
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Safety of Israel Is Thermometer of World's Bent For War

Nadene Goldfoot
This was Israel 2007-population density
The south is a desert-the Negev.
The north is Lebanon and Syria
The east is Judea/Samaria and Jordan
The west is the tiny liveable strip -Israel
and the Mediterranean Sea
It's the last day of January 2019 and we live in a futuristic world making so much so easy.  How is that affecting the mental state of the people who live in this world?  Is it all love and kindness? 

Spoken about as the center of the world for centuries, the hub of trade routes, is the renewed state of Israel.  She is still having problems being accepted by others as "not one of them."  You'd think she came from outer space!  Her neighbors are not friendly.  They state they are enemies, and indeed, they are!
Syrian rockets 
To Israel's east, Iran is a huge state, long ago the empire of Persia who has not let go it's empire-building dreams.  They have shoveled  billions of dollars to the terrorist group of HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH who are in Lebanon and Syria .  In early January, Iranian forces fired 20 or more rockets at Israel from Syria which was an attack on Israel.  Syria has had rockets aimed at Israel for years, not firing them until now.  
Iran has already spent much time threatening Israel, calling her every dirty name they could think of.  Ahmadinejad, now retired from his up front position as president,  made the threats. He was sort of their leader, the loud mouth one.  In reality, it's the Ayatollas who pull the strings in this country.  
David's Sling
Israel's Defense System

 To the north, Israel had to "deploy its U.S. made Patriot anti-missile system this year to intercept 2 Syrian drones and a Syrian fighter jet that crossed into Israel airspace."  Then Israel used its  DAVID'S SLING missile defense system 
to confront 2 ballistic missiles from Syria.  This was the first time Israel had to use DAVID'S SLING in combat.  It can shoot down medium range missiles.  
Rockets from Gaza aiming for Israel
Rockets from Gaza

In Israel's south, Gaza is full of terrorists that are mostly Hamas followers since they voted in their own political party.  They have not only flown kites with fire, causing forests and fields of wheat to burn up, but never did stop firing rockets and mortars into Israel towns where civilians live.  Israel was hit with 2 different attacks this past summer of 2018 lasting 48 hours each with 200 rockets each time.  Israel's IRON DOME MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM shot down over 50 rockets before they struck  populated neighborhoods.   

At the UNITED NATIONS (UN) the UN Human Rights Council is promoting the BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL and 22 law-abiding American companies because they do business with Israel.  This is their form of missiles and rockets, ammunition to destroy Israel.  It is the UN, who on May 14, 1948 voted to accept Israel as a state among world nations.  They now side with the ANTI-SEMITES.    This pretty much divides the world into 2 camps; the USA and Israel, and the rest.  It is who IRAN calls the big Satan and the little Satan, the USA and Israel.  And not too long ago it was Iran who was the USA's friend, until the Ayatollahs came along.  The UN has turned out to be a travesty for Israel, turning against her without any defense because new accepted states view her as something to get rid of.  Politics rule with mankind over and over instead of justice.  Mankind continues to be weak, as weak as they were in Sodom and Gomorrah's day.  

At any moment, attacks can strike by land, sea, air or even below ground against Israel.  How, you ask, do the people manage life? They must.  There is no other choice.  They do.  They enjoy every day and plan for their future.  With such a small state, women also are part of the IDF, unlike other countries.  People should realize that after the WWII Holocaust, Jews are not about to be slaughtered again.  They are about LIFE and LIFE for everyone.  

 In Oregon, some people are walking around fearful of the big earthquake science has predicted to happen within anytime.  They live with this knowledge and pass it onto their parents.  New York knows that terrorists can hit in many ways and have already in their fateful 9/11.  Now our Congress in the USA is being invaded by Israel-haters as well as the UN has been.   
The original David and his sling when he took down Goliath, the Giant.

I'm waiting for Israel to invent the sling that will catch and return in kind.  Throw it back to them.  But then, we do live under the command of DON'T DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU DON'T WANT OTHERS TO DO UNTO YOU. What Israel brings to the world, besides the Torah and the world's whole OLD Testament, is ways of continuing to live in the fields of medicine and other scientific findings.  For this, the neighbors have been taught to hate them?  To rub them out?   Strange people in this world.  Strangest in the UN today.  

Resource:  American Israel Public Affairs Committee update

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