
Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Nadene Goldfoot                                     
Today is an important election in Israel.  It is the election for the position as Prime Minister.  Running for it again is the present Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu of the RIGHT and Benny Gantz of the army from the LEFT.  

"Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (HebrewAbout this soundבִּנְיָמִין נְתַנְיָהוּ ; born 21 October 1949)to secular parents,  is an Israeli politician serving as the 9th and current Prime Minister of Israel since 2009, previously holding the position from 1996 to 1999. Netanyahu is also currently a member of the Knesset and the Chairman of the Likud party. He is the first Israeli Prime Minister born in Israel after the establishment of the state. " 

Netanyahu was born in 1949 in Tel AvivIsrael, to his mother, Tzila Segal (28 August 1912 – 31 January 2000), who had been born in Petah Tikva in the Ottoman Empire's Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and a Warsaw-born father, Prof. Benzion Netanyahu (1910–2012). He was the middle of three children. He discovered via a DNA test that he is of part Sephardi Jewish ancestry. He was initially raised and educated in Jerusalem, where he attended Henrietta Szold Elementary School. He's had a lot of higher education in the USA, where he polished his English.  "After graduating from high school in 1967, Netanyahu returned to Israel to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces. He trained as a combat soldier and served for five years in an elite special forces unit of the IDF, Sayeret Matkal. He took part in numerous cross-border assault raids during the 1967–70 War of Attrition, rising to become a team-leader in the unit. He was wounded in combat on multiple occasions. He was involved in many other missions, including Operation Inferno (1968), and the rescue of the hijacked Sabena Flight 571 in May 1972 in which he was shot in the shoulder.

Netanyahu studied at MIT between 1972 and 1976, earning SB and SMdegrees.
After completing his army service in 1972, Netanyahu returned to the United States in late 1972 to study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He returned to Israel in October 1973 to serve in the Yom Kippur War in the Sayeret Matkal commando unit. While there, he fought in special forces raids along the Suez Canal against the Egyptian forces, before leading a commando attack deep inside Syrian territory, whose mission remains classified today.
He then returned to the United States and under the name Ben Nitay, completed an SB degree[ in architecture in February 1975 and earned an SM degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management in June 1976. Concurrently, he was studying towards a doctorate in political science, until his studies were broken off by the death of his brother in Operation Entebbe.
At MIT, Netanyahu studied a double-load, completing an SM (that would normally take four years) in only two and a half years, despite taking a break to fight in the Yom Kippur War, and while simultaneously completing a thesis in a graduate course at Harvard. Professor Groisser at MIT recalled: "He did superbly. He was very bright. Organized. Strong. Powerful. He knew what he wanted to do and how to get it done."
 His multiple occupations have been:  Politician, diplomat, writer, economic consultant, and marketing executive. 

He's also had lots of army experience, as has most all Israelis.   "Netanyahu joined the Israel Defense Forces shortly after the Six-Day War in 1967, and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. Netanyahu took part in many missions, including Operation Inferno (1968), Operation Gift (1968) and Operation Isotope (1972), during which he was shot in the shoulder. Netanyahu fought on the front lines in the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, taking part in special forces raids along the Suez Canal, and then leading a commando assault deep into Syrian territory."

Netanyahu has had a close relationship with Trump, and under his guidance has been in office to see the USA move their Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem where the Israeli government is.   The USA has also been the first to recognize the Golan as being in Israel's hands.   These are 2 miracles that have often been promised but never fulfilled before.  "Netanyahu has been elected Prime Minister of Israel four times, matching David Ben-Gurion for most premierships, and he is the only prime minister in Israel's history to have been elected three times in a row.]Netanyahu is currently the second longest-serving Prime Minister in Israel's history after David Ben-Gurion.

I have to add that Netanyahu has the Vilna Gaon on his tree, the most famous rabbi from Lithuania.  He even has a tree!  He shares my passion, genealogy and DNA analysis and comparison.  
Nathan Mileikowsky
Writer, Zionist activist
Sarah Lurie
Tzila Segal
Benzion Netanyahu
Elisha Netanyahu
Shoshana Shenburg
Supreme Court justice
Yonatan Netanyahu
Military Commander
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel
Iddo Netanyahu
Physician, playwright
Nathan Netanyahu
Computer scientist

Benjamin Netanyahu at the grave of his brother Yoni Netanyahu, who was killed leading a counter-terrorist operation in 1976
Netanyahu comes from a highly accomplished family. Related to Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna (the Vilna Gaon) on his paternal side," He's the perfect example of an
Israeli today; half Sephardi and half Ashkenazi.  His
grandfather, Nathan Milekowsky, was a rabbi, a noted
activist in hovevei Tzion, the pre-political Zionist move-ment.  born in Kkkkrevo to Tzvi Milikovsky who claimed descent from the Gaon of Vilna, recorded by Tidhar. Tsvi and his wife also settled in Eretz Yisrael.  

Benjamin BENNY Gantz (Hebrewבנימין "בני" גנץ; born 9 June 1959) is an Israeli army officer and politician, who served as the 20th Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from February 2011 to February 2015.  He has served in the IDF from 1977 to 2015. He was recruited to the IDF in 1977 when he joined the Paratroopers Brigade.  Being 10 years younger than Netanyahu,  Gantz was born in Kfar AhimIsrael, in 1959. His mother Malka was a Holocaust survivor, originally from MezőkovácsházaHungary. His father Nahum came from Romania, and was arrested by the British authorities for trying to enter Palestine illegally before reaching Israel. His parents were among the founders of Moshav Kfar Ahim, a cooperative agricultural community in south-central Israel. In his youth, he attended the Shafir High School in Merkaz Shapira, and boarding school at the HaKfar HaYarok youth village in Ramat HaSharon.

Gantz is a graduate of the Command and Staff College and the National Security College, has a Bachelors degree in history from the Tel Aviv University, a masters degree in Political Science from the Haifa University and another Masters Degree in management of national resources from the NDU (National Defense) university in the United States.

 On 27 December 2018, Gantz formally established his own party named the Israel Resilience Party ("Hosen LeYisrael" in Hebrew), which will run in the 2019 Israeli legislative election.[37]
On 29 January 2019, Gantz gave his first major political speech. Gantz pledged to strengthen Israeli settlement blocs and said that Israel would never leave the Golan Heights. He neither endorsed nor rejected a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. "The Jordan Valley will be our border, but we won't let millions of Palestinians living beyond the fence to endanger our identity as a Jewish state," he said.

It's said to be a very close election.  I believe there's even been an interference from the LEFT in the USA pressing the populace for Gantz, something they were so appalled about in the USA about Russia's possible interference against Hillary and for Trump.  

Netanyahu has going for him the reputation of being an outstanding speaker, though English is not his first language.  His logic is impeccable.  Unfortunately, the LEFT has been trying to smear him with shocking accusations of keeping a gift, or his wife's misdeeds, which hasn't shaken him in trying to gain a foothold with the public.  in times of danger, it's been Netanyahu that the public has been able to depend on and have switched from LABOR on the left to LIKUD on the right.  Security has been Israel's primary concern since its creation.  Right now things are as serious as they ever have been.  

Two Benjamins, both born in Israel, both army men, both with secular parents, the younger with no political experience, the older with a great deal of successful experience.  The vote it taking place at a time with security threatened to the utmost.  

4/10/19 This morning I had a notice that Netanyahu was the clear winner in yesterday's election for Prime Minister.  

Book: Eliyahu's Branches by Chaim Freedman

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