
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hamas Supporter Helps Ilhan Omar- House Didn't Go Along

Nadene Goldfoot                                     
Hamas admirerer  Nihad Awad is pictured here with Linda Sarsour in the US Capitol building, earlier today. They are on their way to support Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
Update:  3/7/19

House Approves Anti-Semitism Resolution In Wake Of Omar's Comments

When I see a Hamas terrorist supporter in our Government, I get worried.  Right now anti-Semiticism is running rampant in our country and doesn't need anymore help. 

 Nihad Awad was born in Amman New Camp, a Palestinian refugee camp in AmmanJordan. He studied at Second Amman Preparatory School for Boys, located at the camp and belongs to UNRWA, and at Salaheddine High School in Achrafieh in JordanHe works for CAIR, Council on American Islamic Relations.  After studying civil engineering at the University of Minnesota in the 1990s, he worked at the University of Minnesota Medical Center.  This is where he met Ilhan Omar, who's been overtly anti-Semitic ever since she got in office.   
Hamas' latest attacks, burning kites and flying into Israel's fields, forests
Their usual attacks have been rockets, mortars, and missiles
Now they're getting more publicity and citizens injured which gets them
negative publicity against Israel-their goal 
No one complains when the hospital in Israel has had to go
underground with the mortar attacks, but flames
gets the Israel haters all excited.  
After the Gulf War, Awad was Public Relations Director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)".  What do you think a group for Palestine would be aiming for?  Since 1967 when they lost the war with Israel though they had every Muslim state around on their side, they lost, and so they attended a meeting in Khartoum, Africa where they swore to say NO to whatever was offered to them in  the name of PEACE, unless they were given all of Israel.  That's their goal.  

Omar Ahmad 

Nihad Awad

What is CAIR?  In June 1994, IAP President Omar Ahmad and others founded the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Awad was hired as the Executive Director. In a March 1994 speech at Barry University, future CAIR Executive Director Awad said in response to an audience question about the various humanitarian efforts in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, "I am in support of the Hamas movement more than the PLO... there are some [Hamas] radicals, we are not interested in those people." The statement was made before Hamas carried out its first suicide bombing and was designated a terrorist organization by the United States government.

"Omar Ahmad was the founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington D.C. -based Muslim civil rights organization. He also worked for the Islamic Association of Palestine, a precursor to CAIR."  Muslims attended a meeting in Kartoum, Africa in 1967 swearing their 3 NOs to any proposal about peace with Israel, for their goal is to take all of Israel for their Palestine, not just a piece of it like Judea-Samaria.  They want all of Jerusalem.  
Nihad Awad (second from right) stands to President Bush's left, when Bush said "Like the good folks standing with me, the American people were appalled and outraged at last Tuesday's attacks [on Sept. 11, 2001].

A few days after the September 11 attacks in 2001, Awad was one of a select group American Muslim leaders invited by the White House to join President Bush in a press conference condemning the attacks and acts of anti-Muslim intolerance that followed.                 
Muammar Gaddafi

Asked by Awad for a donation
flattering him with compliments on how he solves disputes
He governed Libya as Revolutionary Chairman of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977, and then as the "Brotherly Leader" of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011. He was initially ideologically committed to Arab nationalism and Arab socialism but later ruled according to his own Third International Theory
In April 2011, Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va. cited a 2009 letter sent from Awad, to Muammar Gaddafi asking Gaddafi for funding for a project called the Muslim Peace Foundation at a U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations sub-committee hearing with Robert Mueller.The letter also said, in part, "I am pleased to send to Your Excellency in my name most solemn assurances of thanks and appreciation for the efforts you exert in the service of Islam, Muslims and all mankind through your initiative to teach Islam, spread the culture of Islam, and solve disputes, for which you are known internationally." 
Gaddafi also became a strong supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which ultimately harmed Libya's relations with Egypt when in 1979 Egypt pursued a peace agreement with Israel. As Libya's relations with Egypt worsened, Gaddafi sought closer relations with the Soviet Union. Libya became the first country outside the Soviet bloc to receive the supersonic MiG-25 combat fighters, but Soviet-Libyan relations remained relatively distant. Gaddafi also sought to increase Libyan influence, especially in states with an Islamic population, by calling for the creation of a Saharan Islamic state and supporting anti-government forces in sub-Saharan Africa. From the PLO grew Fatah and Hamas, both terrorists with Hamas the most active and who now rules Gaza while Abbas of Fatah has control over Judea-Samaria in certain areas.  
Steven Emerson criticized the funding request, calling it "hypocritical".

What has CAIR done about Muslim relations with Jews in the USA? 
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) organizes Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) designed to collect and evaluate statistics of offenses committed in the U.S. For 2014, 1,140 victims of anti-religious hate crimes were listed, of which 56.8% were motivated by offenders' anti-Jewish biases. 15,494 law enforcement agencies contributed to the UCR analysis.
On Saturday, October 27, 2018, an antisemitic shooter murdered 11 Jewish people in an attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during Shabbat services. It was the deadliest antisemitic act committed in US history.Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City rose sharply in 2018.
NYPD reported a 75% increase in swastika graffiti between 2016 and 2018, with an uptick observed after the Pittsburgh shooting. Out of 189 hate crimes in New York City in 2018, 150 featured swastikas.  On February 1 2019 graffiti that read "fucking Jews" was found on the wall of a synagogue in LA.

The Kartoum Conference of 1967 "is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three No's": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it..."  This has affected Palestinian attitudes towards Jews who have accepted this 
Update: 7/28//19 David Duke of KKK's comment: Most recently, Duke endorsed anti-Semitic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and called Omar the most important person in Congress. 


1 comment:

  1. from Jack Rosen: The new Resolution on anti-Semitism passed today by the U.S. House of Representatives is a much-needed step, and we are pleased to see that it passed. The text of this Resolution is thorough in addressing the history, range, and insidious nature of anti-Semitism, as well as Islamophobia and other forms of hatred and racism. For these truths to be acknowledged publicly by Congress is necessary and timely.

    We are concerned, however, that this action will not be enough to counter the repeated anti-Semitic comments by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and other members of the House of Representatives. When Rep. Omar alleged that AIPAC was buying support for Israel from Congress, a similar resolution was passed. Not only did Rep. Omar proceed to make further problematic statements, but she also went as far as to use that controversy for her own fundraising. Furthermore, the Resolution fails to mention Omar by name. Now that her anti-Semitic statements have become a pattern, Congress should have the courage to call her out clearly.

    Moving forward, resolutions are not enough to resist the hatred and anti-Semitism bubbling up across American society and in the highest levels of our government.

    Jack Rosen


    American Jewish Congress
