
Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Awaiting of the Moshiach Expected Soon By the Triad of Religions

 Nadene Goldfoot                                         

It just so happens that all 3 religions;  Judaism, Christianity and Islam expect their Messiah (Moshiach) to make an appearance very soon.  Each one has different expectations as to what is to happen.  This has been expected for many years.  We Jews have had a number of false messiahs along the way.  Is this just to be another false expectation?  Rabbis of much knowledge expect it to happen.  


                Eliyahu Rips, created the code he found in the Torah

Some even are aware of the Bible Code discovered by a scholarly Israeli mathematician, Eliyahu Rips, who fed his computer with the Torah's Hebrew writings  and out came a number of prophecies in code and shared with us by a writer, Drosnin who has since died, possibly from Covid 19, at least during this pandemic.  Many others including rabbis are now doing the same thing, trying to find proof of their expectations. Some have been shockingly true. The author of 3 books about the Bible Code, Michael Drosnin, a New York journalist,  has died recently at age 74.                         

I had a thought.  Moses went to the Pharaoh of Egypt at age 80 and asked that he let his slaves leave under his care, most of whom were of the Israelite family of 70 who had entered Egypt 400 years earlier and multiplied so fast that the Egyptian government was worried of a take-over, and now numbered about 600 thousand, Moses figured.


       The 10th plague: death of the 1st born is explained

  After Egypt went through 10 plagues of  blood, frogs, lice, beasts, blight, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and slaying of the first born of all forms of life, with Moses warning the pharaoh after each time to let his people go, he was finally convinced when his own son had died.  These were of all natural events, nothing conjured up by some magician that Moses might have turned into.  They just managed to happen when Moses needed something the most.


   Elon Musk's next project of being able to take a vacation this way.  

Today's world has come to a boiling point in many respects.  We homo-sapiens have made progress, alright, but in technical skills more than social ones.  It's like a pot of water on high on the stove, with the immense capabilities our technical abilities have arrived at all over the world. We're at the boiling point.   We have gone to the moon, made a hydrogen bomb, plan space exploration, and yet our social skills are still at the level of Abraham's day; fighting, taking lives, while some even ignore what progress we have made in medical science.  


    Reading the Torah in the synagogue, a happening every Saturday morning (Shabbat).                                              

The religious leaders are only going by their time-table in their special books of references.  Their time table surprisingly says that now is that special time.  One of our rabbis even say this will happen in the end of this year or the next year.  I always thought the evidence they presented gave us a couple hundred more years to go.  Well, progress does happen in leaps and bounds, I guess.  


Could it be that the higher power who created this world, G-d, has been using more natural events found on this earth such as the coronavirus, known to us as COVID 19 to bring us to that time of the entrance of a messiah?  it would take a pandemic to get our attention to such a climax.  It's not abating;  it's getting worse according to today's news.  


      The Dodgers' Justin Turner took the test and is positive.  They won and he's possibly exposing his players and didn't go into immediate quarantine.  

People are not even capable of following the scientists' advice in getting it to leave us.  Even the scientists don't all agree, some more lenient, others very strict.  We saw the Dodgers, a baseball team on the news today with a major player break the rules after being declared showing he had the virus and expose his team-mates.  He wanted to be in the winning picture!    

The very latest news is that couples are getting divorces over political differences.  What is to happen after January 3rd?                     

So while we wait for COVID 19 to abate at a time in our lives when another virus could be in the works, off-stage, or some meshugeneh might be lurking in the near future with some scheme to end a city such as is shown in Net-Flix series or movies or books that we all love to watch, because we always have a hero saving us in the end, some of us await for the messiah to make his appearance.  


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