
Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Battle Islam is Fighting

Nadene Goldfoot                                
Afghanistan Jews living in a Muslim Country

Jews turned to Islamic countries when they found that Christian ones had turned against them as strongly as they had when their newly-found religion was in full blossom in about the year 300 when rules came out of a meeting in Constantinople as to how to view Jesus and what to do about the Jewish religion.  This grew into situations like the period of the Crusaders taking Jerusalem away from Muslims who had taken it from the Romans who had taken it from the Jews.  

The Crusaders were slashing away with their swords at Jews as they rode their horses through Europe on the way to the Holy Land and then continued killing both as they could not see or care about their differences.  Both were an abomination to these cocky Crusaders.  It was in 1096 that German Crusade massacres against Jews happened in European towns.  That was followed up with the 1099 Jews of Jerusalem being massacred by the Crusaders who had arrived.  

Then in the late 1300s  when in 1355 there were 12,000 Jews that were massacred by the mob in Toledo, Spain,  and in 1391 the Jews of Spain were forcibly converted to Christianity.    and by 1492, Spain was in full control of attitudes towards Jews by putting out a law that Jews had to leave their country or accept baptism, becoming fully Christianized in the Catholic faith prevailing at the time.  1492 saw the expulsion of 180,000 Jews from Spain with 50,000 converted to Christianity who were allowed to remain in Spain.   Those that could, moved over to Portugal (3) on the map above, but within a year or two, by 1497, faced the same dilemma as they passed the very same laws about Jews, too. 
Jews living in Palestine in the Mt. Zion area before 1948
where Arabs also lived.  The Ottoman Empire had held
the land for 400 years up to 1917 but did not live there;
only taxed the population.  it was a holding of theirs, like stock.
Jews and Arab got along fine, except for the outbursts of Arabs instigated by the Grand Mufti, according to Mimi Padrow of Tel Aviv, whose parents owned a hotel there.  She was my neighbor who arrived in Portland after 1929's riots in Jerusalem by the Mufti's political uprising. Mimi's husband, Matthew,  was a dentist and a druggist. What a husband he was!   It was he who mopped their kitchen floor every week.  Their son, Ben, was a university professor at Portland State U.  I was lucky enough to hear her stories of life in Tel Aviv from about age 5 onwards.  Mat was way ahead of his time as far as treatment of women.  Mimi didn't work outside the home, either.  
Aleppo, Syrian Jews
The city has collapsed since the Jews left, rescued from
cruel treatment by the Syrian officials.  
 Jews everywhere found themselves seeking new lands to live in but if they couldn't face the unknown seas, would wind up converting, and becoming the anusim we find today, people who regaining their roots in Judaism once again.  The Inquisition traced down people who had been Jews and had converted, only to continue some form of Jewish practice, and would torture them, even burn them at the stake to get confessions leading to an inevitable death as it was, anyway.  Those who even made it to Mexico were known to be hunted by the Inquisition.                                          
Bagdadi Jews of India,
Many have made aliyah to Israel.  
This is why so many were able to move to Islamic lands and find solace in living as 2nd class citizens, paying taxes others didn't have to for being of a different religion.  Sometimes a few were even able to enter into the leadership of the lands with the Muslims.  The name for the Jewish people's class distinction were the Dhimmis.               Definition of dhimmi
a person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who was accorded a protected status and allowed to retain his or her original faith.  
The word literally means "protected person",[3] referring to the state's obligation under sharia to protect the individual's life, property, and freedom of religion, in exchange for loyalty to the state and payment of the jizya tax, which complemented the zakat, or alms, paid by the Muslim subjects.[4] Dhimmis were exempt from certain duties assigned specifically to Muslims, and did not enjoy certain privileges and freedoms reserved for Muslims, but were otherwise equal under the laws of property, contract, and obligation.  
Moroccan Jews
Jews didn't have is as easy and rosy as it sounds, but even so, it was much better than living in Poland or Lithuania where pogroms were going on constantly against Jews.  Yes, there were even a few happening in the Middle East against the Jews there too, but not as frequently.  
Emir Feisal on the right in a meeting about
the creation of Israel that he was for until
the Grand Mufti enraged the people of Palestine so much
and the British and French went against their promise to Feisal.  

