
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bias Coloring Conclusions

Nadene Goldfoot                                 

People are thinking according to their bias of which they bend in one direction lately-at least politically they have been.  They haven't been able to shake their bias in making honest or clear decisions about people.  

Take a situation that Dianne Feinstein was in way back in 2013;  6 years ago.  Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein (; born Dianne Emiel Goldman, daughter of Leon Goldman, June 22, 1933) is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from California since 1992.  She's a year older than me, so I'm surprised to see she's still active in the Senate.  I'll give her that much.  Where does her energy come from!   At the age of 85, Feinstein is the oldest sitting U.S. Senator.  I might even be related to her!  

Being she's in the Senate and in a very important role at that, she has a chauffeur to drive her around.  I'd want one, too, seeing what Washington DC traffic is like.  My daughter lives within driving distance, and I saw the traffic.  Horrible!  She's majestic, tall at 5'10", slender , said to be worth $80 million and still controls her Democrats.   Her 347-page financial-disclosure statement – characterized by the San Francisco Chronicle as "nearly the size of a phone book" – draws clear lines between her assets and those of her husband, with many of her assets in blind trusts.  In the 2012 election, she received 7.75 million votes--the most popular votes in any U.S. Senate election in history.  I also might point out that California has a huge population of 38.02 million.  By comparison, her neighbor, Oregon, had only 3.894 million.  

Her driver was Chinese.  He is a part of her staff.  Actually, he was in a perfect position to be a spy.  Why?  According to Newt Gingrich, the drivers in congressional offices have almost complete access to their members' schedules.  They know who you are meeting with, and when you are meeting them, and sometimes even have a notion of what the meeting is all about.  

That's not all. In this case, he could hear every conversation Dianne had when she was in the car from when she got in till her exit at her destination.  It can be a phone call or a conversation with others who may be riding with Dianne.  He had access of anything Dianne left in the car for safe-keeping, like her briefcases, notes, laptop, iPads, cell phones, or even too large a purse.  

Being he was part of the staff, he would then have had access to the rest of the staff members.  Think: parties, meetings, etc.  "The amount of intelligence a spy embedded in a congressional office could ascertain from simply attending a staff happy house is astounding."  Hasn't anyone ever read  any of Daniel Silva's spy books?  His first book, out in 1996, was THE UNLIKELY SPY.  
Mayor of San Francisco-1978-1988

Finally, FBI officials told Feinstein in 2013 that her Chinese chauffeur had been covertly sharing information with the San Francisco Chinese consulate.  Ironically, Feinstein had helped open this building when she was the mayor of that important city.  This has been going on for almost 10 years now.  In fact, the FBI told her that it was her driver and her San Francisco office director of 20 years that had been spying for the Chinese government! 

 He was a mole.  Feinstein "was serving as chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time, had access to classified intelligence that would be extremely valuable to the Chinese government".

What did Feinstein do?  She let the chauffeur retire.  She didn't bring any charges of espionage or acting as an unregistered foreign agent against him or anyone.  Nothing happened to him;  he wasn't put in solitary confinement or threatened with prosecution unless he cooperated with special investigators like the FBI.  As it concluded, it was American taxpayers who paid for this spy's retirement.  We're sure the Chinese government was most grateful for the outcome.   She said that this staffer was of no importance.  She said he didn't know anything.  She said he posed no threat to the USA national security.  So she did all the vetting?  The fact is that he was of no consequence to HER.  She was taking him and his position for granted.  
Married in 1980

Somehow, Dianne Feinstein has been widely-regarded as a "CHINA DOVE" in the Senate.  Maybe it's because her husband, Richard C. Blum,  made $millions of dollars in Chinese business dealings while she has served as a top Democrat in intelligence, energy and foreign affairs. He also had holdings in major stock companies.                                         
 He's not alone.  One of my friends of a few years ago also traveled to China and had business dealings there, making a living.  I don't know if it was a killing, but he was doing okay.  My niece just spent a year in China doing some sort of student teaching in primary grades and had the opportunity to travel all over and send back gorgeous pictures of China.  The pictures were absolutely fantastic.  I had no idea that China was so very beautiful.  However, as I see it, and knowing how husbands can color your outlook about things, Dianne held a strong bias of favoritism towards China, seeing that's where her bread and butter was coming from.  She was not about to stir the pot, but with a little effort, calmed the facts down so much that she buried them.  

