
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Tamika Mallory of Black Lives Matters and Anti-Semitism

 Nadene Goldfoot                                          

Tamika Danielle Mallory (June 8, 1980 (age 40)is an American activist. She was one of the leading organizers of the 2017 Women's March, for which she and her three other co-chairs were recognized in the TIME 100 that year. Mallory is a proponent of gun control, feminism, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

It has come to my attention that she doesn't like Jews, and this is very serious as she's a member of Black Lives Matter, a group many people think are not involved in anti-Semitism.  As I look at her history, the people her family associated with were very anti-Semitic.   In 2018, Mallory criticized Starbucks for including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an organization whose stated mission is to "fight anti-Semitism and all forms of hate", in a company-wide racial bias training after the arrest of two black men at a Starbucks in Philadelphia. In a tweet, she accused the ADL of "attack[ing] black and brown people" and wrote, "ADL sends US police to Israel to learn their military practices. This is deeply troubling. Let’s not even talk about their attacks against .@blacklivesmatter." Starbucks subsequently dropped the ADL from its anti-bias training, a decision Liel Leibovitz of Tablet said was "giving in to bigotry."  

Whereas the 2 groups could have worked together to fight hatred of people, Tamika chose to attack an attacker, ADL who has been at it for a long time.  The Anti-Defamation League, formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, is an international Jewish non-governmental organization based in the United States, which began in 1913.

The ADL’s stated mission isTo stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” To that end, the organization once spoke unequivocally about Sharpton. In a 1992 report in the aftermath of the Crown Heights riots, the ADL assigned Sharpton “a leading role” in the pogrom and named him as one of nine “Black Figures and Community Activists who have Promoted Anti-Semitism.” The report also noted that Sharpton co-chaired an event honoring notorious bigot Louis Farrakhan. (I cover this in the following.)  

Jews make up 2% of the American population.  Blacks make up about 13%. There were 37,144,530 non-Hispanic blacks, which comprised 12.1% of the population. This number increased to 42 million according to the 2010 United States Census, when including Multiracial African Americans, making up 13% of the total U.S. population. 

Both Jews and Blacks started out in life with similar circumstances, that of slavery.

Below, Jews making bricks, and to the right, circumcision performed on Jews in Egypt


It's a shame, too, since both Blacks and Jews had in their past a history of being held as slaves.  Jews were slaves in Egypt for 400 years, actually counting from the time they had sought out Egypt as a haven during an extreme drought in the land of Canaan.  They only left because Moses, a prince of Egypt, returned to free them from the Pharoah.  It took them 40 years of walking to return from whence they came from.  Moses 120 years old by the time they arrived in Canaan and was 80 when he started.   Moses died in 1271 BCE, over 3,000 years ago.  


             Fresh captives being sent into bondage, witnessed by Stanley (of Stanley and Livingston)


In November 1871, journalist Henry Morton Stanley located the missing missionary David Livingstone in the wilds of Africa. Yet the famous meeting was only the beginning of Stanley's tumultuous career as an explorer.  America's Civil War happened before this incident.  Sir Henry Morton Stanley GCB (born John Rowlands; 28 January 1841 – 10 May 1904) was a Welsh-American journalist, explorer, soldier, colonial administrator, author and politician who was famous for his exploration of central Africa and his search for missionary and explorer David Livingstone, whom he later claimed to have greeted with the now-famous line: "Dr Livingstone, I presume?". They were both British.  

Blacks were kidnapped by their own people and sold into slavery to shippers who took them to America;  or nearby ports as slaves. This first started in the year   of  1619 and were taken to Virginia as slaves, rather those who survived the  crowded conditions on the slave boats arrived.  They were not freed of their past 402 years of continuing slavery in the USA until President Lincoln decided to free them which caused the Civil War from 1860 to 1865.  They really haven't found freedom from that time completely.

We've both experienced slavery for approximately the same length of time, depending on when our particular ancestors were involved.  How easy it was for Jews to build a new life after slavery was matched by having to fight as soldiers for a good length of time in taking Canaan with Joshua.  Then they had a chance to live normally for that period so long ago.  It hasn't been easy for the Blacks, either, who were disciplined above and beyond their wishes, of course, but when freed, found themselves free but on their own, making decisions that they never were involved with in the past 400 years.  There was no plan of rehabilitation, finding their talents for jobs, etc.  So many probably had been field workers picking cotton.  That's all they knew.  Others had been house people, working in the big house for the plantation owners.  They could be rehabilitated much easier.  

 Mallory was born in HarlemNew York City, to Stanley and Voncile Mallory in New York City. She grew up in the Manhattanville Houses in Manhattan and moved to Co-op City in the Bronx when she was 14. Her parents were activists and founding members of Reverend Al Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN), a leading civil rights organization throughout the United States. Their work in NAN influenced Mallory and her interests in social justice and civil rights. Mallory became a staff member of NAN when she was 15 years old and later was named its executive director in 2009.  


Alfred Charles Sharpton. is an American civil rights activist, Baptist minister, talk show host and politician. Sharpton is the founder of the National Action Network. In 2004, he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidential election.  

