
Friday, October 9, 2020

Michigan-11th Largest USA State Under Grave Threat

Nadene Goldfoot                                                     

Trump said some things at a rally that he shouldn't have.    He told the listeners that they all had good genes.  Why talk about genes unless you are like me; after having a DNA test I've been busy finding cousins.  According to the Los Angeles Times, "Trump has long spoken about his beliefs in the superiority of his genes, dating back to his days as a Manhattan developer; he’s talked less frequently of his belief in the racehorse theory, which basically calls for using breeding to encourage desirable traits and eliminate undesirable traits. 

As for education, Michigan Michigan shows it has 91% percent high school graduates or better which is the 2nd most of all the states in the area.   The state of shows it has 29% percent with a bachelors degree or higher which is the 3d most of all other states in the area.  Michigan shows it has 9% percent who dropped out of school which is in the middle of other states in the area.

His own genes come from a  His father who was Frederick Christ Trump, a Bronx-born real estate developer whose parents were German immigrants and a Scottish mother.  His father was successful and was able to give him ample dollars to start on his own career.  Being born in 1946 after WWII was a time of growing prosperity.  There were lots of start-up businesses going all over.  Harry Truman had just become president in 1945.  At age 13, he was enrolled in the New York Military Academy, a private boarding school.  That's a very common practice in Britain, but not in the USA, but his mother was born in Scotland, so maybe that' why.  Or, it could have been for another reason, and that being that Donald was hard to handle for his parents and needed a firmer schedule.  From there it doesn't look like his parents had much control over what he was learning.  

His father," Fred Trump, started working in real estate with his mother Elizabeth when he was 15, after his father Friedrich had died in the 1918 flu pandemic.  By 1926, their company, "E. Trump & Son", was active in the New York boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn. It would grow to build and sell tens of thousands of houses, barracks, and apartments.  Fred claimed to be Swedish amid the anti-German sentiment sparked by World War II; Donald Trump also claimed Swedish heritage until 1990".  If his father covered up his heritage, Donald may not have actually known about his until much later.  So Trump had a grandfather who died from the 1918 flu pandemic.  

"Rabbi Mark Diamond, a senior lecturer on Jewish studies at Loyola Marymount University, was stunned' at Trump's words about genes.  "To hear these remarks said at a rally in an election campaign for the presidency is beyond reprehensible,” said Diamond, the former executive vice president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California."

"The racehorse theory refers to the thoroughbred breeding concept popularized by early 20th century horse breeder John E. Madden who stated “Breed the best to the best and hope for the best.”

Rabbis practiced this long ago without a racehorse theory in marrying into other rabbinical families and producing a line of rabbis.  They may still be doing this.  It's a logical conclusion of like interests, religion, and environment.  Today it's more likely that college graduates will marry other college graduates though not always; more likely that graduate men would marry non-graduate women.  

However, the scary thing about his remark is that "“As a historian who has written about the Holocaust, I’ll say bluntly: This is indistinguishable from the Nazi rhetoric that led to Jews, disabled people, LGBTQ, Romani and others being exterminated,” tweeted Steve Silberman, author of “NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity.”  So the Nazis actually killed off people that weren't perfect in their eyes where perfect was the blonde, blue-eyed fair skinned German.  They really weren't into IQs except for doing away with people who were obviously slow, or mentally handicapped.  Trump didn't verbalize such a thing, but was hinting at something to many of the listeners as being downright bad. Did his audience pick up on it who were there?  Was it like a coded remark pertaining to Whites and Blacks?

This evidently has stirred up a problem that the FBI just broke and stopped; national terrorism.  A Michigan anti-government group has threatened the female governor Whitmer of Michigan ahead of the election due to another remark about doing something about her by Trump.  A Civil War was planned to happen by these  terrorists.  The FBI have been tracking the group for months.  

New York Times wrote, "The seven men were said to be affiliated with an extremist group known as the Wolverine Watchmen, and the state’s attorney general accused them of collecting addresses of police officers in order to target them, threatening to start a civil war “leading to societal collapse” and planning to kidnap the governor and other government officials.

 Michigan's population is:  According to 2017 US Race statistics for Michigan state, 

78% belong to White American, 

13.7% Black or African American, 

4.8% belongs to Hispanic or Latino;   Among Hispanic or Latino, 354,272 people are Mexicans, 44,878 are Puerto Ricans, and 11,952 are Cubans. 

2.9% belong to Asians;  Out of 289,082 Asians, 102,735 are Asian Indians, followed by Chinese with 57,704, 25,452 are Filipinos, 25,795 are Koreans and 15,740 are Vietnamese population. The total Asian Population is 289,082.

Nobel Prize Winners born in Michigan

  • Ralph Bunche (Peace, 1950)---African American
  • Glenn T. Seaborg (Chemistry, 1951)--the son of Herman Theodore (Ted) and Selma Olivia Erickson Seaborg who spoke Swedish at home. 
  • Thomas H. Weller (Physiology or Medicine, 1954)--his father Carl Vernon Weller was a professor in the Department of Pathology.
  • Alfred D. Hershey (Physiology or Medicine, 1969)--born in  1908, "In 1950 he became a Staff Member, at the Department of Genetics, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, New York; in 1962 he was appointed Director of the Genetics Research Unit of the same institution." Nothing on parents.  
  • Samuel C.C. Ting (Physics, 1976)--son of " Chinese immigrants from RizhaoShandong on January 27, 1936, in Ann ArborMichiganUnited States of America. His parents, Kuan-hai Ting and Tsun-ying Jeanne Wong, met and got married as graduate students at the University of Michigan.
  • Robert J. Shiller (Economic Sciences, 2013)Methodist Lithuanian
  • Eric Betzig (Chemistry, 2014)--- 1960, the son of Helen Betzig and engineer Robert Betzig; nothing mentioned about  ancestors but may be German as Betzigau is a municipality in the district of Oberallgäu in Bavaria in Germany.


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