political speech.  Republican lawmakers blasted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., over the weekend for comparing the House's mask mandate to the Holocaust.  The Republicans who criticized Greene were among those who either voted to impeach President Donald Trump this year or, in addition, voted to strip Greene of her committee assignments.  In other words, they are Republicans that I can still admire.       


  House Representives' Squad grows with Margorie Tayor Green adding herself.  Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon supporter who is a new House member,  posted a Facebook picture on Thursday of herself holding a gun next to images of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is Looney Tunes.  She is seriously saying that asking citizens to wear masks during COVID 19 is like telling Jews to wear the Star of David during World War II.  This Republican is turning a golden political party, the Republicans,  into a brassy one, and I'm a very angry Republican for her crazy behavior of teaming up with other ding-bats, the Q-Anon people! It this where you get your education?  Not only is she giving the Republicans a bad rap, but blondes as well, for she's the perfect example of a dumb blonde, as naive as all get-out, believing in everything that's not nailed down.  What a reputation.

 Perhaps government policy should have a requirement from Mental Health verifying that these people can think in a logical manner.  Nancy Pelosi is outraged!  Every single Republican should be outraged.   

Not only is their theory crazy, but she's showing she doesn't know a thing about the Holocaust and how it was that all Jews had to wear the star of David.  It was for a completely different reason.  She compares apples to oranges; maybe even apples to rockets!  It's completely different!!

Americans have been asked, not forced, to wear a mask if they were out of their homes and in any proximity to other people.  It was to protect their own life and to-G-d forbid, prevent the spread of the virus to others if they had it and didn't know it.  It's a method of life-saving at a time when people were dropping like flies-DEAD!  

If you had any respect for others, you would do this.  It's not such an imposition.  Wouldn't you do it to save your neighbor's life?  Doesn't the life of others mean anything to you?  This is a crisis.  Your government is doing other things to help save lives.  After all, they want to govern somebody after this crisis dissipates; not just each other.  And even at that, I've noticed that governmental officials, even Trump, was setting a very bad example of not wearing his mask in the company of others.  

I think the first thing schools should do when they get back to work is add another year of science onto their graduation requirements.  From what I've seen, people are being stupid.  They don't appear to understand what Dr. Fauci and others working for him understand, the life of viruses.  In this day and age of Biological Warfare, people need their brains to be updated.  

The Holocaust was a war against Jews and everyone else who wasn't a Nazi.  Jews were the main targets.  The targets were identified by the Nazis with a star of David on their clothing.  If they were caught and were identified as Jews by their neighbors, papers, etc,and were not wearing the star,  they would be killed on the spot no doubt.                                                                             

 The world has not been fair to Jews at all, even such a thing as being a citizen has been withheld from them in practically every country they have lived in since 70 CE when they were forced out of their own country of Judah, once called Israel. They would be considered as 2nd class or 3rd class people; people without rights.                                              

 Judah was the southern end, populated by the tribe of Judah.  Being a citizen in Germany at the time was a big deal to them.  They were careful.  They wore the star.  If they had known the horrors coming from the Nazis, they wouldn't have.  Who knew?  Who could guess how maniacal they would turn out to be?  They intended to kill every Jew they found in every country, and taken over much of Europe and were even into Casablanca.  The Middle East was getting ideas, and read the Nazi propaganda.  

It's not the same at all as wearing a mask.  We were all told to wear one.  it wasn't a form of identification.   It was a life-saver.  

Besides wearing a mask, we were also told to be 6 feet apart from another person.  Marjorie wouldn't understand, but it's because of the virus's ability to travel quite far.  6 feet apart should keep the virus from catching us.  Coming close to someone, putting their arm around you and whispering in your ear could be a death sentence.  Would you feel safe if someone did that to you?  That's complete recklessness.  I walk outside with a cane.  6 feet is the length of 2 canes.  That's farther than my ear can catch someone speaking.  It's tough, but that's life.  It's not forever unless you're my age or have been given the news from your doctor that you don't have long to live.  