The Crown Heights riot began on August 19, 1991, after a car driven by a Jewish man, and part of a procession led by an unmarked police car, went through an intersection and was struck by another vehicle causing it to veer onto the sidewalk where it accidentally struck and killed a seven-year-old Guyanese boy named Gavin Cato and severely injured his cousin Angela. Witnesses could not agree upon the speed and could not agree whether the light was yellow or red. One of the factors that sparked the riot was the arrival of a private ambulance, which was later discovered to be on the orders of a police officer who was worried for the Jewish driver's safety, removed him from the scene while Cato lay pinned under his car. After being removed from under the car, Cato and his cousin were treated soon after by a city ambulance. Caribbean-American and African-American residents of the neighborhood rioted for four consecutive days fueled by rumors that the private ambulance had refused to treat Cato. During the riot black youths looted stores, beat Jews in the street, and clashed with groups of Jews, hurling rocks and bottles at one another after Yankel Rosenbaum, a visiting student from Australia, was stabbed and killed by a member of a mob while some chanted "Kill the Jew", and "get the Jews out".

Sharpton marched through Crown Heights and in front of the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, shortly after the riot, with about 400 protesters (who chanted "Whose streets? Our streets!" and "No justice, no peace!"), in spite of Mayor David Dinkins' attempts to keep the march from happening. Some commentators felt Sharpton inflamed tensions by making remarks that included "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house." In his eulogy for Cato, Sharpton said, "The world will tell us he was killed by accident.

In the decades since, Sharpton has conceded that his language and tone "sometimes exacerbated tensions" though he insisted that his marches were peaceful.

Mallory is a single mother to her son Tarique. Her son's father, Jason Ryans, was murdered in 2001. Mallory explains that her experience with NAN taught her to  react to this tragedy with activism. Her son is a member of NAN.   

In 2018, Mallory drew criticism for her attendance at an event with, and past praise for, controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, which prompted calls for her resignation from the 2019 Women's March. Following later allegations of antisemitism, Mallory left the organization in September 2019, but it was reported that, given the by-laws of the Women's March, Mallory simply left after the expiration of her tenure, not because of the allegations of anti-Semitism.

Sure, and I see that Mallory was brought up under the spell of anti-Semitism  She can bring that bit of spice to Black Lives Matter, as her family friends, Sharpton and Farrakhan reeked with thoughts and words of anti-Semitism

Yankel Rosenbaum, a graduate student affiliated with Chabad-Lubavitch, was stabbed to death in the rioting.

Sharpton also was accused of inciting the violent firebombing of a Jewish-owned clothing store in Harlem in 1995.Without mentioning the Crown Heights riots specifically, Sharpton said he could have “done more to heal rather than harm.” And he said that all the public criticism he received paled next to the rebuke from Coretta Scott King, who was known for her closeness to the Jewish community. It appears to be the first time Sharpton has publicly shared the tale.

Al Sharpton speaks to the media after meeting Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg for lunch at Manhattan’s Harlem neighborhood, April 29, 2019. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images via JTA)

Sharpton’s overarching message to the Reform gathering was that blacks and Jews must overcome past differences to confront an increase in bias against all groups, particularly under President Donald Trump. He noted his recent work with the Reform movement, exposing US government abuses against migrants on the border, as well as attacks on houses of worship.  “You cannot fight racism without fighting anti-Semitism,” he said, being rather  hypocritical.  

Referring to white supremacists behind two recent deadly attacks on synagogues, as well as the 2015 mass shooting in a black church in South Carolina, Sharpton said, “Unless we stand up together against this blatant anti-Semitic spirit, then I don’t have the right to stand up when they go into Charleston.”  Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone, who runs social media for Chabad, the movement whose members were principally targeted in the 1991 riots, watched the livestream of the speech and expressed his outrage on Twitter.  “The willingness to wash away our pain is so cruel,” he said. The Religious Action Center “needs to deplatform hate… Not give it a pulpit and whitewash it.” Rosenbaum’s brother, Norman, wrote in a Washington Examiner op-ed that inviting Sharpton “sends a very dangerous and intolerable message to the anti-Semites among us.”

Rabbi Jonah Pesner, the Religious Action Center director, acknowledged the pain that Sharpton’s appearance must be causing others.  “That there are members of our Crown Heights family and our Chabad family that are in pain over this actually creates a lot of pain for us, and we’re sorry about that,” he said in an interview with JTA. “At this moment — when children are being separated from their parents at the border, and Jews are being murdered in the synagogues, and people of color are being gunned down in their churches, and people in mosques are being firebombed — we need to stand together, and Reverend Sharpton has stood with us these past couple of years.”

In the same interview, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the president of the Union for Reform Judaism, said Sharpton’s role as an ally in this moment of increased bias and violence should be factored into understanding why he was invited to speak.  “There are many chapters in Reverend Sharpton’s life,” Jacobs said. “We are in a moment of urgency, and Reverend Sharpton has spoken up and has stood strongly with the Jewish community.



