
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jerusalem Declared City of David Second Time in History

Nadene Goldfoot                                                    

On December 6, 2018, Jerusalem was again formally declared the city of David by the USA by recognizing Jerusalem  as the city created by the House of David, Israel's 2nd King.  Washington's President Donald Trump had taken the plunge and recognized this fought over ancient city as Israel's capital.  The expectation was that there would be a hysterical panic of many watching countries who will threaten this decision.  
Judeans being taken away to Babylon 

Jews have been waiting for 26 centuries as biblical exiles who vowed by the rivers of Babylon when they were forced to march there by Nebuchadnezzar b: 605-d: 562 BCE who had attacked Jud
ah and taken away 8,000 of the aristocracy population as captives. and resettled them in Babylonian 597 BCE. 

"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat and also wept when we remembered Zion(Jerusalem).  On the willows within it we hung our lyres.  For there our captors requested words of song from us, with our lyres playing joyous music.  "Sing for us from Zion's song!"  How can we sing the song of HASHEM upon the alien's soil?"  If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill.  Let my tongue adhere to my palate.  If I fail to recall you, if I fail to elevate Jerusalem above my foremost joy.  Remember, HASHEM, for the offspring of Edom, the day of Jerusalem:  for those who say, "DESTROY!  DESTROY!  TO ITS VERY FOUNDATION.  "O VIOLATED DAUGHTER OF BABYLON, PRAISEWORTHY IS HE WHO REPAYS YOU IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANNER THAT YOU TREATED US.  PRAISWORTHY IS HE WHO WILL CLUTCH AND DASH YOUR INFANTS AGAINST THE ROCK.  

"One of the jobs of the Levites was to sing songs in the Temple. Travelers arriving in Jerusalem could hear their haunting and inspiring voices from miles away as they approached the Holy City. Their renown was far and wide – so much so that when they arrived as exiles in Babylon, the Babylonians ask them to, “Sing for us the songs of Zion.”  Only they were being cruel about it.  They were rubbing in the fact that they were captives no longer able to do so.  

The chapter in Psalms does not tell us the fate of the Jews who gave that answer. One traditional source says that Nebuchadnezzar killed 80,000 Jews. His response to their refusal to sing was a massacre.  

We were taught from this that no matter what the occasion of personal joy, the memory of Jerusalem must come first.  From this verse stems the custom that a bridegroom places ashes on his head before the marriage ceremony and the custom that a glass is broken after the ceremony in memory of Jerusalem. 
Babylonian Court-200,000 people
one begging for mercy

That's what heads of state did in those days to change people's cultures and religions.  Then in 586 BCE they invaded Judah again, captured the whole city and destroyed their Holy Temple, laying waste other cities and exiling masses of the population.  The king, Zedekiah,  was a nominee of Nebuchadnezzar himself but even he had  rebelled.  For doing that, he was taken to Riblah where he was slain."  It sounds to me like the Babylonians had treated infants like the Nazis did during the Holocaust by bashing the babies against rocks to kill them off, because this is mentioned in Psalms and the comment was that they were treated like this so they should be treated in the same way.  It's the lesson of not treating others in a manner you wouldn't want to be treated-referred in later days by Hillel as THE GOLDEN RULE.  
Judeans returning to Jerusalem from Babylon 

Persia overcame the Babylonian Empire, including Palestine.  It was their King Cyrus who decided on an enlightened policy towards his subject peoples and in 538 BCE, granted permission to the exiles of Judah in Babylon to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple.  For this the Jewish exiles regarded  Cyrus as a Divine agent.  
Netanyahu was not afraid of the consequences of this great moment.
There were repercussions, but not as terrifying nor as monumental a decision
it was to tell the world that this was Israel's capital, and it became ONE!
No more a divided city.  The Palestinian Arabs in the eastern section would be
treated as the rest of the city.  Jerusalem, a city bearing many names; Zion,
City of David, City of Righteousness, the Faithful City, the City of G-d, The Holy City, City of Truth, Ariel...It has much to look up to.  Trump continued to keep
another promise and that was to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

 The United States Embassy officially relocated to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018, to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence.
The reaction came from the United Nations who are never in tune with Israel.  Within 10 days the 15 members of their Security Council were handed a draft resolution that denied the declarations legal consequences and told Washington to rescind its move.  As if that weren't enough of their blowing a dissonance sound against Israel, the UN General Assembly's condemnation of this move  had a vote of 128- 9 with 29 abstentions and 21 absentees.  That means 50 in all were too frightened to join Trump in this declaration and hid behind this veil.  They threw in that making any decisions were null and void and must be rescinded.  

Trump could trump this with Nicki Haley, the UN Ambassador who vetoed the Egyptian- drafted resolution on December 18, 2018,  and added that Washington saw in it "AN INSULT THAT WON'T BE FORGOTTEN!"  Now the UN is not a police force.  They can admonish but have no legal power.  
Jerusalem's history is documented to the hilt in the Torah.  It continued to be documented in the following books that make up the set of the Tanakh or (Old Testament/Bible to English speakers.  The most read book in the world is THE BIBLE.  The name, JERUSALEM, is in the Tanakh 660 times.  It is in the New Testament 146 times.                               

                                                   עיר דוד
"City of David. Second Samuel recounts David's conquest of Jebus, exploiting the secret watershaft from the spring Gihon outside the city wall to its exit within the city. From that time on David "took up residence in the fortress, and called it the City of David"5:9 ).His subsequent construction of a palace made Jerusalem a royal city. His decision to rule from Jerusalem elevated a city, poorly situated for either trade or military activity, to capital status. The politically neutral city, belonging to neither the northern nor southern tribes, also became his personal property."

Resource: magazine: The Jerusalem Report, January 8, 2018, O JERUSALEM!
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
Tanakh The Stone Edition  : Psalms 137

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