Look at how the media handled all this.  Quietly.  This discovery of a spy in her house wasn't reported by any media for 5 whole years.  The FBI didn't even leak it.  When this security breach was reported about, it was only mentioned in passing by POLITICO MAGAZINE in a story about Chinese espionage going on in Silicon Valley-but just broadly.  When this story did come out, the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE reported it but as a local story, so it was ignored by the rest of the "establishment media."  What, this paper didn't know how to break into the main hub of news?  
A businessman who had Democrat friends once,
talented in making deals
who became Republican to run for President

Then look at what happened to people whose bias were slanted in favor of President Trump who really had upset the usual applecart.  It's as if he were from outer space, certainly not a member of the club.  He isn't a member of the IN group, like Dianne Feinstein.  So his friends get different treatment.  The Democrats have been so put out that  a  gang made up of a few Obama era FBI officials decided to investigate President Trump as a traitor because he fired their friend, Jim Comey who was the head of the FBI in May 2017, only several months after being in office.  This act brought about more hostility towards Trump from the fields of the media and the establishment.  
In their search for evidence, the Clinton campaign and the Democrat Party together paid for oppositional research where they created some false evidence and then introduced it as real evidence.  It was called "the dossier".  "The dossier, which was also funded by Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party, was used as evidence in the FBI’s warrant to secretly surveil Trump campaign associate Carter Page for more than a year. "  It wasn't vetted as it should have been  but got passed as the real stuff, proven false much later.  It was almost like an inquisition against Trump  and was an extra piece to use in the counterintelligence investigation over their accusation of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia.  What this has been is the FBI's multi-layered attack on president Trump from day 1 in office to this day without any let-up.  They have threatened all sorts of people who have known Trump or had anything to do with him. 
A president who is very close to his own family

 No collusion with Russia has been turned up after 2 years now.  They continue to hope to find something.  His sons have not even escaped the tendrils of this group search.  Evidence of their toughness towards his friends have come and gone like my grocery lists.  They're read and then tossed away as yesterday's news.  

Here's where Feinstein again enters the  picture.  "In her capacity as a ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Feinstein unilaterally released testimony from Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson to the public earlier this year, violating committee precedent. When she released these records, she failed to disclose that one of her former staffers, Daniel Jones, had hired Fusion GPS and ex-British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Donald Trump after the 2016 election." (  

Evidently Trump has twittered about this spy story, rubbing it in as it is a flaw against Feinstein in that it hasn't received any news, so that the major news like Wall Street Journal has ignored it.                                 

This is bias.  Dianne was treated as a diamond ring, and Trump is treated as a lump of coal.  It's all where the power lies but has nothing to do with real facts.  Bias-prejudice-application of negative or positive attitude.  I have found another feature of bias.  It is something that is catching.  Others quickly catch it and go with the flow.  It prevents individual thinking processes.  It shows up strongly on social media with the snarly pictures shown by Trump haters.  Those that escape it are true individuals with very strong minds.  Somehow, they've received a vaccine for the prevention of it.  
What drove the Democrats out of the UN when Netanyahu
spoke about the nuclear capabilities coming from Iran
and their intention to destroy the USA and Israel?  Bias!

The same thing is happening towards Israel.  Bias continues from very old anti-Semitic viewpoints held by the masses.  Jews have been used as scapegoats for many religions because they have not bent towards conversion, happy with their own religion.  Bias against Jews colors attitude towards Israel being it is the only Jewish country in the world created for Jews who had lost their country to the Romans 2000 years ago.  Bias colors their attitude in saying that just because they are against Israel and are using BDS against them doesn't mean they are anti-Semitic, and I tell them that they are.  That's anti-Semitism. 

 Israel is super-careful in not doing things that would cause hatred against them being their behaviors are dictated by their religion in the first place.  Not only do the rabbis check to make sure everything is done in a kosher manner, but the citizens of Israel are also all very individualistic and strong minded, all 6 million Jews and 1.7 million Arabs, and they make sure their military is as careful and goes the extra mile all the time usually putting themselves in harm's way first.  If Trump ever feels the hatred of many, one should understand what Jews have felt, as they have in many European countries, and now in Israel, which makes them very aware of their behaviors.  What breaks my heart is that so many American Jews are Democrats, the very ones backing a group that walked out on Netanyahu's speech to have lunch so very full of bias that they feed upon.

In conclusion, almost everyone holds biases about someone or something.  The important thing to remember is that when you are reading something, and it is against someone or thing, think and remember this and ask yourself, is the writer biased? It's been happening so much lately.  We have to draw conclusions from facts we find, and want to make the right decisions.    

Resource:  Newt Gingrich

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