
Friday, July 10, 2020

COVID 19 Taking Precedence Over Sovereignty of Judea-Samaria Right Now

Nadene Goldfoot
Florida on Spring Break from COVID 19, evidently
with the highest numbers of people with coronavirus
The state of Florida reported near single-day records with 11,433 new COVID-19 cases and 93 deaths Friday. 
COVID 19 has been sending Americans in hysterics, coping very badly with protective measures of catching this new deadly virus that is damaging organs and even the brain if one manages to live.  If we think we have it bad here, Israel is suffering more for the government isn't as rich as the USA's and they haven't been able to help out their people with $1,000 checks to tide them through the rough spots we've had so far.  

They're hungry, and food is what the people are about to riot over.  So both prime ministers are working on finding that solution, and are not discussing the sovereignty over Judea and Samaria's plans at this time.  I found that out by listening to JBS this morning.  They're not working due to the virus, too, so the economy is also hurt.  No money, no food.  The National Nutrition Security Council has recommended more than doubling the number of Israeli families who receive governmental food-security assistance, from 11,000 families to some 25,000. 
Israel quietly helps Gaza fight Corona 19 VirusIn late March, the first two people in Gaza Strip were diagnosed with COVID-19. The ongoing humanitarian disaster of Gaza was poised to reach a crescendo. Surprisingly, positive things happened instead.

One reason Israel is not talking about sovereignty is that the US is holding things up in supporting Israel for this decision.  Since the Palestinians are not talking of any decision of theirs other than their 3 famous NOs from their 1967 conference in Africa, both the Arab world communities and Israel have decided not to be held hostage by Palestinian NOs  and are making progress with their lives.  Palestinians are not even talking to the USA, people that have helped them the most.  What you hear from many of them is their chanting of "From the river to the Sea, Palestine will be free," still thinking of the land as Palestine and that it will all be free of Jews.  That wasn't what Emir Feisal was saying back in the 1920s in conferences about forming the Jewish Homeland, but then he wasn't a Palestinian, either, but the future king of Syria.  He wanted Arabs to learn from the Jews.   

The US Democrats have 13 Democrat Reps that have turned against helping Israel with an  amendment to end military aid that would go for helping the sovereignty over Judea-Samaria.  "The group filed an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to prohibit Israel from using US security assistance for the annexation of parts of the West Bank."

Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) spearheaded the amendment. He was joined by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Chris Murphy (D-CT), among others (all New Englander sponsors).  Of course, Sanders of Vermont is against helping, the only Senator signing the Representatives' letter, and he had Jewish parents,   but certainly doesn't live in Israel or what is going on there, and was only there long ago for a short time on a kibbutz evidently having a grudge against milking duties while thinking about his own marital problems.  This is not sponsored by any of the Republicans.  

Alexandria Ocacio Cortez, one of the newest Democrats of the US House of Representatives from New York as of January 3, 2019, being who she is, is against helping Israel at all and wants all military funding ended for Israel, showing her bias against Israel with her bill.   She calls " Israel's presence in the West Bank(Judea-Samaria)  an "occupation of Palestine". Four Democratic members of the US House of Representatives have been circulating a letter to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, threatening the conditioning or even cutting off of US assistance to Israel if the Jewish state goes ahead with its plans to apply sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria.The letter has been issued by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and Betty McCollum (D-Minn.).

So far, the US has been asking more for Palestinians than they have.  Remember when Susan Rice mentioned that a safe Israel meant a safer US?  

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice, and Israeli Acting National Security Advisor Jacob Nagel at the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States and Israel on Security Assistance, was a time when she was backing Israel.  

The Iron Dome intercepts rockets from Gaza often.

This would even put a stop to using the Iron Dome, Israel's protection of stopping incoming missiles if used in Judea-Samaria.  Iron Dome is a mobile all-weather air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries

About the words, sovereignty and annexation;  they mean different things in English but in Hebrew they mean pretty much the same thing 

Sovereignty:  supreme power especially over a body politic; dominion, freedom from external control, autonomy, one that is sovereign, and autonomous state, ruler, reebonoot
Annexation:  to attach as a quality, consequence or condition; to join together materially, to incorporate a country or other territory within the domain of a state, to obtain or take for oneself, seepoo'akh.
In Hebrew they mean pretty much the same, without a negative connotation.

Ramallah, center of the Palestinians, and Jerusalem, capital of Israel, are only 45 minutes apart.  Yet Israel can't get any cooperation of discussion with them.  Ramallah is a Palestinian city in the central West Bank located 10 km north (6.21 miles) of Jerusalem at an average elevation of 880 meters above sea level, adjacent to al-Bireh. It currently serves as the de facto administrative capital of the Palestinian National Authority.

Israel has gradually been emerging from a strict two-month lockdown, cautiously opening sector after business sector as it continues to monitor the number of Covid-19 cases among the citizens of its diverse communities. And to the surprise of many, the one that has suffered the fewest losses to the outbreak is the country’s Arab populace.

The Orthodox Jews and Arabs,these two communities, are the country’s poorest. According to the National Insurance Institute, 47 percent of Arab citizens and 52 percent of ultra-Orthodox Jewish citizens were living under the poverty threshold in 2018. Another crucial factor is the communities’ strained relationship with the majority and with the government.  That was a surprise that the Arab community is suffering the least.  
Salam, Nazareth mayor,  also credited the residents’ discipline. “They didn’t leave their houses, except to buy food, and even then, they followed the social-distancing rules. Also, we drove around the city in a car equipped with a loudspeaker, 24 hours a day, with my voice urging the residents not to leave their homes and to follow the guidelines of the health minister and the prime minister and the mayor,” he added.  

UPDATE from 7/10/2-20 Debka on 7/17/2020 File
Annexations are legitimate, Netanyahu replies to Macron’s objections
After French President Emmanuel Macron told PM Binyamin Netanyahu to abandon his plan to apply sovereignty to Jewish West Bank settlements because it was against international law, Netanyahu argued that no violation of international law was involved. The Trump peace plan, contrary to the failed plans of 53 years, “has new ideas that allow real progress. Israel would negotiate peace based on it,” he said, adding: “The Palestinian refusal to negotiate on this and past plans is what prevents progress.”

Resource: Susan Rice saying about a safe Israel on Shahar Azani 
Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary by Hayim Baltsan
ROKU's TV showing JBS and Shahar Azani, JBS Senior VP, analyzes a U.S. Senate amendment threatening to cut security funding to Israel if it extends sovereignty over the West Bank; and gives an update on the current Covid crisis and its political impact. With Mark S. Golub for 7/9/2020

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