
Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Wandering Jew: Story of Forced Migration

Nadene Goldfoot                                              

DNA studies show that my father's line of males being a Y haplogroup of QBZ67 originally came  from Siberia, Mongolia and parts of Turkey 36,000 to 19,000 years ago. They make up 5% of Jews today.   Q's are a line that also became native Americans that entered North America and South America.  Much later our Jewish line had branched off and wound up in Ur, in today's Iraq.  The Q's descended from haplogroup P, a major ancestor of R1a and R1b as well.  So the Ps are a very ancient branch of humans possibly going back 35,000 years ago.   The Qs had quickly split into 2 main branches-the Q1as and the Q1bs.  The major line of Abraham would be the J1 and J2 haplogroup. from which the Cohen line comes from.   " Sustained archaic admixture is known to have taken place both in Africa and (following the recent Out-Of-Africa expansion) in Eurasia, between about 100,000 to 30,000 years ago."  Mankind had been migrating out of Africa in the act of following animals who migrated searching for food.  

"The last glacial period (ICE AGE) ended about 11,500 years ago.
We see  a "rise in population growth in Fertile Crescent, now known as the Middle East, about 10,500 years ago.  Population boom in China around 7500 B.C. and Central America one around 3500 B.C."

It was about 10,000 years ago, man was hunting the mammoths as a homo sapien.   They were hunters, then later became farmers and finally tool makers.  Homo sapiens or humans, are unique because "they have the gifts of language, foresight, mind-reading, intelligence, culture, or morality". 
Assyrian Empire in green 722-721 BCE attacking Israel
taking the 10 tribes away, exiling them to Assyria, Media, and the lands neighboring Aram-Naharaim;  leaving Judah, some of Benjamin and some of Simeon.  Today we are finding many in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, before Babylonia took the land in 597-586 BCE, had been a part of the Assyrian Empire first of 722 BCE which took away 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel in a migration to
Pakistan and Afghanistan among others.  The Babylonians had taken the Judeans to Babylonia in 586 BCE  by Nebuchadnezzar including Persia.
Our first history started in the beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE (over 4,000 years ago)  as a migration of people who were known as the Ivrim from the area of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, people moving westward into the city of Ur of the Chaldees and then into Canaan..  Abraham and his father, Terah, an idol maker,  were a part of this group.  We don't know the cause, but it would have been from many reasons, searching food or leaving an unsustainable environment for many reasons.  Abraham became our Biblical patriarch, father of Isaac through his wife, Sarah and fathered Ishmael by his concubine, Hagar, Sarah's Egyptian maid.  They found they could pitch their tents there among the Canaanite and Philistine people.  He visited Egypt nearby only to return and settle in the city of Hebron.  They had put their belief in many gods, also, who came in the shapes of many different animals.  His nephew, Lot, became embroiled in a battle with the Elamites in Chedorlaomer and Abraham came to his aid.  Then he had to fight Amraphel, king of Shinar and their allies for survival among these feisty peoples.  The people, including Abraham, sacrificed humans.  They believed in multiple gods and felt they needed to appease them constantly.  Abraham was different from other people in his belief in one source, one power, one G-d.  He had visions and saw this G-d who spoke to him.  A godly vision had stopped him from sacrificing his son, Isaac. Abraham must have introduced circumcision to his sons, which is pictured on walls in Egyptian tombs, something he learned while visiting there.  Circumcision is spoken of as the Covenant of Abraham our Father.   He buried his Sarah in a cave of Machpelah which became his family burial place.  He died at age 175.
Abraham ready to sacrifice Isaac but stopped, ending
human sacrifice-2,000 BCE with his followers
   Abraham begot Isaac and Isaac begot Jacob in about 1800 BCE.  He went into Goshen in Egypt with his family of 70 during a time of very arid conditions when food was impossible to procure.  Jacob was a younger twin of Isaac and Rebekah.  He found his 2 wives in Haran, daughters of his Uncle Laban.  He fathered children with them and their 2 handmaidens and had a total of 12 sons and a daughter.    He's buried in the family cave after living for 147 years.  Life expectancy keeps on diminishing until we reach Moses who lived for 120 years.  The descendants of Jacob in Egypt reach the size of a group that frightens the Egyptians and they are taken as slaves to build the cities for food storage.  They are imprisoned from the time of entrance into Egypt until leaving with Moses for 400 years before he returns them to Canaan.  603,550 leave Egypt with Moses and 40 years later have lost 1,820 leaving 601,730 entering Canaan with Joshua.

This family has set the pattern of being monotheistic in a polytheistic world.  We find we have been kept apart from other people by our religion as set down by our singular G-d through Moses, and have managed to have a continuous ascendancy of Jews who have carried on this belief to this date through the newly formed Israel of May 14, 1948 and by about 8 million Jews elsewhere in the world.  Their numbers were cut down by the European Holocaust of WWII from 1939 to 1945 that slaughtered 6 million Jews.
The struggle has been continuous through Greek power and Roman power.                                       
12 tribes of Israel (sons of Jacob)


In 70 CE, Jerusalem fell to the Romans and many Jews were slaughtered or starved to death in the fall.  Others were taken as slaves to Rome.  Some were able to flee to Spain and became the Sephardic Jews.  A few found refuge within settlements in the surrounding lands and became the Mizrachim. However, there were Jews who were able to remain that hadn't been noticed.  There has always remained a Jewish presence.   

