
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Second Part About Why Trump Suggested China Check Out Biden

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz
Hunter Biden is the son of Joseph Biden, Senator.
Chris Heinz is the youngest son of 
  United States Senator Henry John Heinz III and businesswoman/philanthrpost Maria Teresa Thierstein Simões Ferreira.  Christopher Drake Heinz is an American businessman.  In 1995 Senator John Kerry married Teresa Heinz, widow of John Heinz (a Republican senator from Pennsylvania) and heiress to the Heinz Company fortune.  Therefore, Chris
Heinz is John Kerry's stepson.  

In 2013, a Chinese communist regime's bank signed a deal with a private equity firm in the USA, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, started by Hunter Biden.  This firm was run by Hunter Biden, Jr and the son of John Kerry, Chris Heinz.

It is John Kerry and stepson Chris Heinz who run this $2.4 billion private equity firm.  As a reminder, it was John Kerry who made the deal with Iran about nuclear use of weapons, etc, and Trump has squashed his deal as president.  

Joe Biden was also in China under Obama as well as in Ukraine.  He was in China on official business for Obama and took his son, Hunter, with him.  They flew over aboard Air Force 2  Joe met with President Xi Jinping.  When they arrived in China, Joe and Hunter Biden and his daughter, Finnegan, were greeted by Chinese children carrying flowers.  The delegation was then whisked to a meeting with Vice President Li Yuanchao and talks with President Xi Jinping. 

That's fine but they went over at either an inopportune time or an opportune one.  They got to China 10 days before the deal was signed.  Some timing!  Suggestive?  Helpful?  It was Hunter Biden who signed the deal for his hedge fund within days of his visit.  It benefited Hunter's hedge fund with the Bank of China.  This included some deal-making that was on the agenda.  Rosemond's deal is valued at $1 billion, and was later boosted to $l.5 billion.  

Rosemond Seneca and the Bank of China created a $1 billion investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a name that showed who was involved.  Bohai or Bo Hai is the innermost gulf of the Yellow  Sea, and was a reference to the Chinese stake in the company.  The "RS" refers to Rosemont Seneca.  The "T" was for Thornton, the partnering firm, The Thornton Group who are the fund lenders.  

Hunter and and Chris Heinz were friends, probably because John Kerry and Joe Biden were colleagues in the Senate for decades.  

This involved the biggest fund lenders in China, commented a partnering firm, the Thornton Group.  

It probably is a waste of time to warn China about the Bidens doing anything corrupt.  Their laws are not necessarily like our laws.  Most likely their bank is profiting from the Bidens as well.  However, it could help President Trump to be able to explain Joe Biden's dealings  in and with China, since our Democrats are so hot to bare any dealings that Trump might have had anywhere, like Russia.  Most of the country is in shock at Trump's outburst to check China, and this is why.  Perhaps it is Joe Biden and John Kerry who were breaking USA laws.  

Hunter Biden, a partner with Heinz in the investment firm Rosemont Seneca, joined Burisma shortly after another of the firm’s partners, Devon Archer, also had accepted an invitation to the board.
Chris Heinz in 2014 then parted ways with both men, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer,  after raising concerns about corruption in Ukraine and questions about appearance.  At the time,  Joe Biden was serving in the Obama administration and cracking down on corruption in Ukraine.  
"According to the report, Biden said he joined Burisma at the urging of the former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, who was on the company’s board, and because he believed helping to create Ukraine’s energy independence would help ​shield the country from Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
Joseph Biden was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, when he became the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Biden was re-elected six times and was the fourth most senior senator when he resigned to assume the vice presidency in 2009.
The Burisma post has become part of the focus of a whistleblower’s complaint that claims President Trump contacted Ukrainian President Volodymyr to investigate Hunter Biden and his father, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.
Are Republicans  happy about this find?  Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on Saturday it was "completely inappropriate" for President Trump to urge China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.  This seems to be more of a spreading a protective tent over Biden because he had been  a senator for so long.  That is, if Trump had actually urged China to do so.  So far it's all hear-say.  

Update: 10/10/19 Also, check out this video on Hunter Biden in China:
 However, Ahead of President Obama and President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping holding a meeting at an informal retreat in June 2013, Collins cosponsored legislation that would expand American law to authorize the Commerce Department impose "countervailing duties" in response to subsidized imports through mandating the Commerce Department investigate in order to determine if currency manipulation counts as a form of subsidization. 
In April 2018, Collins stated her belief that the US needed "a more nuanced approach" in dealing with China but gave President Trump "credit for levying these tariffs against the Chinese, with whom we've talked for a decade about their unfair trade practices and their theft of intellectual property from American firms."  She expects toughness out of Trump with China but not too much of it.
Update: 10/10/19:  
Resource: Book:  CLINTON CASH, by Peter Schweizer,, Peter Franz Schweizer (born November 24, 1964) is an American investigative journalist, novelist, author, and political consultant. 
Book:  SECRET EMPIRES:  HOw THE AMERICAN POLITICAL CLASS HIDES CORRUPTION AND ENRICHES FAMILY AND FRIENDS by Peter Schweizer, excerpted in the New York Post.  Secret Empires provided details about the overseas business conducted by Hunter Biden, particularly in his employment with entities such as Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.
Update: 10/13/19 Hunter  Biden intends to step down from position.on board of Chinese company.


  1. Mark Zaid, the attorney representing the whistleblower who sounded the alarm on President Donald Trump's dealings with Ukraine and triggered an impeachment inquiry, tells ABC News that he is now representing a second whistleblower who has spoken with the inspector general.

    Zaid tells ABC News' Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that the second person -- also described as an intelligence official -- has first-hand knowledge of some of the allegations outlined in the original complaint and has been interviewed by the head of the intelligence community's internal watchdog office, Michael Atkinson

    1. Michael Atkinson (Inspector General)
      Michael K. Atkinson (born May 16, 1964) is an American attorney. He worked for the United States Department of Justice for about 15 years before becoming the second Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.

  2. -Fox News
    “He wasn't supposed to release the transcripts. Or the whistleblower report. He was expected to do what any president would have done – what President Obama always did. Hide the evidence,” former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) writes. House Democrats “weren't counting on the president's unprecedented transparency. Nobody releases a transcript of calls between heads of state. But Donald Trump did.”

    1. The Wall Street Journal
      “If the latest impeachment push continues to backfire, Democrats can thank their duplicitous House Intelligence chairman, Adam Schiff,” Kimberly Strassel writes. This week, a bombshell report revealed that Schiff’s team had advance knowledge of the complaint from the “whistleblower”—and withheld that fact from the American public.
      4 Pinocchios: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower.” – Adam Schiff
