
Monday, February 24, 2020

Bernie Thinks Israel is a Racist Country

Nadene Goldfoot                                           
"Israel’s government is racist," said Bernie at his 2000 rally, "and does not have to be backed by those who support the Israelis and want peace". Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said this on Tuesday during a CNN town hall event in Las Vegas." 

 Sanders doesn't study this issue at all, for if  he did he'd know that Israel is the least racist country in the world.  He would realize that it is the Palestinians who have been attacking Israel since even before 1948 when Israel became a state, and that it is the Palestinians with the surrounding Muslim countries who have had wars with Israel; 1947-48, 56, 67, 82, etc.  It is now Gaza who is shelling Israel daily almost.  

"Rockets continued to strike Israeli communities. Just today, over 50 missiles have exploded in Israel. Sirens blare but provide only seconds for Israeli families to run for cover.

Men, women and young children are living in terror and fear. A childrens' playground in Sderot suffered a direct hit today. Air-raid sirens sounded throughout southern Israel. Rockets are causing chaos, destruction and injuries with no end in sight. Israeli lives are in danger."

This sounds like what Bernie Sanders said on CNN tonight about being Jewish and about Israel.   His attitude hasn't changed that I can see except his ability to pick friends has only become worse.
He is working with the foursome of Ocacio Cortez and her 3 friends in Congress that are all so anti-Semitic.    

"Sanders, who in 2016 became the first Jewish candidate to win a major-party presidential primary, often refers to his family's experience fleeing the Holocaust. The Vermont independent has especially done so recently as he embarked on a broader argument that Trump's rhetoric is stoking white supremacy in America."
"Most of my father's family was brutally murdered at the hands of Hitler's white supremacist regime," Sanders tweeted on August 5. "A regime which came to power on a wave of violence and hatred against racial and religious minorities. We cannot allow that cancer to grow here."
"Sanders also frequently shares with audiences around the country that his father immigrated to the United States at the age of 17, fleeing prosecution in Poland."
"Like many other families in America, my father came to this country at the age of 17, came alone, without a nickel in his pocket, couldn't speak a word of English and came with very limited education," Sanders said in Long Beach, California, on August 6. "I am the proud son of an immigrant."
"Sanders has been critical of the Israeli government for its treatment of the Palestinian people while also mentioning his Jewish faith."
Rockets hitting Eshkol region in Israel 
    "Israel has every right in the world to live in peace and security. But so do the Palestinian people," Sanders told a crowd in Berlin, New Hampshire, on August 13."
    "As somebody who is proudly Jewish, to be critical of a right-wing Netanyahu government in Israel is not to be anti-Semitic," Sanders added."
    The left wing government had its chance in its early years, but wasn't giving its people the security it needed, and that's what Netanyahu provided for them.  Sorry, Bernie, but I call you a self-hater, Jewish but not really proud of it at all.  In fact, I think of you as being anti-Semitic.  You've gone this route to get more attention and love from the people who are anti-Semitic.  You listen to the Palestinians more than you bother to learn what's going on and the causes of it.  That's deplorable!  
    UPDATE 2/25/2020 The former Ambassador, Haley,  to the UN,  blasted Sanders on Monday for boycotting next week’s AIPAC conference.  This is terrible!  AIPAC is the group who back Israel by explaining their motivation, etc.  They are the opposition to JStreet, the newer group.    

    1 comment:

    1. My friend, Vickie, said today that they had so many rockets fall that she couldn't count them all, and then she cursed them.