By the year 115 CE, Jews were expulsed from Cyprus and had to migrate elsewhere. The Greeks had tried forced conversion and had fighting going on.  It was during the war over the city of Ptolemais  that was between Alexander Jannaeus and Ptolemy IX Lathyros, King of Cyprus, that many Jews were killed. During the war the Jewish citizens remained committed in their allegiance to King Lathyros. "According to an epitome of Dio Cassius written by Xiphilinus the revolting party is said to have massacred 240,000 Cypriot Greeks overall.   Whatever the real figures, the Jewish community was annihilated and in punishment a severe law was enacted, according to which no Jew was allowed to land on Cypriot soil, not even in case of shipwreck.  
        Treatment of Jews living in other lands
13th century German Jews forced to look different

Throughout history, Jews have been massacred for being holdouts to the prevailing religion of the area they lived in.  Jews living in the Byzantine Empire suffered from forced conversion, the Germans massacred them, then the Crusaders who came into Jerusalem massacred them.  Spain's mob in Toledo massacred 12,00 Jews, also forcibly converted Jews to Christianity.  50,000 Jews were converted to Christianity and remained in Spain because of this conversion.  Many became the Marranos, hidden Jews.  100,000 Jews were murdered in the Chmielnicki massacres in Poland.  The entire Jewish community of Meshed, Persia were forcibly converted to Islam.  Jews suffered from anti-Jewish pogroms in towns of Russia.  The Holocaust murdered 6 million Jews by the German Nazis and their European collaborators.  A Jewish community in Baghdad was attacked by mobs killing 180.  Jews were denied the right of national identity in the Soviet Union.  
Jewish immigration out of Europe-1880 to 1924

        Expulsion causing migration

By 1290, Jews were expulsed from England till 1655.  Interesting that Shakespeare never had a chance to know a Jew unless it was a lone doctor who had been allowed to remain for need of his skills as the only reason.  

In 1306 Jews were expulsed from France.
In 1349 Jews were expulsed from Hungary.
In 1421 Jews were expulsed from Austria.  
In 1492 180,000 Jews were expulsed from Spain.  
In 1495 Jews were expelled from Lithuania.  
In 1497 Jews were expulsed from Sicily and Sardinia and Portugal.
In 1502 Jews were expelled from Rhodes and if they didn't leave were forcibly converted or taken into slavery.  
In 1541 Jews were expelled from the Kingdom of Naples (Italy). 
In 1727 to 1747 Jews were expelled from Russia. 
From 1882 to 1890 750,000 Jews living in Russia were forced to move and re-settle in the Pale of Settlement belonging to Catherine the Great.  The Pale was many countries she had taken with Russian power:  Lithuania, Poland Latvia, Ukraine, etc.  These became the shtetles housing the Jews of our literature.  They had been expulsed from Russia.
In 1891 Jews were expelled from Moscow and St. Petersburg.  

1948-2018  Mass expulsions of Jews from Jewish communities in Arab countries assisted by persecution.  
My paternal grandmother, Zlata Jermulowske, was from Lithuania which then was taken by Poland and has the mt Haplogroup of W, who are from the Ural Mountains as shown on the map.     Jewish W made up 3.1% in a test in Poland and 2.7% in Russia and the Ukraine.  
Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia White Russia, Bessarabia, Crimea
instituted by Catherine II in 1791 made up of 25 provinces of Czarist Russia.
MAY LAWS of 1882, Jews excluded from rural areas inside the Pale!
The Pale was ended at end of WWI March 1917. 
Jewish family remaining in Mt. Zion, Palestine in 1800s. 

Jews had to keep wandering from country to country as they were kicked out of one and had to flee to another, which caused a continuous migration from Rome where many were held as slaves into northern Europe  into the Pale of Settlement for one group which became the Ashkenazies.  The other group had migrated into Spain at the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE.  From Spain they were expelled and fled to Portugal where in a few years they also had to flee.  

There was a land of Khazaria open to Jews for a while made up of a king who had converted to Judaism when given a choice between Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  He was on the Silk Road and seemed to make his choice out of needing to keep the peace and keep on trading.  It was later taken over by Russia.  Jews had been one of the first people to work the Silk Road, honing their skills in trading which seems to have been passed down in their genes.  So many of the countries Jews have lived in have denied them the right to other ways of making a living, so loaning money was about the only way left for them, and they learned well.  A few of my ancestors were loaning money to the kings of Europe such as Oppenheimer and Wertheimer.  Often in refusing to pay interest, these same kings had the Jewish financier killed.  

Resource: facts about israel, division of information, ministry for foreign affairs, jerusalem 1973 .
Family Tree DNA
Jesan M. Auel's novels; ie: The Clan of the Cave Bear; The Mammoth Hunters;  -cave man life, migrating character
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (immigration map)
Book:  The Jews of Khazaria 2nd edition, by Kevin Alan Brook

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