
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Maps Showing Facts about Israel, Judea, Samaria

Nadene Goldfoot

Patrol near Jenin in Samaria (Biblical days was El Gannim),  a center of Arab nationalist fanaticism in 1930s, part of Jordan 1948-1967,
8,346 population in 1967;  apart from 5,019 Arab refugees in the vicinity.  Palestinian-Arab
populated town.  Jordan had taken land through King Abdullah-with Britain.  Great grandfather of today's present king.  

IDF soldiers were attacked while on patrol in the early hours of Monday in Judea and Samaria in 2018.One of the attacks took place near the Palestinian Authority town of Jenin, where Arab terrorists hurled a bomb at an IDF patrol.
12 Tribes of Israel from 1200 to 1030 BCE
as divided by Moses and Joshua 
c1030 BCE -1010 BCE  King Saul:  1st king of Israel, people are the Israelites
Kings Saul and David's Israel 
Ruling from:  1010 BCE-970 BCE King David 2nd king of Israel, people are the Israelites

 961 BCE-920 BCE  Solomon, David's son, 3rd king of Israel, people are the Israelites                                   

                            Israel and her neighbors                          
After Solomon died in 920 BCE
what King Rehoboan of Judah and King Jeroboam of Israel
were facing.  Aram is today's Syria.
933 BCE-912 BCE  Jeroboam,  an Ephriamite, former superintendent of forced labor for Solomon,  1st  king of the ceded  Israel with 1st capital in Shechem, , then Penuel in Transjordan, then Tirrah. finally in Samaria  as city of Samaria became its capital by 890 BCE) , keeping tax schedule of Solomon, caused rift with northern Israel's 10 of 12 tribes making up Israel, causing their ceding from the union led by tribe of Ephraim. 

928 BCE Egypt attacks Israel and ravages 60 towns in Israel.   
Sets up shrines at Bethel and Dan for cult centering around golden calves.  Leaving Mosaic teachings.  Trying to combat influence of the Jerusalem Temple with own shrines. 
                                                        Now the southern part of  Israel is made up of Judah and most of Benjamin and some of Simeon, named for southern tribe Judah.  

933 BCE-917 BCE King Rehoboam, son of Solomon. 1st  king of what is now called Judah, 
                                                730-721 BCE Israel (Samaria)'s 19th and last king was  Hoshea 

597 BCE- 586 BCE  Judah's 20th and last king was Zedekiah

Israel lived as a nation with a king from  1030 to 721 BCE;  319 years.
Judah lived as a nation with a king from 1030 to 586 BCE;  444 years.

With interruptions of about 3,000  of the most elite Israelis being carried off by the Assyrians (10 Lost Tribes of Israel) ,
and Babylonians  brought in to populate and mix with remaining population, 

and Judah's best  being carried off by the Babylonians but returning 50 years later, and being given a bad time by those not taken away, 

The population of both continued on till 70 CE when Rome burned down Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple that the Babylonian returnees had done reconstruction on.  That's a period of life from 1030 to 70 CE or  1100 years of Jews living in the land.  
1920 during mandate of 30 years of their rule
WWI was over in 1917

May 14, 1948 CE:  Israel is again born from efforts during WWI of Jewish leadership and the Allies of the world with the blessings from the LEAGUE OF NATIONS AND THE UNITED NATIONS.  Announcement comes right after Britain, who held a 30 year mandate, left.  
1922 Land given away to Prince Abdullah of Arabia
by Britain

During that 30 year period, Britain had given away 80% of promised Jewish Homeland to a prince of Saudi Arabia who needed a land to rule.  In that section given away was Judeah and Samaria.  
1949 armistice lines showing Judea
and Samaria take over by Jordan-renamed
West Bank -USA's Obama wanted Israel to go back to 1967
armistice lines-and Netanyahu explained that it would be asking
them to commit suicide-too hard to defend today
Israel is only 8,000 sq miles-can fit into driveway of President
Bush's ranch, he jokingly said.  
Israel had:
The War of Independence: 1947 to 1949
The Sinai War:  1956
Judea and Samaria:  won back by Israel
in 1967 War from Jordan 
The Six Day War :  1967
The War of Attrition:  1968 to 1970
The War on Yom Kippur 1973
The Lebanon War 1982
The Gaza War 2008-2009
Operation Pillar of Defense  2012
Operation Protective Edge 2014

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           Israel does not occupy the land but does have an arrangement to be able to defend themselves.  The PA-Palestine Authority rules Judea and Samaria-poorly-wants Jerusalem but it remains
in Israel's hands as one city-the City of David;  and Gaza is ruled by Hamas terrorists who are living up to the label-they terrorize constantly; from rockets, mortars and missiles to fire bombings.  The two Palestinian groups will not come to any agreements of peace-let alone agree with each other,
except for their agreement after losing the 1967 War of never never never making peace with Israel. 
Palestinians of Judea-Samaria and Gaza, making a government on this one day.
In the center is the leader of Hamas.  
Judaism of Israel-studied and defended
Resource: Facts About Israel,  Ministry for foreign affairs, Jerusalem

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