
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Osama bin Lauden's al Qaeda and the Jews

Nadene Goldfoot
Back when Russia had invaded Afghanistan in 1988, when I had been back in the USA for 3 years already after living in Israel for over 5 years, a very tall 6'5" Saudi Arabian, 1957 born,  by the name of Osama bin Laden and a few of his
friends founded their group called al Qaeda, or THE BASE/ THE FOUNDATION/THE DATABASE.  It was a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization.

They became a network of extremists such as Salafist jihadists.  Salafists are:
"A school of Sunni Islam that condemns theological innova-
tion and advocates strict adherence to shari'a and to the soc-
ial   structures existing in the earliest days of Islam."

They are listed as a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the EU, the USA, the UK, Russia, India and many other countries as well.  What they do best is attack people.

Al-Qaeda has attacked targets in many countries which include the USA embassy bombing, September 11th attacks in New York City, and  2002 Bali bombings.  
Twin Towers hit

They had planned and executed this killing in New York by learning to fly a plane and ramming 2 of them into 2 high rise buildings, causing their destruction and that of the occupants.  Another plane was high-jacked with the American occupants taking over and causing the plane to crash with far less damage other than their own lives which they realized were not going to last in this plot.  Lives were saved in that one.  
The USA responded to their 3,000 some deaths with "THE WAR ON TERROR.'  Osama was finally shot by USA Navy Seals in 2011.  He was 3 years younger than my daughter.   

Among the many hateful and confusing beliefs al-Qaeda members hold is the conviction that a Christian-Jewish alliance is conspiring to destroy Islam.  They have something like a persecution complex.  It couldn't be because they are so cruel to everyone, could it be?  Maybe they have a pang of guilt?  Do they feel they cannot compete in this religious race to claim the best title?  

As Salfist jihadists, members of al-Qaeda believe that the killing of non-combatists is religiously sanctioned.  In their world, it's okay to kill the unarmed.  Not even a shoot-out, cowboy style.  
Al Qaeda Terrorists

They are ignoring the aspects of religious scripture which forbids the murder of non-combatants and internecine fighting (someone marked by slaughter) that you find in other religions.  Now I can think of occasions, where even the best of countries have used this way, such as going after Hitler's henchmen or punishing the people who slaughtered our Israeli athletes in the Olympics.  
Covering their faces, knowing what they do is unacceptable by others

Al-Qaeda is a different group from others in that they also oppose what they regard as man-made laws.  This would be any law not created in their book of Islam according to Salafists.  A country's law is ignored.  They intend to replace all of "man-made" laws with a strict form of sharia law.  
While USA fights ISIS, Al-Qaeda has been growing again

With a philosophy like this, they haven't gotten along with other Muslims, either.  They are responsible for instigating sectarian violence among their own Muslim people.  They regard the liberal Muslims such as Shias, Sufis and other sects as heretics.  At the same time, there is a big difference of opinions between the Sunni and the Shias that had led to the war between Iraq and Iran with Iran being the Shias who are led by the Ayatollas, a group even stricter than Sunnis.  Al-Qaeda have attacked their fellow Muslims in their mosques and gathering without batting an eye.  Examples of this were the sectarian attacks on the Yazidi community bombings, the Sadr City bombings, the Ashoura massacre and the April 2007 Baghdad bombings.  
An offshoot of al-Qaeda is growing in Pakistan again

Unlike Judaism, the difference in Islamists seems to be the level of militarism is involved in their group.  The more religious they are, the more they punish anyone for not complying 100%.  It's their way of life.  
Bin Laden was finally shot by the Navy Seals who landed in Pakistan in 2011, and since then al Qaeda has been led by Egyptian Ayman al Zawahiri.  This belief was not confined to Saudi Arabia, then.  It's a world-wide thought with this 2nd largest religious group in the world.  The radical side of their religion was brought out during the ISLAMIC REVIVAL and the rise of THE ISLAMIST MOVEMENT after the Iranian revolution.  I think I can pin this all on the Ayatollas then.  
Sayyid Qutb Ibrahim Husayn Shadhili was an Egyptian author, educator, Islamic theorist, poet, and a leading member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s and 1960s.  He died in 1966 in Cairo, Egypt.

An author, Sayyid Qutb, may have also inspired the organization of al-Qaeda.  In 1950 and 1960 he preached that because of the lack of Sharia law, the Muslim world was no longer Muslim.  Righteous Muslims were needed to establish true Islamic states with Sharia Law and rid the Muslim world of any non-Muslim influences, like the enemies of Israel which would be WORLD JEWRY.  Remember, they believe were are plotting conspiracies to oppose Islam. 

Sharia is enforced in Muslim-majority nations in a number of ways, including mutaween (police enforcement) and hisbahmutaween (Arabicالمطوعين، مطوعية‎ muṭawwiʿīn, muṭawwiʿiyyah) are the government-authorized or government-recognized religious police (or clerical police) of Saudi Arabia. Elsewhere, enforcement of Islamic values in accordance with sharia is the responsibility of the Polisi Perda Syariah Islam in Aceh province of Indonesia, the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Gaza Strip) in parts of Palestine, and the Basiji Force in Iran."

He did not approve of Western culture, but could not leave that alone.  He was judge and jury against Westerners..  "Regarding the excesses of American culture—vulgarity, materialism and promiscuity—Qutb expressed shock, but it rang a bit hollow. “The American girl is well acquainted with her body’s seductive capacity,” he wrote. “She knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs, sleek legs and she shows all this and does not hide it.” These curvy jezebels pursued boys with “wide, strapping chest[s]” and “ox muscles,” Qutb added with disgust. Yet no matter how lascivious his adjectives, the fastidious, unmarried Egyptian could not convincingly portray the church dances and Look magazines he encountered in sleepy Greeley as constituting a genuine sexual “jungle.”
Taliban terrorists.  Ready to kill fellow Muslims

 Qutb said that many Muslims were not true Muslims but were apostates.  They were the leaders of Muslim countries of which there are 48 Muslim majority countries in the world with the hopeful Palestine being the 49th if they ever stop disagreeing with each other.  They have not done the job of enforcing Sharia Law according to al-Qaeda standards.  Oh yes, he has died by execution.  
Taliban in Pakistan

By the end of 2008, the Taliban was said to have left al-Qaeda, but it can be questioned as there were fewer than 100 members of al-Qaeda remaining in Afghanistan in 2009.  After all, Al-Qaeda had been originally a Pakistan home group.  

Today, according to the Washington Times, "BEIRUT (AP) It only took a few days for al-Qaeda-linked militants to seize more than two dozen towns and villages in northern Syria from rival insurgents earlier this month, cementing their control over an area the size of neighboring Lebanon."  They are in Syria alive and active once again.  This comes at the time when Trump is trying to withdraw its 2,000 American forces from Syria because it's thought that ISIS has been beaten.  Frankly, there is hardly any difference between ISIS and al-Qaeda that I can see.  They are both Salafists, the extreme end of Islam.  This group,  Levant Liberation Committee, is just led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, out to make a name for himself.  This attack should give  "Assad and his allies the justification to assault the province.”  

Bruce Hoffman of " Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies" says, 
ISIS terrorists at some 25,000 to 30,000, and 
Al Qaeda’s at about 30,000. 
Some 40,000 foreign terrorists from 120 countries joined ISIS for the wars in Syria and Iraq, with 
some 15,000  having fled to other countries or returned home. (40,000-15,000=25,000 remaining.) 

Remember, al Qaeda has grown again since bin Laden.

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