Qanon has proven to most that they don't know what they are talking about.  They must have all flunked science and history.  Greene has supported disproven far-right conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate and QAnon, as well as other unevidenced conspiracy theories including false flag shootings and 9/11 conspiracy theories. Additionally, before running for Congress, she supported the execution of prominent Democratic politicians. Greene also supported Trump's efforts to overturn his loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

One of the newest members of Congress is under intense scrutiny from her own party following her promotion of conspiracy theories and inflammatory comments supporting violence against other lawmakers.  At least 67 House Democrats have signed on to a forthcoming resolution that calls for the expulsion of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., from Congress. Others are pushing to censure Greene, who won Georgia’s 14th congressional district seat in November in her first run for office. Democrats have also said they will force Greene off multiple committees this week, with or without the help of their Republican colleagues.               

Your country could have easily turned a blind eye, announced the virus was in town and that was that.  You live in the luckiest country of all that put their heads together and came up with vaccines to prevent catching the virus.  You have the RIGHT to these vaccines and they are FREE !  Good lord,  Marjorie Taylor Greene;  what's wrong with you?  What's wrong with your contituents who voted for you?  


Your country is not acting like Nazis.  They are really acting like parents, expecting their children to have consideration for others that they have helped to convey as the United States of America with principals of freedom and justice for all.  They are not forcing you to take the vaccine, but giving it out to all, free of charge.  it's up to you, but to get to that herd safety line, more people really need to have taken it by now.  It's not too late, and some states are even offering bribes to those who bend and get vaccinated.  Seniors are most at risk.  Our bodies do not fight off germs and viruses alone like they used to, and certainly a really strong virus like COVID 19.  


1 comment:

  1. there are elements of what she said that are on target in my opinion, nadene. i only think she took the statement a bit too far, and she said like--did she means something similar not actually to be fully compared to? that part i do not know but i do know that she is issuing a huge warning and many are asleep at the wheel or in denial. i am ashamed of many of the republicans right now, much more of their complicity to biden admin than this firebrand whose words you and others are taking exception to. is amazing to me that people get so riled about words spoken yet not outraged at the actual deeds being warned about!!! it's not what people say nearly as much as what they actually do that concerns me the most! these days anybody can say anything, good, bad, or indifferent, and people choose hardline positions, but what is actually happening and why, things things are not truly dealt with and gets a skate, goes on like business as usual??? not in my book. so with the current trend of controlling behavior by our government, if not stopped, has the very potential to turn out to be something quite similar to what happened in the persecution of the jewish people, which of course did lead to the extremes and severity of a real bonafide holocaust, that many so many deny to this day. there are things in the segregating and controls to target people, that are very very concerning so i do believe this is a matter of time because the Bible says there is a worldwide persecution coming. this is all (the covid/climate change, social engineering, practices as a dry run at global governance and the democrats are trending to fully become socialist/communist/fascist in their policies. they are currently "softening up the target right now, and very soon could be that this will be what hands everyone over to the authorities in true gestapo style to be rounded up and marginalized, and what to what extent remains to be seen right now. so my question is: will we be alive on the earth to see it? very possible, as in very, i have warned in previous things i have written to you about tactics that globalism is practicing on people as we speak. israel case in point by the way international think tanks and governance bodies have already mounted repeated attacks on israel and it's not a joke, it's real, in real time, so though the similarities have not reached the level she said, who knows but what in a short time it might be that type of scenario??? christians and jews are the targets of the globalists. there is a shadow governing going on and i read about that in the 70's and since has read prophecy in the Bible that sheds light on the coming events. as they say coming events cast shadows before them. how true that is nadene! i have never followed qanon, they do go over the top and in that i will disagree with mtg, but i read my Bible and see this type of thing could be ready to happen in our time, happen on a massive level and that is what she is referring to. bears watching, that part i am entirely sure of, all else just needs to more to see what it turns out to be. i simply agree to disagree with some folks right now. time will tell the story won't it??
