
Sunday, August 23, 2020

NEXT POSSIBLE WAR ZONE: Greece Fighting Turkey and in the Middle of It All, Israel

Nadene Goldfoot                                           

Greece and Turkey are having disagreements right now, and Israel is the friend of Greece;  involved with both in its history.  We'll look at Greece first.

Jews have lived in Greece since at least by the 2nd century BCE which would be in the 100 BCE days.  They came in contact with each other farther back in biblical days.  

By the 1st century CE, synagogues and organized Jewish communities were found by the apostle Paul in all the principal cities.  

Greeks suffered the same vicissitudes as Jews did in the remainder of the BYZANTINE EMPIRE in that attempts were made to enforce wholesale conversion to Christianity from the 7th century on.  

Jewish historian Benjamin of Tudella in 1165 found Jews in many parts of the country working at silk-weaving, with ome as farmers.  At the end of the 15th century, the large influx of refugees from Spain caused by the Spanish Inquisition against Jews overwhelmed the local communities which became entirely Sephardi in culture.  Only in Corfu was the original Greek rite of prayer preserved.  Salonica  attracted the greatest number of immigrants and there were many other communities, especially in the seaports. 

The Kingdom of Greece, formed in the early 19th century had a few small and unimportant Jewish communities in Athens and elsewhere which suffered from spasmodic anti-Semite attacks.   

Salonica (Thessaloniki), a Greek port, was attacked in 1098 by the crusaders.  It became the center of a great messianic ferment when Shabbatai Tzevi said he was the much awaited Messiah. 

 Later, especially after the Turkish occupation in 1430, the textile industry attracted refugees from Central Europe.  After 1492's Spanish expulsion of Jews, the community received  became, along with Constantinople, the greatest haven for the Jewish exiles.  The original Greek culture turned into a Sephardic one with Spanish speakers in their midst.  They all started speaking Spanish.  There were 49 different Jewish congregations and synagogues reflecting the rites of the cities and provinces from where they came from.  By the 16th century they were receiving Portuguese Marranos (hidden Jews) In the 17th century, Salonica was the major seat of activity of Shabbetai Tzevi and many Jews followed him into insincere Islam, thus creating the sect of the DONMEH, whose main center was Salonica.  This continued to be the center of Sephardic culture despite the false messiah belief. 
Salonica was captured in 1912 by the Greeks from the Turks, and at that time there were 80,000 Jews living there.  This was one of the largest Jewish communities existing in the Mediterranean area.   They remained predominantly Jewish, with kosher rules in the city like not having ships unload their cargo in the harbor on a Saturday (Shabbat).  

Interchanges of population between Greece and Turkey after World War I (1917) resulted in the emigration of the Donmeh and a large Greek influx.  The Jewish population, whose condition was now somewhat less favorable, was reduced by
WWII's war in 1940  to under 20%, around 5,000 with many having emigrated to Palestine or France, USA, etc.  

During the German occupation of 1941-1944, almost all the Jewish community, after being despoiled, was deported in 19 convoys to Poland for extermination.  Many Jewish communities had lost up to 90% of their people, and the losses were 60,332 out of a former Jewish population of of 76,420.  Over 2,000 Greek Jews had immigrated to Israel after the establishment of Israel.   In 1990, there were 1,100 Jews living in Salonica. The total Jewish population living throughout Greece in 1990 was 4,875.  

In 1975 Greece and Turkey had a conflict over Cyprus, an island off of Turkey. Jews had lived on this island, too, since 100 BCE and a Joseph Nasi was partly responsible for the conquest of Cyprus by the Turks in 1571, thinking he would be crowned the king, but wasn't.  Jews were later deported from Safed to hep repopulate Cyprus.  It became the center for the deportation of "illegal immigrants" from Palestine in 1945-1949, with 11,000 Jews being interned there.  By 1990, 25 Jews were found living on this island.  

Turkey had taken over Salonica in 1430 as they were the Ottoman Empire, and that empire continued for 400 years until WWI when they lost the war along with Germany.  They are still scrapping as Turkey, with their president Erdogen, who is trying to revamp Turkey into an Empire once again and be the leader of all the Muslims.  Greece is trying to maintain her land, which is coming to the point that there might be an actual War created over this fight between Greece and Turkey.  Turkey feels they unjustly lost their Turkish holdings and want them back.  Both are NATO members.  

Turkey's economy is in a mess these days.  Each country has jet fighters which have been flying over an island off of Turkey,  and there's the possibility that their navies will soon get into the fight and clash as well.  Germany, in NATO, is working on this while the USA has kept out of it . Turkey's borders had been set in 1923 with a Lausanne Treaty with the League of Nations, forerunner of the UN, but this same treaty had destroyed the Kurds hopes of ever having their own state, however. Erdogen has changed Turkey's life and seems to yearn to become his country's greatest military leader.  He's been drilling for oil and exploring the ocean right off of Greece, and said that he refuses to stop.  Their fight all started with the fact that in the spring the Turkish side released tens of thousands of refugees towards Greece. Then it ended with numerous skirmishes at the border, where often armed migrants tried to break into the EU. To solve these problems, the Greek side even had to send an army to the war zone.  

NATO (NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION) was founded just after World War II (1945-46) as the Soviet Union’s communist empire threatened the integrity of the free world. The USSR has long since perished, and Russia, though a nuclear-armed state with a powerful military and impressive cyberwarfare sophistication, does not present the global threat equivalent to that of the USSR. Russia is just Russia.  President Donald Trump rightly expressed frustration with our allies and asked them to make good on their financial commitments to NATO. When NATO members are not talking NATO, some of our partners in the alliance —  Germany,   France and  Turkey, to name a few — are cozying up to Russia at every turn, which includes a broadening of economic, diplomatic and military ties to Moscow.  Everyone wants to improve their economic well as their security.                    
US NATO in Ukraine today

Nearly 70% of total spending on defence by Nato governments is accounted for by the US.
But the US is a global superpower, with military commitments around the world, and not just in Europe.
In terms of its gross domestic product (GDP) (the total value of goods produced and services) the US spent roughly 3.4% on defence in 2019, according to Nato estimates, while the average in European Nato countries and Canada was 1.55%. A new deal has been made and the USA is paying less with Germany paying more.  .

The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

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