
Monday, May 24, 2021

How the Country Most Attacked In The World Defends Herself From Terrorism

 Nadene Goldfoot                                        

In addition to security checks that are unpopular with Palestinians at all public venues because it is the Palestinians who attack Israelis the most, Israel has established civil defense regulations to protect citizens from terrorist attacks.                                                   

    Israel must deal not only with terrorists at schools but COVID 19 as well like the rest of the world.  They opened earlier than other countries.  

Parents have a duty to guard the gates of their children's schools from possible terrorist attacks.  Parents take shifts doing guard duty.  When Palestinian terrorists seized a school in Maalot in 1974, murdering 25 teachers and students and wounding 66, Israel passed a special civil defense law to increase the protection of all school children.  It calls for teachers, parents and/or a security service to train for armed guard duty and to inspect school grounds each morning for explosives.  all schools, from kindergartens to high schools, must have perimeter security fences with alarm systems.   


It's a rare person who hasn't been accepted into Israel's Defense Force (IDF) so almost the whole country has been service-trained, both men and women.  Parents know what to do in their civil defense duty.  

Suicide bombings dropped from a high of 60 in 2002 to 4 in 2006.  

Thwarted suicide bombing attempts rose from 36% in 2001 to 95% in 2006.

Total Israeli fatalities dropped 93%, from a high of 451 fin 22002 to 32 in 2006l.

Total Israelis wounded dropped from a high of 2,309 in 2002 to 332 in 2006.

Total attacks dropped from a high of 5,301 in 2002 to 2,135 in 2006.

The number of terrorist warnings dropped from 40 a day in 2002 to less than 5 a day in 2005.

The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli military operations dropped 77%, and the number of injuries dropped 75% between 2004 and 2005. 

Israel has no death penalty except in very extreme cases, as with convicted Nazi war criminal, Adolf Eichmann.  The strictest penalties are prison and exile, which apply to those directly involved in carrying out, planning, assisting or supporting terrorists or terrorist activities.  


       Hamas terrorists; in their attire, hide behind a full face-mask.  

When the Palestinian Authority (PA) proved unable or unwilling to dismantle terrorist groups-realizing that Arafat was the leader of their group, Israel was forced to take active defensive measures to root out terrorists, their infrastructure                                                        

 and their arms smuggling tunnels, and this goes back to before 2010.  It's guiding principle was to target only terrorists and to spare the civilian population, although this has not always been possible.  

AIR FORCE STRIKES                          

Israel tries to limit the use of airstrikes because terrorists often surround themselves with civilians which they have been known to do for longer than the past 10 years.  In addition, Israel uses controlled, limited precision air attacks to destroy military targets such as terrorist planning centers, terrorist training bases and ammunition depots.  This recent attack that lasted 11 days called for air force strikes, but managed to not have to have the army enter Gaza on foot as previous operations have had to do.  At the same time, Israel endured over 4,000 rockets attacks with the whole country having to take cover in bomb shelters for the 11 days.  It was a long and serious attack no country would wish on anyone.

LAND-BASED RAIDS                            

In many cases, instead of using its aerial bombing capacity, Israel deploys soldiers to dismantle terrorist bases in order to avoid harm to innocent civilians.  In 2002, Israel used ground troops in Jenin, the "terrorist capital," though aerial bombardment would have prevented Israeli deaths.  Instead, 23 Israeli soldiers were killed and 75 were wounded in Jenin's booby-trapped roads and houses.  Despite the many days of fighting, the UN reported that no more than 52 Palestinians had died.  73% of them were armed combatants, dispelling the huge numbers of casualties initially reported (even initially referred to as a massacre) by a variety of media outlets."  

TARGETED STRIKES                                

    Recent tower pinpointed after warning to evacuate holding Hamas

In accordance with the rules of war, Israel attempted to prevent future attacks through pinpoint operations against the masterminds and engineers of terrorist groups.  eliminating these leaders destabilizes the terrorist organizations and lowers their morale.  After Hamas leaders were cut down by such precision operations, lower-echelon Hamas leaders went into hiding, which dramatically impeded their ability to gather support and mount attacks.

HOUSE DEMOLITIONS               

This method is the least understood by other countries, but it works.  Better to kill a house than a person.   In August 2002, after multiple suicide bombings, the Israeli government approved demolishing terrorists' houses in extreme cases to deter future attacks and destroy weapon stashes.  Nevertheless, in February 2005, the IDF announced it would halt the practice unless there was an "extreme change" in circumstances.  When the IDF did demolish terrorists' homes, it gave advance warning so nobody would be physically hurt.  Israel also demolished Gaza houses that concealed arms smuggling tunnels, called "arteries of terror."  almost 100 such tunnels were uncovered between 2000 and September 2005.  Yet even with emergency measure in place, most demolition orders can be appealed to Israel's High Court, which halts or compensates for the destruction when it rules for the appellants.     


   Egged bus blown up by terrorists The terrorist boarded Egged bus no. 32A from Gilo in Beit Safafa, an Arab neighborhood opposite Gilo, and almost immediately detonated the large bomb which he carried in a bag stuffed with ball bearings.  Buses are frequently targeted by terrorists.                                                     

     Wounded IDF carried out of Jenin 

October 2002

Fourteen people were killed and some 50 wounded when a car bomb containing about 100 kilograms of explosives was detonated next to a No. 841 Egged bus from Kiryat Shmona to Tel-Aviv, while traveling along Wadi Ara on Route No. 65 towards Hadera, at Karkur junction.

The military wing of Islamic Jihad, the Al-Quds Brigades, claimed responsibility for the blast, saying that it was carried out by Ashraf al-Asama, 18, and Mohammed al-Hasnin, 19, both from Jenin.


"Had the Israelis chosen, they could have easily pummeled the camp (Jenin) from afar and starved the terrorists out.  Instead, they chose to do things the hard way; house to house---in part to avoid civilian casualties, not to inflict them.  Were there civilian casualties?  Almost certainly.  But, there is a world of difference between deliberately targeting civilians and the unintentional and inevitable casualties that were bound to occur in Jenin, where terrorists deliberately hid themselves among civilians.  ---spoken by Senator Joseph R. Biden (D-Delaware), May 6, 2002,  President of USA in 2021.  


"In battle, the Israeli army regularly accepted risks to its own men in order to reduce the risks that it posed on the civilian population.  the contrast with the way the Russians fought in Grozny, to take the most recent example of large-scale urban warfare, is striking, and the crucial mark of that contrast is the very small number of civilian casualties in the Palestinian cities despite the fierceness of the fighting."---Professor Michael Walzer, Princeton University, 2002" American philosopher, Michael Laban Walzer is a prominent American political theorist and public intellectual. A professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, he is editor emeritus of of Dissent, an intellectual magazine that he has been affiliated with since his years as an undergraduate at Brandeis University...


     Jenin terrorist, charged with attempted murder of teen-aged girl, unnamed

"Seeing Israeli infantry was like hunting, like being given a prize.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the soldiers.  The Israelis knew that any soldier who went into the camp like that was going to get killed.  I've been waiting for a moment like that for years.....It was a very hard fight.  We fought at close quarters, sometimes just a matter of a few meters between us, sometimes even in the same house."  Thabet Mardawi, a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist, captured by Israeli soldiers in Jenin fighting."  


ISRAEL 101, Produced by StandWithUs

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