
Monday, August 24, 2020

Will US Snapback Sanctions Work On Iran?

Nadene Goldfoot
Security Council at UN
The Trump administration on Thursday formally notified the United Nations of its demand for all UN sanctions on Iran to be restored, citing significant Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal.
The USA has a United Nations arms embargo on Iran.  The date for keeping it is about up in October.  Snapback Sanctions will extend it.  
    An arms embargo is a restriction or a set of sanctions that applies solely to weaponry, and may also apply to "dual-use technology". An arms embargo may serve one or more purposes:
  • to signal disapproval of behavior by a certain actor,
  • to maintain neutrality in an ongoing conflict,
  • as a peace mechanism that is part of a peace process to resolve an armed conflict,
  • to limit the ability of an actor to inflict violence on others, or
  • to weaken country's military capabilities before foreign intervention.

The term “snapback” is used to describe the process by which UN sanctions and restrictions may be re-imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2231, which endorsed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

A snapback would trigger the re-imposition of all sanctions and restrictions on Iran described in UNSCRs 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), and 1929 (2010). This would include: 1) an indefinite embargo on the transfer of conventional arms to and from Iran; 2) an indefinite ban on international support for Iran’s missile program; 3) an outright prohibition on all testing and development of nuclear-capable missiles; 4) a demand to halt all enrichment-related activities; and 5) an indefinite travel and asset ban for sanctioned individuals.

Israel is all for the Snapback Sanctions against Iran presented by the USA, but the move is opposed by 13 of the 15 countries on the Security Council at the UN.
The Council is composed of 15 Members:
Five permanent members: China, FranceRussian Federationthe United Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term year):

"Britain and France seek to appease the three powers that most threaten the world today: Iran, China and Russia. As permanent members of the UN Security Council, last week both Britain and France genuflected to their arch-enemies by refusing to support their greatest ally, the United States, in its resolution to extend the UN arms embargo on Iran. The US resolution was of course opposed by China and Russia, both of which intend to sell advanced conventional weapons to Iran as soon as the embargo runs out in October."  Money always has been the root of all evil as well as of all necessity.
Update: 8/24/2020 On 14 August 2020, the United Nations Security Council rejected a resolution proposed by the United States to extend the global arms embargo on Iran. The embargo is currently set to expire on 18 October 2020. Only the Dominican Republic joined the United States in voting for the resolution, far short of the minimum nine "yes" votes required for adoption. Eleven members of the Security Council, including FranceGermany and the United Kingdom, abstained while Russia and China voted against the resolution. Appeasement:  Appeasement in an international context is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict.

"If US snapback sanctions succeed, that can only hasten the end of the terrorist regime in Tehran. It will also boost confidence and security among the Arab countries, increasingly fearful of a nuclear-armed Iran."Why?  Because Iran's regime is ruled by the extremists of Ayatollahs, presenting a Shi'a extreme view of Islam that is stifling their country and is not only deadly but views Israel as a country they intend to wipe out, along with the USA simply because they do not share religious beliefs with them.  Their viewpoints are so narrow that they close up.  Allowing them to have such deadly weapons as nuclear ones is insanity.  

"The U.S. notified the United Nations Security Council August 13, 2020 that it would impose “snapback” sanctions on Iran for its failure to comply with the 2015 nuclear deal. The move will trigger a battle at the U.N., but the U.S. has the right to act."
Mossad was able to find out information
that brought Netanyahu to the USA, in that Iran was NOT
in compliance with the accord and moving much closer to a nuclear weapon
and Democrats refused to come and hear;
He spoke at the UN and  Susan Rice went to lunch instead.
"Barack Obama and John Kerry designed the nuclear accord to go through the U.N. because the U.S. Senate would never ratify a treaty with terms so favorable to Tehran. If Mr. Obama wanted the deal to last, he should have negotiated something acceptable to Capitol Hill."                                                         
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former president of Iran
constantly put out hatred in warnings to Israel
Iran's regime's agenda is to wipe out Israel for the sake of Shi'aism and destroy or rule over the USA, told to us through their acts of aiding and abetting those countries attacking Israel and through warnings by their previous president. It is common knowledge that Muslims are expected to warn their enemy of their intentions.  They have done so.   
They were found to be secretly working on advancing their work in creating nuclear power that would be used in the nose of long-distance rockets they have manufactured.  The  JCPOA were unable to do a thorough job of finding all their hide-outs.  
  • There may have already been some proliferation risks at the Arak heavy water reactor and deeply buried Fordow facility because there have been some explosions heard coming from these areas.  
    Mike Pompeo
     Has been serving as 70th United States secretary of state. He is a former
     United States Army officer and was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
     from January 2017 until April 2018
  • Trump’s advisors John Bolton and Mike Pompeo have NOT been  pushing for war with Iran as an alternative to negotiations.  They want to keep away from that alternative as much as humanly possible.  

  • A spark for a military confrontation could come from several directions in the absence of diplomacy with Iran,, thus the need now for the Snapback Sanctions – whether over Iran’s nuclear program, regional tensions or a naval confrontation in the Persian Gulf.
By the way the UN voted, they do not want to use sanctions; instead they prefer appeasement.  "Anglo-French foreign policy in the 1930s was also dominated by appeasement -- of Nazi Germany -- a policy that failed to prevent one of the greatest catastrophes that ever engulfed civilisation and that led to the deaths of millions."  

“The United States will never allow the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism to freely buy and sell planes, tanks, missiles and other kinds of conventional weapons … (or) to have a nuclear weapon,” Pompeo told a UN press conference.

Update: 9/7/2020, 11am:  The president of the UN Security Council during August, Indonesia's UN Ambassador Dian Triansyah Djani, meanwhile, rejected a US bid to trigger a "snapback" return of all UN sanctions on Iran. Perhaps the time has come for the US to defund the UN, or at the very least, "paying only for what the country wants — and expecting to get what it pays for."


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