                         Farrakhan’s antisemitic rhetoric has been condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and other monitoring organizations

 Louis Farrakhan is an American religious leader and political activist who heads the Nation of Islam. Earlier in his career, he served as the minister of mosques in Boston and Harlem and was appointed National Representative of the Nation of Islam by former NOI leader Elijah Muhammad.  After Warith Deen Mohammed reorganized the original NOI into the orthodox Sunni Islamic group American Society of Muslims, Farrakhan began to rebuild the NOI as "Final Call". In 1981, he officially adopted the name "Nation of Islam", reviving the group and establishing its headquarters at Mosque Maryam

The Nation of Islam is an organization which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes as black nationalists and a hate group. . Also according to the SPLC, the NOI promotes a "fundamentally anti-white theology" amounting to an "innate black superiority over whites". Some of his remarks have been considered homophobic. Farrakhan has disputed such assertions on many occasions including the SPLC characterizations.  He was banned from Facebook in 2019 along with other public figures considered to be extremists.

 His mother was born in Saint Kitts, while his father was Jamaican. The couple separated before their second son was born, and Farrakhan says he never knew his biological father. In a 1996 interview with Henry Louis Gates Jr., He speculated that his father, "Gene", may have been Jewish.  (I'd like to see his Yhaplogroup and find out more about his father).  

How Louis Farrakhan Feels About Jews

Speech at anniversary of Million Man March, 10/14/18

“Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit.”

Sermon, 5/27/18

“The Jews have control over those agencies of government.  When you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.”

Saviour’s Day Speech, 2/25/18

“Powerful Jews are my enemy.”

Saviour’s Day Speech, 2/25/18

“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men…. White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled a cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.  You good Jews better separate because the satanic ones will take you to hell with them because that’s where they are headed.”

Saviour’s Day Speech, 2/25/18

“It is now becoming apparent that there were many Israelis and Zionist Jews in key roles in the 9/11 attacks.  Israelis had foreknowledge of the attacks...  We know that many Jews received a text message not to come to work on September 11”

Saviour’s Day Speech, 2015

"They [the Jews] are the greatest controllers of Black minds, Black intelligence. They write the scripts -- the foolish scripts on television that our people portray. They are the movie moguls that feature us in these silly, degrading, degenerate roles. The great recording companies that portray our people in such a filthy and low-rating way, yet they would not allow such a man as Michael Jackson to say one word that they thought would besmirch their reputation, but they put us before the world as clowns and as purveyors of filth. No, I will fight that."

Meet The Press interview, 10/18/98

"Of course, they [the Jews] have a very small number of people but they are the most powerful in the world, they have the power to do good and they have the power to do evil...Now what do the Jews do best? Well, they have been the best in finance that the world has ever known...They finance a lot of stuff in the world, and there's nothing wrong with that, but they are not good politicians, they are the worst politicians because they don't recognize really their friends and as well their enemies..."

Saviours' Day Speech, Chicago, 2/22/98

"I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government...Yes, they exercise extraordinary control, and Black people will never be free in this country until they are free of that kind of control..."

Meet The Press interview, 4/14/97

"To continue to point out the truth of that control and how that control never will allow us to be full and completely men, free, justified, and equal. Why should we be controlled by the power, influence, and money of others? We should not be under that kind of control...going to Jewish philanthropists, begging them for money to support our causes, and through that money, there is control, and that kind of control limits the freedom of our people to speak freely, write freely, think freely, and act as free men..." (Many young Jewish men have helped Blacks in their cause and have died for it.  They were with them personally, on the roads, fighting for their cause. )  

Meet The Press interview, 4/14/97

"And you do with me as is written, but remember that I have warned you that Allah will punish you. You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You have sucked their blood. You are not real Jews, those of you that are not real Jews. You are the synagogue of Satan, and you have wrapped your tentacles around the U.S. government, and you are deceiving and sending this nation to hell. But I warn you in the name of Allah, you would be wise to leave me alone. But if you choose to crucify me, know that Allah will crucify you."

Saviours' Day Speech, Chicago, 2/25/96

"I don't own Hollywood. Who depicted Black people? Who writes the books? Who writes the plays, the songs that make us look less than human? Do you mean to tell me that Jews have never done any evil to Black people?...Were they not involved in the slave trade? Yes, they were...and to the extent that they were involved, somebody has to bring them to account. And I believe that has fallen on me."

Though Sharpton and Farrakhan were major leaders in anti-Semitism, we still have Jewish groups upholding Black Lives Matters.   The Jewish Council For Public Affairs,  JCPA, believes that to counter antisemitism and to live out our Jewish values of equity and justice for all, that the Jewish community should not abandon the largest movement for racial justice in decades because of fear of a position, even one as objectionable as that included in the M4BL platform in 2016, taken by a small faction also participating in that fight. Only by participating in BLM we can effectively share our concerns about antisemitism, the existing call to end military aid to Israel, or any other issues that get thrown in the mix going forward. These positions do not represent the entire movement, only a small group. Supporting this movement does not necessarily entail joining an organization or supporting a specific agenda.


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