
Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Last Palestinian Refusal of Offers From Arafat To Clinton

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

  Prime Minister of Israel Barak, USA President Clinton, PA's Arafat    Barak was born February 12, 1942 (Abraham Lincoln's birthday).  

 US President Bill Clinton (C) accompanies Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (L) and PLO Chairman Yassar Arafat (R) shake hands at the US Ambassador's residence 02 November, 1999, in Oslo, before their meeting. President Clinton is in Norway along with Barak and Arafat to give "added momentum" to the Middle East peace effort which began in Oslo in 1993 when Israel first agreed to withdrawls from the West Bank. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) Paul Richards / AFP Photo (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)

In 2000, PA Chairman Arafat rebuffed President Clinton's most generous offer and initiated a harsh intifada against Israel in his refusal.  Israel's Prime Minister Barak, hoping to end the protracted conflict with the Arabs, accepted the offer despite the fact that it would have forced Israel to make extremely painful concessions.  Clinton had offered, at least in his own mind,  a viable contiguous Palestinian state plan and the resolution of the refugees problem as well.                                                 

The Palestinian negotiators indicated they wanted full Palestinian sovereignty over the entire West Bank and the Gaza Strip, although they would consider a one-to-one land swap with Israel. Their historic position was that Palestinians had already made a territorial compromise with Israel by accepting Israel's right to 78% of "historic Palestine", and accepting their state on the remaining 22% of such land. This consensus was expressed by Faisal Husseini when he remarked:'There can be no compromise on the compromise'.  They maintained that Resolution 242 calls for full Israeli withdrawal from these territories, which were captured in the Six-Day War, as part of a final peace settlement

Most Israeli village, towns and cities in Judea and Samaria are legal and violate no international laws or relevant UN resolutions.  Most do not involve stealing of any Palestinian land.  In fact, Jews had paid ungodly prices for any land, and really, it's value is high, artificially raised only to Jews being they've been the only buyers.  

The movement of settling in the land has provided much benefit to the Arabs of those area and fueled a tripling of the Arab populations and a skyrocketing economy for the areas which were doing so well until the onset of Arafat's rules.  

Neither villages or towns and cities create stumbling blocks to peace or hinder peace negotiations.  They can and have been dismantled in the context of negotiations with an honest peace partner.  Concessions about homes already built or apartment houses should be made only in the context of negotiations, which can begin only after Palestinian leadership stops the violence, ends the terror war, and ends the hate speech and the hate preaching and the hate teaching that has permeated the Palestine society since 1994.  

There is no rational justification for a one-sided Jewish community of any size  being compromised when the other side maintains a state of war against them.

Unilateral withdrawal enhances the ability of terrorists to wage  terror and war. We saw this in Gaza.  


 Mahmoud Abbas has been President of PA since  January 15, 2005.  He was born November 15, 1935, so is now 85 years old.

Camp David II failed in large part due to Arafat's strategy of pocketing Barak's concessions, making no substantive concessions, and then demanding more from Barak.  Arafat never intended to negotiate.  He always intended to perpetrate his long-dreamed final solution of the total destruction of Israel.  In light of the unrelenting commitment of terror groups of Fatah like Hamas and others from Lebanon and Mahmoud Abbas' frequent public statements commending the terror groups, defining their casualties as martyrs and vowing to never use force against them, it is irrational to suggest that further Israeli concessions will generate a Palestinian willingness to reciprocate.  The opposite has happened.  

In his 90-minute cell-phone speech to a Lebanese PLO radio station on April 14, 2002, made from his bedroom in his headquarters in Ramallah which Israel had surrounded and partially destroyed in Operation Defensive Shield, he outlined his strategy.  The terror armies and their allies were using  Judea-Samaria as a launching pad for the great final Jihad against Israel.  Arafat died on November 4, 2004 in France. 

President Trump's plan for a Palestine is that: Palestinians would be given parts of the Negev Desert, connected through small land corridors to Gaza. The Trump plan gives Palestinians less territory than previous proposals.

The plan recognizes an Israeli right to the entire Jordan Valley.


BIG LIES, demolishing the myths of the propaganda war against Israel. by David Meir-Levi,-The%20plan%20recognizes&text=Palestinians%20would%20be%20given%20parts,to%20the%20entire%20Jordan%20Valley.

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