
Friday, July 10, 2020

Tangling With Peter Beinhart 's One State Solution

Nadene Goldfoot
Peter Beinart is a disillusioned American Jew who has given up on the 2-State Solution and thinks the answer is in his idea of a one- State answer for two of the most dynamically different cultures in the world, both in attitudes of morality and religious beliefs. 
"With all his soothing words about equality and blissful coexistence, Peter Beinart is calling for the elimination of the Jewish state itself. His contortions to argue that Zionism does not require an independent Jewish state are transparently false and a tactic to rationalize the dismantling of a sovereign Israel." 
My argument against this idea is that  it would endanger the safety of the Jewish minority, because it would require assimilation with what critics fear would be an extremely hostile Muslim ruling majority.  This happened in Lebanon, so they made the rule that the president would be of the minority-Christian.  Then they assassinated him.  Now it's taken over by Iran and is full of missiles aimed at Israel.  Nope, no way.  That can't happen.   

Peter Alexander Beinart is an American columnist, journalist, and liberal political commentator. A former editor of The New Republic, he has written for Time, The New York Times, The New York Review of Books among other periodicals, and is the author of three books.He is associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York. He is a senior columnist at Haaretz, an Israeli leftist newspaper also online.   He also is a contributor to The Atlantic and National Journal, and programs on CNN.
He's also Jewish.  Beinart was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1971. His parents were Jewish immigrants from South Africa (his maternal grandfather was from Russia, and his maternal grandmother, who was Sephardic, was from Egypt). His father's parents were from Lithuania, so he could be my distant cousin!  Maybe his parents even knew my Goldfus ancestors in Lithuania.  My but we differ so in our outlook for Israel.  He even had a blog going on THE DAILY BEAST.    What happened?
His article came out in the New York Times as an opinion piece on the front page.  He's such a young man, born in 1971, and I was born in 1934, so have lived through many eras to get to this one, and I can see plainly that a one -state solution is definitely not the answer, either, nor was I ever for the 2- state solution as a solution.  
It's one of the most difficult problems in the world to solve, bad enough to need the Moshiach to solve it, or at least a sovereign-like Solomon.  
Joan Peters wrote in FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL
where Palestinian Arabs came from; surrounding lands
and even further as men were looking for work
and Jews were returning and building started from 1880 onward.

Palestinians are not native to the soil and Jews were  as they'd been there since the Exodus with Moses, so I'd say since 1271 BCE;  but have been away for 1,000 years and have returned and want their place back again. Palestine was the Roman name for the land which remained just that-land without people or country-land that was taken by every empire in the Middle East but just kept becoming more unkempt, a land best for mosquitos and camel dung.  
Islam % by country

 Palestinians have 48 Muslim majority states, with the 49th about to emerge, and Jews have but one-Israel.   Jews now have about 14,00,000 or 0.02% of the world's population  and Muslims will have  2.76 billion, or 29.7% of the world's population by 2050.  "Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49 countries around the world. The country with the largest number (about 209 million) is Indonesia, where 87.2% of the population identifies as Muslim. India has the world’s second-largest Muslim population in raw numbers (roughly 176 million), though Muslims make up just 14.4% of India’s total population".  India moved most of theirs out to Pakistan, remember?  

Looking ahead, the Center estimates that by 2050 the number of Muslims worldwide will grow to 2.76 billion, or 29.7% of world’s population. 
In August 2018, Beinart was detained by Shin Bet at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport and questioned about his presence at West Bank protests and outspoken criticism of the Israeli government's policies toward the Palestinians. Beinart called his experience "trivial" when compared to the experiences of others, particularly Palestinians and Palestinian Americans who travel through Israel's main airport.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Israeli security forces and was told that Beinart's detention was an administrative mistake, and that the country "welcomes all—critics and supporters alike."  Well, not really.  I remember that Noam Chomsky and friend 
Finklestein were not welcomed after their accusations about Israel,
but they were totally extreme in what they were doing.  Finklestein
has since recanted somewhat.  Neither were experts on the history
of Israel.  

He seems to have the reputation of being highly critical of Israel 
and it went before him.  I heard Shahar Azani  talk about his theory 
today on JBS TV, who did such a good job explaining why such 
an idea as a one-state solution was impossible. Peter said in his
 article, "It’s time to imagine a Jewish home that is not a Jewish state."  Peter is willing to give up the Jewish State.  
Peter, that's not what we want.  We already live in the USA that fits that bill. "                                                    

We can't do a one-step nor a 2-step, so I'm waiting for us all to learn 
to waltz to the same tune.  Palestinians have had terrible leadership,
which have led to the terrorists Hamas in Gaza, not the sort of people
you can make plans with.  There are great leaders itching to lead 
among the Palestinian people, bright, intelligent, but can't raise 
too much attention for fear of getting killed.  There needs to be a 
whole change of heart with Palestinians, and they need to really
take a look at what they have to offer for their children and grand-
children and ask if this is enough.  Palestinians were nothing but
pawns, ammunition to use against Jews in the beginning in 1948,
and now?  They have morphed into these very bullets while the 
leaders have lost interest and have cleaned their  foggy glasses and 
see better horizons for their future.  


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