Today, all this protection for Jews is gone.  It left when Israel was declared a state again, even though one of the greatest Muslim leaders of the day, Emir Feisal, was for the creation of Israel.  He had met with the leaders of the Jewish team many a time, and he himself became king of Iraq and Syria at different periods.  His nemesis was the Palestinian Haj Amin al- Husseini, the Sharif of Jerusalem, who also went by the title of the Grand Mufti.  This is a man who didn't want to lose his position and feared he would with the influx of Jews entering the land.  He was a big fish in a little pond with a small mind full of jealousy.  

That was Islam then, kinder than early Christianity.  What has happened to it today with Salafists and ISIS emerging within their own people, acting not only against other religious groups, but their own people because they aren't towing the mark as these radical groups interpret their islamic religion?  


Morsi of Egypt: , was head of the Muslim Brotherhood:   "As 5th president of Egypt for a short while, Morsi issued a temporary constitutional declaration in late November that in effect granted him unlimited powers and the power to legislate without judicial oversight or review of his acts as a pre-emptive move against the expected dissolution of the second constituent assembly by the Mubarak-era judges." "Mohamed Morsi is an Egyptian politician,  President of Egypt, from 30 June 2012 to 3 July 2013, when General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi removed Morsi from office in the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état after the June 2013 Egyptian protests.

Hillary and Morsi
Obama backed Morsi in this episode

"Morsi's government condemned the Israeli Operation Pillar of Defense and called for a ceasefire. Morsi sent Prime Minister Hesham Qandil to Gaza to express solidarity with Gaza and Hamas, a stark contrast to Hosni Mubarak's treatment of Hamas as an enemy in the 2008–09 Gaza War. Egypt, along with the United States mediated the ceasefire with Hamas and Israel. "

" Morsi had declared "The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine. There is no place for them on the land of Palestine. What they took before 1947–48 constitutes plunder, and what they are doing now is a continuation of this plundering. By no means do we recognize their Green Line. The land of Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, not to the Zionists." In September 2010, calling the Israelis "blood-suckers", "warmongers" and "descendants of apes and pigs", Morsi said "These futile [Israeli-Palestinian] negotiations are a waste of time and opportunities. The Zionists buy time and gain more opportunities, as the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the Muslims lose time and opportunities, and they get nothing out of it. We can see how this dream has dissipated. This dream has always been an illusion... This [Palestinian] Authority was created by the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people and its interests." White House spokesman Jay Carney tried to downplay Morsi's remarks, saying that U.S. policy is focused on actions, not words. Morsi later contended that his remarks were "taken out of context", and his exchange with a delegation headed by John McCain was made public:"  No, he was caught telling how the Muslim Brotherhood viewed Israel, that's all.  

The Muslim Brotherhood was viewed as " The organization that gained supporters throughout the Arab world and influenced other Islamist groups such as Hamas with its "model of political activism combined with Islamic charity work", and in 2012 sponsored the elected political party in Egypt after the January Revolution in 2011. However, it faced periodic government crackdowns for alleged terrorist activities, and as of 2015 is considered a terrorist organization by the governments of Bahrain, Egypt, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates."  
During this period Obama was president and did not see it as a terrorist
 organization while those Middle Eastern States affected by it did.   
al Qaeda's Bin Laden
The group is gaining strength again.  
Al Qaeda, and Islamist groups nurtured by ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence, Afghan rebels through Pakistan's main spy  agency), have turned on their own Pakistani state.  They had been subcontracted for aid by America's CIA.  In 1989  the service was a strong force in Pakistan.  It is said that they manipulated politics for the army and promoted armed groups of Islamists, including Arab volunteers.   They have used suicide bombings that have taken over 600 lives in 2007.  "In their capital, their armed revolutionaries threatened the government and carried out vigilante assaults to enforce religious morals. "  When a people resort to killing their kinfolk to force them into being moral according to their wishes, something definitely is wrong.   Think of it.  To kill someone for killing someone.  Well, we actually use that as part of our court system, don't we?  We're getting away from it, though, seeing how silly it is, and saving the death penalty for atrocious multiple killings.  That's how Israel has viewed it, not using the death penalty at all except for a few rare exceptions.  

