
Friday, November 13, 2020

Iran's and Lebanon's Hizballah Terrorists' and Gaza's Hamas Terrorists' Missile Threats To USA and Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

Iran has ballistic missiles that can carry a nuclear or chemical warhead a distance of 1,500 miles.  Tehran is developing missiles that could reach the United States. 


The distance from Iran to the USA is 7,239 miles.  

The distance from Iran to Israel is 1,454 miles or less.   


Hizballah or Hezbollah terrorists who have more or less taken over Lebanon have rockets with an assortment of rocket ranges: such as   Katyusha:  12 miles;  Long-range Katyusha: 24 miles;  Fajr-3: 28 miles;  Fajr-S/Syrian 220 mm:  45 miles;  Syrian B-302: 71 miles;  Zelzal-2: 130 miles;  M-500: 155 miles;  Scud-B: 186 miles.  The Lebanon-based terrorist army called Hizballah has had rockets positioned along Israel's border that can reach nearly all of Israel's major population centers.                                            

 Palestinians in Gaza have fired rockets at Israelis ever since 2001, every year including 2020.  

Since taking control of Gaza in 2007, the Palestinian terrorist group of Hamas has used the strip to smuggle weapons and launch thousands of attacks against Israel.  Northern Gaza has been used to fire rockets at Israeli towns and cities.  The Kaerni and Kerem Shalom Crossings have been the scenes of many attacks on Israelis.  Former Israeli settlements are used as terrorist training camps.  The tunnels dug are used in order to infiltrate Israel and carry out attacks on the population, civilians or army.   Hamas  has smuggled tens of millions of dollars through the Rafah Crossing.  Terrorists have used tunnels and sea routes to smuggle in massive amounts of weapons.  

Israel is surrounded by Arab nations and Iran.  These counties outnumber Israel more than 650 to 1 in terms of land and 56 to 1 in terms of population.  Right now the Arab nations are just as worried about Iran as Israel and the United States.  There is a difference between Iran and the Arab nations.  

Peace is at hand with a few Arab nations today.  The old saying of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" may have been the impetus for this as we have had 3 Arab states and another state in Africa make peace with Israel besides the original Jordan and Egypt peace agreements.                           

The Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement, officially the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement: Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization Between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel, was initially agreed to in a joint statement by the United StatesIsrael and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on August 13, 2020, officially referred to as the Abraham Accords. The UAE thus became the third Arab country, after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994, to agree to formally normalize its relationship with Israel, as well as the first Persian Gulf country to do so. The agreement was signed at the White House on September 15, 2020.  

On August 16, 2019, Israel's foreign minister Israel Katz made a public declaration about military cooperation with the UAE amidst rising tensions with Iran. Also, on 16 August 2020, the UAE for the first time established telephone links to Israel by unblocking direct dialling to Israel's +972 country code. The first direct commercial flight from Israel to the UAE took place on 31 August 2020, and the first ship carrying cargo from the United Arab Emirates to Israel entered Haifa Port on 12 October.

Bahrain and Sudan have followed in making peace with Israel.  Malawi in Africa has also voiced their intentions of moving their embassy to Jerusalem like the others and in making peace with Israel.  

The Arabs are mostly Sunni Moslems and Iran is a Shi'a  Moslem nation.  Some have an almost equal Shi'a Sunni mixture of a population or various amounts.   They have not agreed on many points.  

The Iran Iraq War, of which Iran was 6the largest in population of  about 76,923,300 and 98% Shi'a Musim of Jafari fiqh and  –Iraq was 11th largest in population of about 31,234,000 and 97% of Shi'a/Sunni of Jafari/Hanafi fiqh was a protracted armed conflict that began on 22 September 1980 when Iran was invaded by neighbouring Iraq. The war lasted almost eight years, ending in a stalemate on 20 August 1988 when Iran accepted a UN-brokered ceasefire. It was a long and bloody war where teens were used as fighting fodder towards the end.                                                  

  Iraq's rationale for the invasion was primarily to cripple Iran and prevent Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini from exporting the 1979 Iranian Revolution movement to Shia-majority Iraq and threaten the Sunni-dominated Ba'athist leadership. 

Iraq had also wished to replace Iran as the dominant state in the Persian Gulf, which had not been previously possible due to pre-revolutionary Iran's goliath status in both economic and military terms as well as its close alliances with the United States and Israel. The war followed a long-running history of border disputes, as a result of which Iraq had planned to annex Iran's oil-rich Khuzestan Province and the east bank of the Shatt al-Arab (Arvand Rud).

It isn't enough to deal with imminent threats and constant attacks from Gaza, but now the UN is attacking Israel over COVID 19.  "GENEVA, November 13, 2020 — Deviating from its focus on the global response to the coronavirus pandemic, the annual assembly of the UN's World Health Organization yesterday held a four-hour session focused on Israel, which was condemned in speeches by some 30 delegations, including Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Malaysia, Lebanon and Venezuela, for allegedly violating the health rights of Palestinians and Syrians in the Golan Heights.

The session concluded with a vote of 78 to 14, with 32 abstentions, to adopt resolution, co-sponsored by Syria, Cuba, Turkey, Qatar and the Palestinian delegation, requiring the WHO to hold the same anti-Israel debate at next year's assembly, and to prepare another report on the “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan.”

Iran accused Israel of an "inhuman blockade" which it said had a "profound impact on the health sector."


Update 11/14/20 :

AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Me: Lived in Israel from Sept. 1980 to Nov. 1985

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