Taliban are another group.  Pervez Musharraf,  a Pakistani politician and retired four-star army general who was the 10th President of Pakistan from 2001 until tendering his resignation, to avoid impeachment, in 2008, was also called the Former dictator and 10th President of Pakistan. 
Taliban fighter

"He had drawn a line between Pakistani policy toward the Taliban before 2001 and today and said that Pakistan no longer sees the Taliban as representing Pashtuns."  Pashtuns are a 50 million population group who follow their own laws of Pashtunwali first, Islam 2nd, in Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of India.  Many are found to be descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, some of the 10 tribes that were taken away from Israel by the invasion of Assyrians in 722-721 BCE.  They are amazing fighters who had taken on the Russian invasion and have evidently won. We have found that many families still have ancient practices of Judaism from that period of time, that have identified them as such.  They also have the history of their origins, many claiming to have come from Israel's first king, Saul, and Joseph's line.  
Taliban fighters-Afghanistan, Pakistan

 Many have become the Taliban, unfortunately, and have attacked their own people.  What does the Taliban offer to them that Islam hasn't, we ask?  "The Taliban is an ultra-conservative religious and political militant organization that attempts to enforce Sharia law and Islamic government throughout the Middle East and in other lands. The group is known to excommunicate or kill those who do not follow their radical interpretation of Islamic beliefs."  Again, this the belief that it is okay to force people to follow your morality and punish those who disagree with death.  We who follow the Mosaic teachings know that killing is a sin, but we don't kill someone for it. We hold a jury hearing and if found guilty, they are in prison.  One has no chance at all with the Taliban position.

"The Taliban is a religious dictatorship. Those under Taliban rule are not free to practice their own religion, nor can they criticize the regime’s governing policies. The Taliban applies a severe interpretation of Islam and the Koran; the group believes that Islamic law must be strictly followed." 

Salafist islam. is a movement of going back to the original practices of Mohammad (570-632).  The Salafi movement, also called Salafist movementSalafiya, and Salafism, is a reform branch or revivalist movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Egypt in the late 19th century as a response to Western European imperialism, with roots in the 18th-century Wahhabi movement that originated in the Najd region of modern day Saudi Arabia. It advocated a return to the traditions of the salaf, the first three generations of Muslims, which include the generations of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and his companions (the Sahabah), their successors (the Tabi‘un), and the successors of the successors (the Taba Tabi‘in)." If you remember your history of the Middle East, they proselytized by the sword and took parts of Europe.  They seem to be the instigators of creating ISIS.  

"In the 1990s, extremist jihadists of the al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya were active in the attacks on police, government officials and tourists in Egypt, and Armed Islamic Group of Algeria was a principal group in the Algerian Civil War.The most famous jihadist-Salafist attack is the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States by al-Qaeda.While Salafism had next-to-no presence in Europe in the 1980s, Salafist jihadists had by the mid-2000s acquired "a burgeoning presence in Europe, having attempted more than 30 terrorist attacks among E.U. countries since 2001."[ While many see the influence and activities of Salafi jihadists as in decline after 2000 (at least in the United States), others see the movement as growing, in the wake of the Arab Spring and the breakdown of state control in Libya and Syria."
ISIS:  Stands for "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Salafi jihadist is a  militant group that follows a fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. They also are following the old ways of conversion with the sword and cutting off heads of people that don't give into their demands or moralistic behavior.  If you want to become as immoral as this group and be dead yourself to any moralistic virtues, you would join this group.  They have ruined the name of Islam.  

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, officially known as the Islamic State and by its Arabic language acronym Daesh, is a Salafi jihadist militant group.
Manassah dancing in Israel
Happy to return
Further afield, in northeast India, the Kuki-Chin-Mizo Jews claim descent from Manasseh, and call themselves Bnei Menashe; in 2005 Shlomo AmarSephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, announced that he regarded this claim to be true, which under the Law of Return allows them to emigrate to Israel, as long as they formally convert to Judaism in accordance with halachic standards.
Judaism took place with Moses around 1311 BCE, and Christianity started in about the year 37.  Islam started before Mohammad died in 632.  Both newer religions borrowed much from its parent religion, Judaism.  Pashtunwali has much of Judaism's teachings in it that I have already just had a brief encounter with.  The new religions are having one heck of a time serving the huge multitudes they are addressing and getting them to adhere to some basic principals of civilization, like the 10 Commandments. 

 We're all forgetting to address these important issues in our wrestling with problems like survival in our different economies and cultures.  There are some things that may be old, but have survived the years in serving mankind well.  Dig them out, dust them off, and start being more civilized.  

Resource:  Facts about Israel, Division of Information, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem, publishers
Book: DIRECTORATE S, by Steve Coll, p. 281, with info about Ben Padrow and family

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